Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/680

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646 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Suse. II. Ch. 202. 1870. .. i the Heirs o Gervacio Nolan, @ased to ' J' dy 1, 1870. CHAP. CCh. An Acztfirim ga`ed;'(e,{ril0r_y of Coldrado. i Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Fmt °f.°°*· States of America in Congress assembled, That the grant to Gervacic iialgyliiicigiégw Nolan, late of the valley of Taos, deceased, approved by the surveyor. Gsrvscic Nolan general of New Mexico October eighth, eighteen hundred andsixty-one, °°““"°‘°d· and 'designated as number forty-eight ID the transcript of private land claims in New Mexico, transmitted to Congress by the Secretary of the Interior on the twelfth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, but being now within the limits of the Territory of Colorado, IS hereby confirmed to the extent of eleven square leagues. I _ I , Exterior lines Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the exterior. lines of said claim l‘°‘” *° *’° “d‘ of eleven leagues as confirmed by this act shall be adjusted according tc JuSt6d` lines of the public surveys as near as practicable, but in a compact form, Claims of and the claims of all actual settlers falling within the limits of the located “°w €"?m‘?”· claim above referred to shall be adjusted to the extent which will embrace mu Oiicigilulg their several settlements upon their several claims being established either ¤¤¤¤b!i¤h¤d ¤¤- as pre-empticns or homesteads according to law, aud for the aggregate g:fl3h};°'Q§{s of the arears [areas] of claims so established under the pre-emption or ’` homestead acts, the heirs of said Nolan, or their legal representatives, shall be entitled to locate a like quantity of public lands, not mineral, according to the lines of the public surveys, and not to exceed one hundred and sixty acres in one section: Provided, That such location shall be made within the bounds of the original grant by the order of Cornelio Vigil to Gervaeio Nolan. _ _Lincs or pub- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the l1_tg¤’“"°7’*°b° commissioner of the general land office to cause the lines of the public ` surveys to be run in the regions where a proper location would place the said Nolan claim, and the expense of the same shall be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated; but before the conwH¤i¤u;>f N¢;l¤:l firmation provided for by this act shall become legally effective, the heirs WQQQQS, QQ_" of the said Gervacio Nolan, or their legal representatives, shall pay the cost of so much of said surveys as inures to their benefit respectively, and that all actual settlers whose claims may be adjusted as valid shall have a right. to enter their improvements by a strict compliance with the pre-emption or homestead laws. Surveyor-ggm $1tc. 4. And be it further enacted, That upon the adjustment of said

lB*‘€0“g;l:¤_ claim of the heirs of Gervacio Nolan, according to the provisions of this

mu, wh.,,,,;,,,, act, it shall be the duty of the surveyor-general of the district to furnish properly approved plats to said claimants, or their legal representatives, which shall be evidence of title, the same to be done according to such instructions as may be given by the commissioner of the general land Y*`°Vl*°· offico: Provided, however, That when said lands are so confirmedhsurveyed, and patented, they shall be held and taken to be in full satisfaction • of all further claims or demands against the United States. lefglizrgglhw ‘ Sec. 5. Anal be it further enacted, That immediately upon running cmmsmihm the hues provided for in the second sccticnof this act the surveyormouths alter general of the district shall notify the said heirs of Gervacio Nolan, or

g$;$§i;£Fg§l'» their legal representatives, of the fact of such survey being made, and

scription ofic- Said claimants shall, within three months after notice of such survey, cation. select and locate their said claims according to the provisions of this act, and shall, within said time furnish the surveyor-general with a descijptiou of such location, specifying the lines of the same, and the party failing to make such selection and location in such manner and within such time shall be deemed and held to have abandoned their claim, and their rights and equities under this act shall cease and terminate. Approved. Julv 1, 1870.