Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1047

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INDEX. 3007 Disabilities, (continued.) I Direct Taxes, (continued.) proclamation by the Ifresident of the purchased under army and navy United States respecting . . . . . 956 sales, to be so restored 832 prosecutions against certain persons purchasers evicted from, through from whom pohttcal disabilities have failure of title, to be repaid their heen removed, ordered to be discou- purchasemoney, ii &c. . . 89, 832 tinued _ _ ... 956 value of, if not agreed, how to be Disabilities, Legal and Polttwal, determined 881 removal of, from the following persons: title of the United States to be released Boteler, Alexander R. . . . . 676, 677 when and how 831 ‘Brown, John Young . . . . 676, 677 unredeemed lands at expiration of time, Faulkner, Charles J. . . . . . . 680 &c., to be sold at public auction, &c. . 331 Houston, George S. ... 691 moneys arising from sales of ·‘school Jobe, T. J'. . . . . . . 645 farm" landsaappropriated to the use D. awgfance, Zebulon B. . . . . . . . 691 on} free public schools in certain parte uy, is es 832 under Post-office act may be removed how to be expended .. 332 with written consent, &c. . 825 premises occupied as a courthouse in degrees of, and rates of pension for, Beaufort, S. C., released to the count ,832 under the pension law . . . . 567-577 provisions as to acts of commissioners og See Pensions. in South Carolina .. 6, 600 Disabled Persons. Distilled Spirits. See Internal Revenue. in the military and naval service, appro- internal revenue tax upon, and provipriation for surgical apparatus, &c., sions of internal revenue law concernfor relief of the . . . . . . . . 260 ing .. 238-245 Disbursing Cler/c, certain other provisions of internal reveof the War Department, service of, how nue law concerning_ 402, 403 to be paid for . 195 Distilled Spirits in Bond, Discharge, destroyed by casualty, internal revenue of convicts under the United States tax upon, may he abated or repaid . 162 laws, &c., certain powers, &c., re- if insured, &c. N2 lating to the, transferred to the De- Distiller-ies. See Internal Revenue. partment of Justice. . . . . . . 85 surveys ot] to be made at the expense of of poor convicts ... 198, 199 the United States, and their capacity of poor debtors, by Postmaster-General, 324, estimated . 239 326 provisions of internal revenue law con- Discharge of Seamen. See Shzpping Oommis- cerning . . ... 239-245 sioners. bond in case of distillery sold in favor of provisions concerning . . . 263, 266-268 the United States ... 243 m foreign ports, for misconduct, pay- ma operate distillery during, &c. . 243 ment of three months’ extra wages, Distillers. See Internal Revenue. may be remitted, if, &c .. 580 part of special tax paid by, may be re- Discharge Papers, funded ... 238 of any soldier or sailor, penalty upon bond of 238 claim agents and attorneys for retain- provisions of internal revenue law coning or refusing to deliver . 137 cerning . . . . . . . . . 239-245 Discipline of Seamen, District Attorneys of the, United States, provisions of law concerning . . 278-276 of northern district of Illinois to take Discrimimzting Duties, steps to restore records of the court certain, paid on goods in French vessels of the United States under the directo be refunded . 437 tion of the judges . . . . . . . 41 on goods imported in Japanese vessels, compensation therefor . _ 41 to be discontinued so long as, &c. . . 956 toprosecute all cases of violation of the in French vessels, to be imposed, 957, act regulating the mode of making 958 private contracts with Indians . . . 137 on merchandise imported in Spanish of western Judicial district in North vessels, except, &c., to be discontinued Carolina, appointment and salary of . 217 as long as, &c. 954 in Nebraska, salary of, established . . 337 Disguise, cases of fines, &c., under the revenue penalty for going in, upon the public 1a_ws to be reported to, by collectors, highway, &c., to deprive any person or with names of wttnesses . . . 580, 581 plnss of equal rights, &c., under the 13 procczeélmgs to be commenced with- 581 aws &c. .. ou eay . Direct Taxes, facts to be reported to Secretary of lands in insurrectionary States, sold for, Treasury, 1f, &»c. . . . ._ . . 581 not to be recovered in proceedings compensation to, for such services . 581 against purchasers, &c., without show- _ apprtapriatxons for the ._ 81, 507 ing, &c. . 89, 332 Dtslrzct ourts of the United States. See lands now held by the United States, C'ourts,é·c. _ _ _ acquired under direct tax acts, may cleric of, for the eastern district of Virbe restored to former legal owners, gima to transmit certain papers to the upon proof, &c., and payment of taxes, _ western district .. _ ._ . 8 interest, and improvements . 89, 830, 331 times of holding, m_the western distrint in South Carolina, including tracts of Virginia established . . . A7, Z8, 58