Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1039

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INDEX. 999 Customs Dunes, (continued.) _ Dakota Territmy, (continued.) on certain lumber or timber cut in corporators of the Centennial Board of Maine, &c . 873 Finance from . 204 British subjects may carry in British title of certain Sioux Indians to certain vessels goods flee of duty ikom certain land in, to be inquired into 281 ports of the United States to other western boundary of, readjusted . . . 464 such ports if part of such carriage is portion of; added to Montana 464 through Canada. by land and in bond, 873 Dale, Elizabeth, reciprocal igigilcges to citizens of Dale%m of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 tl e Unite 'hates .. 873 ahala, provision concerning articles subject to, claim oi; allowed by commissioners . . 751 sent by mail in the postal convention Dalton, Dow! T., with Ecuador .k gg] Dal dai? af; allowed by commissioners . . 754 with Denmar .. . . 4 ton, . . on board wrecked vessels, in treaty claim of; allowed by commissioners . . 753 with Italy 831 Dana, James D., with German Empire 931 mg use certain plates .. 646 Cutter, Paymasler George F., Dane, emjy, _ _ credit to be allowed in settlement of ac- damages awarded to, by commissioners counts ... 730 Da off ciigiilns .. 693 7g0D7d ,iam, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 742 Dan fe/d Sigismand, M G D· geglraim ot, allowed by commissioners . . 759 Da onega, a., Daniels, Willz'am, bwflch mi¤¢. @0-, St. to be given to the claim oil allowed by commissioners . . 753 North Georgia Agricultural College . 19 Danley, William, f°¥` what P“YP°$°S t° be ““d • • · 19 claim ofidallowed by commissioners . . 742 Dailey C. JI., Danncs Dau' p`/sjyment to, for food furnished the Sioux 730 ghim gf; éllowgd by commissioners . . 759 Indians . . . . . . · Darby Jesse Dailey, Edmund, _ _ ciaim ol', allowed by commissioners . · 746 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 Dump; Rouge? hi 1 130 D 'l J. survey o s p cans _. . , . m gyayment to, for food furnished the Sioux Daumpm and S:. Paul Razlroad Company, Indians ... 730 may, upon payment of one third of cqst Daily, Josiah, of brid , pass their cars, dc., Qvéf claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 749 the bring; across the Mississippi river 220 Dakota Grand Trunk Raduzay Company, at Rock Island s ._ ._ · right of way through the public 1:123;, 208 may, upon liyaygiintdotg &c., mamtam its 220 ‘ 1H08h11g..-` greyrggdttgf grant . .. 203 mzgvdsd the approaches to such bridge, 221 materials for construction and land 203 byigcgg to strike the Illinois shore, where, 220 for de cts . . . ._ .. h compaq; may mortgage its road, ma D wud bridge when to be completed, 220 & ;w{,psq] __ rout: to be located and road C01'¤- claim of; allowed by 00mm15S10m?" · · 742 plated within, .. Davidson, Jcfim {17,, d b mi mmm 754 rights of other ro .. claim 0 a, Owe y com ss · · Dakota Land District, _ Davis, Alg;m;•der G., _ _ , established in Dakota'Terr1tory . . . 138 claim Of, snowed by commissioners . . 709 boundaries, and location ofoftice . . - 1§8 Dams Gamma. F_ register and receiver, and their pay . . 1o8 ciaim Og mowed by commissioners , , 409 Dakota Southern Railroad Go., D is Charles T_ p_ declared a legal corporation, and votes “”d> d ’d to b commissioners . - - amages awar e » Y <>f <=·>¤¤¤¤¤ 0* *·>"¤* g"*¥”"“g md *° ofclsims .. sos its construction not invalidated. . . 168 D _ Jjwm W right of way through Public lands granted 163 aviaydnent to fo; services as lieutenant . 679 t0. s J shall issue certain amounts of stock to 168 Dum;;;;!;: to . . • U · · 781 counties, &c .. I - · · · · _ ; , D , K c . . mkzdsggadgndsmblislxed in .125, 103, 38% 588 wgiaig $5 snowed by commssxouers . · 749 ‘ { i te ’toria. governmen Da ·, La · G _ _ apffownd Kim. Ox: H. · 73, 125. 498, 499 viii0mg:;';;;] gpplicauon of, declared vahd, 655 for office of surveyor-general unggé Davis, M,s_ Maw, 781 _ ’ pensiouto.·· f I d' rvicem, 182, 187 460 589 _ P. I l fg; $:12;;; zi. public hyuds in’ 35,; 515 Davlgggfgggs avvarded $0, by c0mm1sS1<>¤¤1’¤ 8 ""f“°§" *°"£“g J"‘°{;§3’°§32”,‘;’§,,”,§,‘,§'.§? of claims .. 69 an s m, C·, 0 · Hu _ umm m make anal Woot, &c` ‘ · 188, S9 Damfo llyedzzlpointed to a place in the inspec- °' certain an of me legislative asscmlddy 163 tor-ge11eral’s department . 838 of, disapproved, except, &c. . . 1 ,