Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/558

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524 FOBTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 116. 1871. _0rd¤ance ser- the arsenals; of receiving stores and issuing arms and other ordnance “°°· supplies; of police and office duties; of rents, tolls, fuel, and lights; of stationery-and office furniture; of tools and instruments for use; of ublic animals, fora e, and vehicles; incidental ex enses of the ord. P . . . 5 . . .p nance service, including those attending practical trials and tests of ord. nance, small-arms, and other ordnance supplies, two hundred thousand dollars. Metallic am- For manufacturing metallic ammunition for small-arms, one hundred E;}?;;?' thousand dollars. ordnmc, For overhauling, preserving, and cleaning new ordnance stores on sqm l¤ ¤¤*°‘ hand in the arsenals, seventy-tive thousand dollars. °°§éM0", my So; ipa-coast cannon, and carriages for the same, two hundred thounon. san dollars. · For purchase and manufacture of other ordnance stores, to Hll requisition of troops, fifty thousand dollars. orlihgfwtuw For manufacture of arms at the national armory, one hundred and fifty ’ thousand dollars. a Y;9¤id5)¤¢ to Sec. 2. That the President of the United States shall be, and he is cgsqlmssioaits hereby, authorized to nominate, and, by and with the advice and consent of L;lttllXlS; of the Senate, appoint a board of commissioners, to be designated as com· 0,;;:3:22 missioners of claims, to consist of three commissioners, who shall be com- _ missioned for two years, and whose duty it shall be to receive, examine, w?;g;';‘?.;’£l‘gxl anfd consider the _]ustice_and validity of such claims as shall be brought v01_ ,,,.H_ p_ lz_ be ore them, of those citizens who remained loyal adherents to the cause and the government of the United States during the war, for stores or supplies talren or furnished during the rebellion for the use of the army of the United States in States proclmmed as m insurrection against the United States, including the use and loss of vessels or boats while emm?p0nppission· ployed in the military service of the United States. And the said com- Hcd fromsglf misstoners in cons1dering said claims shall be satisfied from the testimony dom, erm by. of witnesses under oath, or from other sufficient evidence,. which shall ac-

113 xsgae M _ company each claim, taken under such rules and regulations as the com-
  • * missronegstmay adopt, of tlelolyalty aud adherence of the claimant to the

cause an e government o the United States before and at the time of thedtaking ?.l‘it;U1‘YllSllll]g of the property for which any claim shall be ina e, ant 0 the quantity quality and value of the ro ert alle ed to tcrepcrtlnh have been taken or furnished, and, the time, place, and uiiuteiial chemomlug mm stances of the talcing or furnishing of the same. And, upon satisfactory evidence of the J-llSi·lf3€ andlvalidity of any claim, the commissioners shall pejemd report their opinion in writing in each case, and shall certify the nature, cmg; gpgé; amount, and value of the property taken, furnished, or used as aforesaid. Bong for wj“_ {\r1<lrelacl1l cfplpikwlnch shall be considered, and rejected as unjust and tion. mvai , sia i cwise be reported, with the reasons therefor- and no deggteirépltgpg claimant shall withdraw any material evidence submitted in siipport of withdrawn. any (jldlma · I i Commission- _ bm. 3. That said commlsstoners shall each take the oath of office prodedb lawtobetk b ll iii ' srstc takeonth. V' Y _ a en yla officers of the United States, and shall dognlsgpupgs gvcecd without delay to dtscharge their duties under this act. The , , ‘. • . r • • PTB8€dBm,__ {Salt cnt the United States shall demgnate in his appointment one of gaeanems. $3* _ wmmlssioners to-be president of the board, and shall be authorized m ggigllbinydvamngy whlpch may- occur, by reason of death or resignation, in mer oaths,&e,; al • an _€·°\<1 00mmlSSl0¤er shall have authority to administer augwhcgqgaépsssons Ouths andvatlirmntions, andlto take the depositions of witnesses in all mat- ., Washington. ters pertaining to their duties. The said commissioners shall meet and quorum, ¤¥`g¤¤\Z€ said board, and hold their sessions at Washington. Two memvglgii- P. 6 bers of the board shall constitute a·quorum for the transaction of business. · and the agreement of two shall decide all questions in controversy. The said commissioners shall. have authority to make and ublish rules for th • • • . P _ , err procedure, not inconsistent with this act, and shall ublish notice of P