Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/927

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11N5m? of mNsme`s of Hbeslgpation of ge t eexc ange eexc ange neso e s ps Otlglnof the correspond- Destluationcf the correspondpost-ofnces of posbohces of by meanslbafcwhlch the sms. sms, transmission. destination. mallsuetobesent. Chicago . . . Inverpool to Portland, Thecltyof Havre . . . The States of Illinois, Wisconortoltlver du Loup. sin, Minnesota Iowa., and Havre . · Missouri, and the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Bxemen to New York, All of France (except the All the United States (except om Southampton. departments do l’Aisne, the cities of Boston and PhiladesArdenncs,duNord,de dclphin) the Territories of the 1`0ise du Pas-do-Calais, United States, Mexico, Cuba, g la·Seine Interieun, et and the Sandwich Islands. ° » H86"! and the foreign oountde; to which France serves as an Intermediate point (except Belgium, the bow ountries, Prussia, Hanover the Grand Duehies of Mecklcnburg~Schwer- New York ln, Mecklenburg-Stnllts, and Oldenburg, the Duchy of Brunswick, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia, and P0- land). l’ . do. Liverpooltolloston . . . . . do . . . . Theclty0fNewY0rk. Liverpool to Portland, or to River du Loup . · do The city of New York, the

  • States of California and Oro-

· , the Territory of Washgm, Mexico, Cuba, and the Sandwich Islands. Bremen to New York, via Southampton .. do . . . . The city of Boston. `LlverpooltoNewYork. . . . . do . . .-. . . . . .·do . . . . . Llverpooltohosten . . . . . do . . . . All the United States (except the cltles of New York and Boston. . . Philadelphia), the Terrltorles of the United States Mexico, Cuba and the Sandwich M numb. Paris . . Liverpool to Portla , or to River du Loup . do The city of Boston. Bremen to New York, Ifia Sonrthenlapton . k . 3: . . . . The cItyofI‘lalgaAelphla.. voocewor.‘.• ... . ““"*°*Ph*’·· mé•ppm1w1mo¤¤ . as . do . Liverpool to Portland, ortolttverduloup . do.. . .0 •... theUnitedStates(excet Pommd · d do Agia States of Michigan Ohlg, Indiana Kentucky, Illinois, Wlseonsln Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri California, and Oro- Ol and the cities of New York, Boston, and Philadelphia) and the Territories of the United States (except the Territories of Kansas, Nebrasdo "‘·""t!'?§¥t“';3"’· as . .'1'he8ta <>8¤¤• 1 mmm ° ° do Indiana, and Kentackpi hteag TheStatesofIlline» · 0 0 ° °do ao sin,Mlnnes0to,I0wa,and1\1issourl, and the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska.