Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1115

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INDEX. 1075 Penszbnr, (cqntinued.) Pensions, (continued.) themxfshcwn to have abandoned such printed instructions and children, or to be immoral, &c. . . . 571 forms to be furnished free to claimsuch children to be pensioned as amté for pensions, bounty lands, &c. 678 though there were no widow . . 571 notice of issuing of certificate or bcunry dependent relatives, to receive land-warrant to be given to claimant pension of pensioners dying and leav- or applicant . . . . . 573 ing no widow and children, and in no pension to any person, &c., enwhat order ofprccedence . 571 gaged in the late rebellion 573 where children have different guard- liIni\uti0l\ of time within which xans . .. 571 claims for eusion must be prosecuted upon death of mother, father to to successtgl issue . 673, 574 have the pension . . . ,. . . 571 where claim is thus barred, how the bar of both father and mother, who 5 may be removed 578 to take 71 extended in pending claims of Indians . 574 when 0. mother is assumed to be de- ywrocf in such cases .. 674 pendent upon her son 571 ndians exempted from obligation when father or minor brother to take certain oaths . 574 or sister ... 571 termination of pensions 574 pension on account of dependence not to _ failure to claim for three years after the be paid for certain periods 571 pension is due to be presumptive evi- 674 m j c ot t bm- ‘ gt . dence of its terrninmion . _ ri;0,?{T,rd3§O{I;ema(;r3ag;lglf ?I{€n_ 57] name to be stricken from the lxst . . . 574 pension to cease at; date of . 571 m}}' be |'€5¢01`¤d» and how _ - · · 674 commencement of Pensions spccml acre, rates of pension by, , granted on account of death from “°°£° be vaugdfy g°’“°"“2.1a‘;;Sf ‘ 57* cause originating since March 4, 572 mz] 51** g;“P°” ° -°¤ P*`°° ° "·“ 574 if application has been Bled within five frgggsamggr iggpsgggjn zfflfrgpie iz? y€g:Eé,w}se' wheh`.'.'‘ Vestiéated and prosecuted 575 this not to applytqinsme Persons clerllg ne detailed to mvestxcate and 575 or those under sixteen years of 672 Pagdge S a1é aésiéné)-mit kc of iw_ _ age . _ .. 8i°¤v&d ··. · . _ I 4575 ”€€2'2€FS£“?v`{T€§° "T’"“T’°'T° t? b? d?°"Y°‘¥ m esems mi =¤¢¤<>¤·¤v¤ ¤>¤>¤¤q¤*§;·¤ ef wwe er devemt mom - 572 $2“IZé1f$’2 §§$‘$}f§€'ZSr,}’;Z!L'§E.’2$AZ§‘ *t 575 1f disability originated pmor to to take Oath) to be med, that they have March 4’ 1861'-'-'573 no interest in money &c. . .··· 575 this not to afect cermm clmmm 678 penalty for falsely taking the oath . . 575 Pcnsioncvs under acts Pnl"` for directly or indirectly receiving W? March 4• 18619 Yates ““d°" _ greater compensation than, &c. . 575 this Em $XEg:d€dH$°ct ·•‘‘°‘ for wrongfully withholding pension, W °¤ ° ° ° ° ···•*‘ - or any part thereo , or any an · when to commence .. 5:2 h _____ _ _ _ _ 5,75 widcgvs of rey0l¤;3;n;ry;(fo{)<;i¢;‘;jd· nix"; 572 upgxrgglardlagn for eéubezzling, &¢·, 575 HIT RPS 0 P _ ’ i war · application to commissmner . l. . _ . 572 uP2in2g; (imrsgn fm. `vufuuyx gw_, D0 PWS0n 6mm6d to PW {Or $6*7*09* m making, &c., a. false, &c., uilida- ¤·PPl.Yi¤8 for · •-·· · · • · 572 vit respecting any claim for pennccrncd pensions, to be paid to 574 sion, &e. . . _ ...-·-· 675 whom ... or so presentm any paper as a if there is no widow or child, no pay- voucher witg e date subse- _ mem; to be made except for certmn 574 quam: tc its acénal date . 515 purposes ... . . · ntmghment levy ., money ue only one pension to be allowed at rs peusicnernct lmble’to, but to belong the same time to the same person . . 572 whclly to hnm . . . _. · · - 576 persons entitled co more than one may cermicates, what, reqvnrédfm 0*1%*3 elect which to take ... 573 of applrcamon for payment 0 mva 576 certidcate may be surrendered and new 578 pcnsrons 675 k ___, . . to stale w a ._ _ ... Ongrgyiggs payments . . . · - . 578 of cimtheiuigégaggllrtgrsssenlgecesswy 576 . · S S· .]· {Sw wlerc zsau _·_ · · · d·;gl$;g:t:::,e0f_pe? lim nfméln , , 578 m0re_frcq_ucnt exummutnons may be re- 576 °°{‘.Z£,1$?2€§§"*’.“°?’ f"°’1“"‘T““T i'? °?“T“'f ms ¤é*¤`~`§3'}mé, emu; ¤J» ·é»¤=»%~¤€·¤%<»¤" 0* 576 minéitem and consuls in. fereinnlccunr 673 pepgéggsiitébépéid;Dy·p€}lSi;m gént; 576 claim; of Indisnsn I I .. 673 boards of examining, nln;nwbIe;Li€ie;.Y€=;;, 676 . um cmu cs ·. . - wl;;¥;.;?$;K:;·u;;:rc uname to tmT€].b}t 573 mgnnatiinglwlnfch shall have precedence, 576 cegain, sufficient; to exempt claims from 573 Bufgliiysggiaagéogggzjé lj° *;°vf°“i° Q 576 'mita.tion.·