Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/846

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812 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH GREAT BRITAIN. AVG. 1080 SEPT. 7, 1853. P¤¤g¤¤¤iV¤ And these rates of postage shall increase in proportion for heavier "‘°°S’ letters, according to the scale of postage now established in the United Kin dom. Newspapers. Afizrronn V. For every newspaper despatched from New York, Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans, or San Francisco, to Panama, and addressed to any of the states on the western coast of South America at the ports of which the British mail packets touch, the United States Post-Office shall account to the British Post-Oiiice for the sum of two ence, or four cents. Letter bills. P Amrxcnm VL Every mail despatched from New York, Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans, or San Francisco, to Panama, shall be accomanied b a letter bill. P The office to which the mail is addressed shall return, by the next post, an acknowledgment of receipt to the office from which it was transmined. The letter bill and acknowledgments of receipt shall be made out ac- $,,0 ,,_ 813, cordgng to the forms (A and B) agreed upon and annexed to the present arti es. _Blank letter ARTICLE VII. If it should happen at the usual period for making up b‘u‘· the mails that there should not be any letter or other correspondence from either of the offices of exchange, a blank letter bill shall, nevertheless, be forwarded to the corres onding office. Vouchers. Aarrcnu VIH. Thai) letter bills and acknowledgments of receipt shall serve as ·vouchers to the quarterly account. It} in checking the mails transmitted to the packet office at Panama, the amount of postage shall be found to differ from that entered in the letter bill by the despatching office, such amount shall be checked by two ollicers, and the corrected amount, which is entered by them on the verification side of the letter bill, shall be accepted as the true amount. Accounts. Anrronm IX. The amount due to the British office for the correspondence transmitted under the regulations now agreed upon shall be placed to the credit of the United Kingdom, in the general account be·· tween the Post-Otlice of the United Kingdom and the Post-Otlice of me United States, prepared quarterly in the General Post-Oflice, ondon. When these Anrionn X. The present articles shall be considered as additional to ggiégfs *’° *°·k° those agreed upon between the two otlihes for carrying into execution the ' convention of 15th December, 1848, signed at Washington the 14th May, A'**°»P- 788- 1849, and shall come into operation on the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. Done in duplicate and signed at Washington on the tenth day of August, and at London on the seventh day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. `IIOPRATIO KING. . ILLEY Approved: Janne Cnmrannr., Postmaster- General. Carmine.