Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1100

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1060 INDEX. Missouri River, (continued.) Money, (continued.) at Brownville, Nebraska., by the with Denmark 906 Brownville, Fort Kearney, and with Ecuador ... » . 880 ' Pacific Railroad C0. . 223 Monqjorder Offices. See Posbafice Department. bridge may be built across, near Lexing- may be established by Postmaster- _ ton, and railway tracks laid . . 627, 628 General ... 297 Mzssozzri State Zlli/[Lia. See Pensions. D[0ney·0rders, · and provisional Missouri militia., pension may be issued by certain clerks in charge act extended to certain officers and of branch post-offices .. 201 _ privates of the . . . . 570 See Postal Money-orders. Mztchell, George W., system of provisions concerning, in postpayment to, as part owner of schooner office act .. . . 297-300 " Thomas J. Brazier " .. 663 See Pos!-office Department. damages awarded to, by commissioners convention with Great Britain for estab- _ of claims .. 695 lishing an exchange of .. 887 Mitchell, John W., exchange of, and offices of exchange . . 8*87 payment to, us port owner of schooner payable in gold or its nearest equivalent, 889 _ “Thomas J. Frazier" ..,... 663 maximum, not to exceed, &c. . . . . 887 Jllztchell, S. B., not to include parts ofa penny or cent . 887 payment to, es lpart owner of schooner commissions on . 887 " Thomas J. rezier” .. 663 to be paid in advance and not re— Jfitchell, Susan, payable . 887 claim of, allowed hy commissioners . . 743 repayments of] to rémitters . S90 Mixed Commission, not paid within twelve months to be on American and British claims, appro- void 889 printions for expenses of, 349, 422,474, 531 sums paid therefor to belong to Mobile and Montgomery R. R. Co., whom . 2 889 may erect one or more draw-bridges over duplicate money orders .. 889 the Mobile river, &c. 400, 401 remittances by orders from other post- Mobile River, {kc., offices ... 887 draw-bridges may be erected over, by rates of commission on, between the the Mobile and Montgomery Railroad United States and the Swiss Confed- Company . . . 400, 401 eration, may at any time be mcdhow to be constructed, managed, iiied . . . 935 and changed 401 each country to communicate to the to be lswinl structures and p0st~ other the rates established 967 routes . . . ... 401 Jllcney paid imo Courts, all railroad companies to have equal of the United States, to be deposited, &.c., 1 rights to use 401 may be delivered on security, &c. . 1 Mobley, James, ‘ not to be withdrawn except, &c. . 1 claim ot; allowed by commissioners . . 752 account thereof, to be presented to Mock, Joseph O'., the court, by clerk at each stated payment to, for live-stock . 715 term .. 2 Modocs, See Courts of the United States. appropriations for the . . . 174, 175, 448 Monroe, Daniel C'., M’o_[]“a.:, Howard F., claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 752 may be appointed master upon the re- Monroe Land Distnbt, tired list of the navy .. 608 in Louisiana reestablished . 40 Mo_p"at's Breech-loading l·"ield—pieces, boundaries . 40 appropriation for testing'. . . . . . 261 Jlonroqjlurray, "Moiezios to Informers/’ claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 748 law permitting, in internal revenue cases Montana Territory, repealed . · 256, 257 appropriations for territorial government provisions concerning, in p0st·office ect, 292, in . 74, 125, 127, 499, 582 825 for office of surveyor-general in, 77, 357, See Post-office Department. 505, 515 2l[ozr, Robert, and Company, for Indian service in, 132, 187, 460, 539 taxes, &c., on certain distilled spirits of; for survey of public lands in, 357, 516, to be abated . 641 536 Molallas, for suppression of Indian hostilities appropriations for the . . . . . 167, 440 in ... 539 Molds, . post-roads established in . . 17, 109, 598 appropriations for the . 175, 449 rided muskets and cartridges to be Maier, Daniel, _ plsced at the disposal of the governor, damages awarded to, by commissioners to distribute among settlers for deof claims . . . . . . 695 fence against the Indians . 138 Munch, lVilliam H., . to be rcturned, when, &c. 138 damages awarded to, by commissioners corporators of the Centennial Board of of claims .. 695 Finance from . 206 Jlfonday, Robert, care, &c., of penitentiary in, transferred payment tc, for live-stock . . . . . 715 to .. . . . 418 .Mom=y, expense of maintaining inmates . . 419 rate for conversion 0iQ in the postal con· s portion of Dakota Territory added to, 464 vention with Great Britain . . . . 889 expenses incurred in suppressing Indian