Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1085

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INDEX. 1045 Lands, Public, (continued.} Lawrence, george W; tion, granted to ’ort Huron for a claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 743 cemetery, to be surveyed and sold, 620, 621 Lawrence, Madin, suit of Carondelet against the United claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 748 States, for the recovery of a tract of Lawrence, Sarah E., land, may be heard ... 622 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 761 system of irrigation for the San Joaquin, Laws, Calvin A., Tulare, and Sacramento Valleys, 622, 623 pension to ... 682 negotiations to be hud with the Crow In- Laws of the United States, dians for surrender of their reserva- publication of the, in newspapers, to tion in Montana, if', &c. . 626 cease after March 4, 1875 . 66 with the Creek Indians, for the ces- Lawson, Thomas, sion of 2. portion of their reserva- payment to heirs of .. . . 787 tion ... 626 Laycock, John S., certain improvements within the Nez damages awarded to, by commissioners Perce reservaton, may be purchased of claims .. 695 trom the representatives of William League Island, Craig ... 627 appropriations for naval station at, 149, 868, unallotted reserved lands, &c., of the 551 Miami Indians in Kansas, may be sold, 631 Leake, Shelton F., part of Round Valley Indian reservation political disabilities removed from . . 786 in California to be restored to public Leather and Skins, lands, &c . 633, 634 customs duty on, from August 1, 1872, 230- certain lands to be withdrawn from 232 sale, under the homestead and pre- Leavenworth, emption laws . . . 684 stricken from the list of certain cities . 32 West \VlSCOI1Slll Railway Company may Leavenworth Arsenal, make up a. deficiency in their land appropriation for 363 grant from, &c. . . 634, 635 Leav.·enu.·0r!I1, Lawrence, and Galveston Railroad Lands, Public, Company, certain homestead applications for, in may relocate a portion of its road . . 5 Iowa, declared valid 654-657 laiidgrant not changed thereby . . . 5 adverse claims not affected . 657 Lebanon, Pa., rights of railroad companies, not of- condemned cannon, &c., to Sol¢liers’ and fected ... 657 Sailors' Monument Association of . . 841 Land Warran¢s, Lee, Ep/iriam, of any soldier or sailor, penalty upon claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 755 claim-agents or attorneys for unlaw~ Lee, John, _ _ fully retaining, or refusing to deliver, 137 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 761 Lana, Edward R., Lee, Marqaret, _ claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 755 pension to .. . 651 Lane, Jlhwjy C., Lee, Blmjqaret G., _ damages awarded to, by commissioners damages awarded_ to heirs of, by comof claims .. 695 missioners of claims ... 695 Lang and Delano, Lee, Susan A., _ _ _ payment to, by Venezuela, for damages claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 160 at Aves Island .. 803, 804 Lee, Wi/lzam E., _ _ _ Lanman, Joseph, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 702 payment to .. 788 Leek, Thomas, _ _ “La Pette," The Schooner, claim oi, allowed by commissioners . . 755 name of, changed to that of "La ].·‘etite," 163 Leeper, ·lV:/ham K., _ _ r Larkin, Daniel F., claim of', allowed by commissioners . . 75o medal granted to, by Congress. . . . 638 Le Fevre, Sarah bi _ _ Larkin, Frank, claim oi, allowed by commissioners . . 761 medal granted to, by Congress 638 Legacies, _ _ _ _ La Roche/le, certain provisions of internal revenue additional compensation to the United law concerning 402 States consul at 531 Legal Reserve, _ Larry, James, certain notes deposited, not to be part oil 336 damages awarded to, by commissioners certain certificates to be pur: of . . . 336 of claims ... . . . 695 Legends. See Jluus, firc. _ Lashlee, Henry C'., upon the coins of the United States . . 427 damages awarded to, by commissioners Legiskrletre, liixeculzve, and ./uduwal Expenses, of claims . . . . . . 695 appropriations for, fog the é\£)ea;;_e;nll1n6gr 8r Latham, F. HC, June 30, 1873, and une , i· , r — o, political disabilities removed from . . 782 )U _483—509 Laughlin, Nancy, salary of the lresident of `tliei mic!} damages awarded to, by commissioners 695 Stages; estabhsned from IV are 1 , 486 ‘ • • n n k · · A • • • • · • ’ ‘ Lawksgfeligigline, l l · • o · of Ithe Vice-President. . 486 damages awarded to, by commissioners 695 clmegyrigtgeuand Justices 0 t ie t u- 486 of claims . . . . . . F · -_ · -··· ° Law Ll.I17‘Cl7tl/,· ‘ heads ot; depurgrlietgts I for legatxon in Japan . . . . . . . 582 assistau secre