Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/9

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LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. ix Page Holidays in the District of Columbia. An act making the first day of January, the twenty·6i'tl1 day of l)ct·e»nl>er, the tliurrh day of July, and Thanksgiving day; holidays within the District of Columbia. June 28, l870, ch. 167 ... . . .. 168 Natiomil Bolivian .t\at·iqation Company. An act to incorporate the National Bolivian Navigation Company. June 29, I870,t:l1. 168 . 168 Hospital Fund jbr the lie/ny"¢y" Sick and Disnliled Seamen. An act to reorganize the marine hospital service, and to provide for the relief of sick and disabled scnmcn. J unc 29, 1870, ch. 169. 169 Yachts. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to license yachts." June 29, 1870, ch. 170 . 170 Boundaries of Land Districts. An act to provide for changing the boundaries of land districts. June 29, 1870, ch. 171 171 Federal Courts in Wisconsin. An act to establish the Western Judicial District of Wisconsin. June 30, 1870, ch. 175 171 Bridge across Niagara Ritw. An act to authorize the construction and maintenance of a bridge across the Niagara river. June 30, 1870, ch. 176 . 173 Bankruptcy Act. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish a uniform system of 1>a,nkruptcy throughout the United States," approved March 2, 1867. June 30, 1870, ch. 177 . . .. . ... 173 Federal Courts in Iowa. An act concerning the district court of the United States for the district of Iowa. June 30, 1870, ch. 178 . . 174 Arrzjicinl Limbs. An not supplementary to "An act to provide for furnishing artificial limbs to disabled soldiers." June 30, 1870, ch. 179 .. 174 Federal Courts in Indiana. An act to require the holding of additional district and circuit courts of the United States in the district of lndianv., and for other pl11‘pOSOS. June 30, 1870,ch. 180 ... . . . ... 175 Przbrity to certain Cases an the Federal Courts. An act giving priority to certain cases to which a State is a party in the courts of the United States. June 30, 1870, ch. 181. . . . . . 176 Foreign and Cotzsting Trade, Qc. An act to regulate the tbreign and coasting trade, on the northern, -northt·astern, and northwestern frontiers of the United States, and for other purposes. July 1, 1870, ch. 185 .. 176 Circuit Courts. An act in relation to circuit courts. July 1, 1870, ch. 186 179 Deputy Col/ettirs of Internal Revenue. An act to define the intent of an aet entitled "An act to allow deputy collectors of internal revenue acting as collectors, the pay of collector, and for other purposes," approved March one, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. July 1, 1870, ch. 187 . . . . . 179 District Courts of t/is United States. An act to clinntge the place of holding the courts of the United States for the Albemarle district of North Carolina. July 1, 1870, ch. 188 ,.. 180 Fur-bearing Anhui:/s in Alaska. An act to prevent the extermination of fur-bearing animals in Alaska. July 1, 1870, cli. 189 . 180 Vallejo, Cali/bmia. An act to create a port of delivery at Vallejo, California. July 1, 1870, ch. 190 . . . . 182 Public Lands in Alabama. An act to confirm entries of public land in certain cases in the State of Alabama. July l, 1870, ch. 191 . . . . 182 Wyoining Territory. An act to repeal certain sections of acts passed by the territorial legislature of Wyoming. July 1. 1870, ch. 192 .. . . 183 Salt Lake City. An act for the relief of the inhabitants of Salt Lake city, in the Territory of Utah. July 1, 1870, ch. 193 . ... . . 183 Madagascar. An act to amend an act entitled “An not to carry imo effect provisions of the treaties between the United States, China, Japan, Siam, Iersia, and other countries, giving certain judicial powers to ministers and consuls, and other tltnctionaries of the United States in those countries, and for other purposes," approved June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty. July 1, 1870, ch. 194 ... 183 Bridge across the Arkansas River. An act authorizing the construction of a. bridge across the Arkansas river at Little Rock, Arkansas. July 1, 1870, ch. 195 . . 185 Agricultural Co//coe Scrip. An act amendatory of "An act to protect the rights of actual settlers upon the public lands of the United States," approved July 27, 1868, and for other pur— poses. July 1, 1870, ch. 196 .. . ... . 186 Point San José ,1/lilitnry Reservation. An act to relinquish the interest of the United States in certain lands to the city and county of San Francisco. July 1, 1870, ch. 197 .. 186 Fort Rirlqely Military Reservntmn. An act for the disposal of the lands within the Fort Ridgely military reservation, Minnesota. July 1, 1870, ch. 198 1.. 187 Unsold Pub/tc Lands in Indiana. An HCL in relation to certain unsold lands in the counties of Porter and Lake in the State of [indiana. July 1, 1870, ch. 199. . 187 National Cemeteries. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish and to protect 118.- tional <·cmcteries." July 1, 1870, ch. 200 . . . 188 Pre-cmption Settlers in Nebmska. An act for the relief of pre-cmption settlers in the State of Nobraska. July 7, 1870, ch. 207 . 188 Police Court in the District of Columbia. An act to amend an act entitled "An. act to establish n.