Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1106

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1066 INDEX. Newspaper Postage, (continued.) Nicaragua, (continued.) the United States and the Swiss Con- of the other, to be surrendered upon federation .. 939 requisition 815, 816 and Newfoundland . . . . 945, 946 what to be sufficient evidence of Newsprzpers, criminality 816 publication of laws in, to cease after crimes in respect to which requisitions March 4, 1875 . 66 may be made . 816 Newspz1[>e2·s and Periodicals, political ofi"en<·es not included . 817 provisions concerning postage on, in extradition may be deferred, if person post-office act ... 301-303 claimed has been convicted or arrested See Posbajice Department. in the country of refuge, until, &c. . 817 New York and Canada [tai/road Co., requisitions for surrender, how to be certain lands of United States in Platts- made .. 817, 818 burgh, N. Y., to be released to . . . 345 proof required 817 full value oi to be first paid . . . 345 warrant for arrest, &c. . 818 to be used exclusively for railroad expenses of the arrest, detention, and purposes . 345 transportation . 818 road to be completed within what time . 345 convention to continue how long . . . 818 right of way over certain lands in Platts— when to be ratified, &c. . 818 burgh, N. Y., to be released to . . . 600 1Victtruguu. Route, value thereof to be first paid . . . 609 survey of ship canal ... 130 twenty-five acres may'be located and re- Nice, leased to the company upon, &c. . . 610 pay to consul at, for extraordinary ser- Ncw York Arsenal, vices during the late war in Europe . 123 appropriation for . ... 363 Mchds, Isaac, New ark City, payment to, for live-stock . 715 appropriations for office of assistant Nichols, Joseph, treasurer at .. 70, 121, 495 damages awarded to, by commissioners for checks and certificates of deposit of claims .. 696 at office of 72 Nichols, Joseph, for assay office at . . 72, 73, 498, 531 payment to, for live-stock . 715 for naval hospital at 1GO, 551 NichoLs, Samuel H., for naval laboratory at . . . 150, 552 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 761 for pay of contractors for stone ZWch0Is, William, work upon post-oflice and court- payment to, for livestock . . . . . 715 house in . 422 Nieum, Nancy, provisions of coinage act of 1873 as to claim ot, allowed by commissioners . . 747 assayoffice at ... 433, 435 Ninth Census. See Census. assistant treasurer at, not to perform part of appropriation for, may be used duties of treasurer of the assay-oflice the current year 9 after, &c . .. 435 increased compensation to assistant mar- New Yar/c, shals for taking 12 post-roads established in . 26, 111, 385, 595 deficiency appropriations for . 23, 131, 132 representation of, in Congress, according marshals to be reimbursed for extra exto the ninth census . 28, 192 penses necessarily incurred in taking . 339 corporators of the Centennial Board of appropriation for maps to illustrate . . 368 Finance from .. ; . . 207 for maps for statistical atlas of the condemned cannon, &c., to commis- United States, based upon the resioners of State of .. . 341 sults of the 536 New York I mlfun Lands in Kansas, ]\vz`sguaN_ys, act to provide for the sale of certain . . 466 appropriations for the . . . . . 177, 450 certain settlers upon and occupants of, Nissan, Edward, may purchase . 466 homestead application of, declared valid, 655 value, how ascertained . . . B . 466 Nixon, Wz'l/fam, patents . . 466 payment to, for carrying the mails. . 662 entries to be made within two years, 466 "N J. Mil/er," T he Sr-/moner, purcliasemoney to be held in trust, an American register to issue to . . . 407 for Indians 466 Liolan, John, certain Indians may have patents . 467 pension to .. . 722 Nez Perce Indian Reservation, Noleii, Green B., certain improvements in, to be purchased claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 747 by commissioner of Indian affairs . . 627 Liokes, James, Nez Perces, damages awarded to, by commissioners appropriations for the . . 176, 177, 449, 450 of claims . . . . . . . . . . 696 Zwagara Ztirer, Nordazz, .Elfza.bclh, city of Buffalo may construct tunnel claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 747 under, &c. .. 127 Nmjbll.-, Va., Nicaragua, appropriations for navy yard at, 148-152, convention with, of June 25, 1870, con- 368, 560, 564 cerning extradition ... 815 for naval hospital at lst), 5o2 persons convicted ot§ or charged with, North Caroluia, certain crimes, in the jurisdiction of representation of, in Congress, accordone party, and found in the territory ing to the ninth census . 28