Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/515

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FORTY·—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 113. 1871. 481 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Treasury De- For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury, eight thousand paizgedil Secredollars; two assistant secretaries of the treasury, at three thousand t*“`Y·°·°“l“l’““*°v five hundred dollars each; chief clerk, two thousand two hundred dol- °1°rks’&°`; lars, and three hundred dollars additional for acting as superintendent of the building; forty-nine clerks of class four, additional compensation of two hundred dollars to one clerk of class four as disbursing clerk, thirty clerks of class three, twenty-six clerks of class two, twenty-seven clerks of class one; thirty-two female clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; eleven messengers, one assistant messenger, and ten laborers; one clerk of class four and one clerk of class one, to assist the chief in superintending the building; one captain of the watch, one thousand four hundred dollars; one engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars; one machinist and gas·fitter, one thousand two hundred dollars; one storekeeper, one thousand four hundred dollars; sixty watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, and to two of said watchmen, acting .as lieutenants of watchmen, two hundred and eighty dollars in addition; thirty laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; tive firemen, at six hundred dollars each; ninety charwomen, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; in all, three hundred and sixty-one thousand nine hundred dollars. In the construction branch of the treasury: For supervising archi- °f_*¤P°"iSl¤8 tect, three thousand dollars; assistant supervising architect, two thou- Qgigugiglkf sand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; photogra- ° l pher, two thousand five hundred dollars; two assistant photographers, one at one thousand six hundred dollars, and one at one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks of class four, four clerks of class three, three clerks of class one, and one messenger; in all, twenty-seven thousand two hundred and forty dollars. For first comptroller of the treasury, five thousand dollars; chief of1st ¤<>¤¤P· clerk, two thousand dollars; ten clerks of class four, twelve clerks of tr°u°°"&°`° class three, twelve clerks of class two, six clerks of class one; six copy- ists, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger, one assistant messenger, and three laborers ; in all, seventy-seven thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. For second comptroller of the treasury, three thousand dollars; 2d¤¤¤¤P¤<>ll¤¤ chief clerk, two thousand dollars; twelve clerks of class four, twenty &°'* clerks of class three, twenty-eight clerks of class two, twenty-one clerks of class one; twelve copyists, at nine hundred dollars each;- one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; one assistant messenger, at seven hundred and twenty dollars: and two laborers; in all, one hundred and thirty-six thousand eight hundred dollars. _ For commissioner of customs, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, 0,.;‘::t'§;i;l‘%';;'_ two thousand dollars; two clerks of class four, six clerks of class three, ’ " eight clerks of class two, five clerks of class one, one messenger, and one laborer; in all, thirty-six thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. For first auditor of the treasury, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, 1st auditor;.- two thousand dollars; three clerks of class four, ten clerks of class three, ten clerks of class two, thirteen clerks of class one, one messenger, one assistant messenger, and one laborer; in all, fifty-eight thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. _ For second auditor, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thou- 2d ¤¤d¤t°¤'i sand dollars; six clerks of class four, fifty-four clerks of class three, one hundred and nine clerks of class two, one hundred clerks of class one, one messenger, five assistant messengers, and seven laborers; and for additional to disbursing clerk, two hundred dollars; in all, three hundred and eighty-four thousand four hundred and eighty dollars. _ For third auditor, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand 8<1¤¤d¤i°*`· dollars ; fourteen clerks of class four, additional to one clerk of class four VOL. XVI. Pvn.—3l