Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/785

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%V»· CONVENTION WITH PERU. Dnoxamemz 4, 1868. -751


jg A PROCLAMATION. ,,3 ·_ V Wmmnns a convention between the United States of America and the Preamble-

 republic of Peru, providing for the adjustment of claims of citizens of

_v.‘_ S either country against the other, was concluded and signed by their

 respective plenipotentiaries at the city of Lima, on the fourth day of
 December, in the year of our Lord one thonsandeight hundred and

t  » rV sixty-eight, which convention, being in the English and Spanish lan-

 guages, is word for word as follows :--
Q Whereas claims may have, at Por cuanto, despues de iirmarse

j_ various times since the signature las decisiones de la comision mixta E of the decisions of the mixed com- que se reunio en Lima el 17 de Julio

 mission which met in Lima. in July, de 1863, puede haberse hecho, en

f 1863, been made on the government distintas épocas, reclamaciones con- Q of the United States of America., tra el Gobierno de los Estados Uni-

 by citizens of Peru, and have been dosde América por cindadanos del
 made by citizens of the United Peru, y han sido hechas por ciuda-

’ States of America on the govern- danos de los Estados Unidos de ment of Peru, and whereas some of América contra. el Gobierno del such claims are still pending, the Peru, y por cuanto algunas de di- President of the United States of chas reclamaciones se hallan aun America and the President of Peru, pendientes, el Presidente del Peru being of opinion that a speedy and y el Presidente de los Estados Uniequitable settlement of all such dos de América, creyendo que un claims will contribute much to the pronto y equitativo arreglo de todas maintenance of the friendly feel- las dichas reclamaciones contribuira ings which subsist between the two mucho a mantener las amistosas countries, have resolved to make relaciones existentes entre amhos arrangements for that purpose by paises, han resuelto arreglarlas por means of a convention, and have medic de una convencion, y con tal named as their plenipotentiaries to objeto han nomhrado como pleniconfer and agree thereupon, that is potenciarios, para proceder a este to say : arreglo: The President of the United El Presidente del Peru al minis- gonmwgng States names Alvin P. Hovey, en- tro de relacioues exteriores Don P¤¤‘¤i¢·¤· voy extraordinary and minister plen- José Antonio Barrenechea yl el ipotentiary of the United States of Presidente de los Estados Unidos America near the government of at su Excelencia Senor Don Alvin Peru, and the President of Peru P. Hovey, enviado ezrtraordiuario names his excellency Doctor Don y ministro plenipotenciario de los José Antonio Barrenechea, minister Estados Unidos cerca del gobierno of foreign affairs of Peru, who, after del Peru, quienes despues de haber having communicated to each other canjeado sus respectivos plenos their respective full powers, found poderes, y hallandolos entbuena y in good and true form, have agreed debida forma, han convemdo en lo as follows :— siguiente: Aactionn I. Anrrcuto 1°. The high contracting parties agree Las altas partes contratantes con- upggfgglftgvlgw that all claims on the part of cor- vienen en que todas las reclama- gw8mm8m,,,, porations, companies, or private in- ciones 'hechas por corporacionest