Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1118

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1078 INDEX. Pic/card, H. J., Plattsburgh, N. Y, P Lola2x1 Jof, ellowed by commissioners . . 744 certain lemds of the Uni?} Stges iu, to ec ~e u us A ., be released to the `ew ork and credit to be allowed, for revenue stamps 8 (gianaéda. Railroad Comprmyd 345 ost . . . . 6 2 rig it o way over certain lan s in, to be Pickering, Commodore Charles W., released to the New York and Canada to be promoted to grade of commodore R. R. Co . .. 609 _ on the retired list witlrlpay, &c. . . 163 Plaugher, Samuel H., Pwdment and Potomac Railrca Coznpuwy, damages awarded bo, by commissioners uct of the assembly of the District of of claims .. 696 Columbia authorizing u subscription Pleadings and Practice, to the stock cf, authorized 158 in the courts of the United States, pro- P conditions of subscription 158 visions concerning . 196, 198 iegans Plummer, Goan W. _ apnropriutions for the . 167, 440 claim of, alloveed by commissioners . . 757 Pzerce, Alber: D., Plummer, Zucharialz, credit to be allowed, in settlement of his claim of] allowed by commissioners . . 752 _ accounts . . . . . . . 680 Plunkett, George, · ‘ Pzerpong, John PV., I _ H may be appointed paymaster in the claim cf, allowed by commissioners . . 461 nav .. . . 47 Picrpont, Joseph, Plymouth, Xrorth Carolina, damages awarded to, by commissioners custom-house property at, may be sold . 475 of claims .. 696 Pneumatic Tube, _ payment to, for live-stock . 715 for the transmission of books, &c., ap- P1gg0tt,_Hammh J., _ _ Tgropriation for 352 _ claim of,al10wed by commissioners . . 761 Poe, {yah, _ _ _ Pzggozt, Isaac, claim of, allowed ny commissioners . . 744 P paynucm to, for live-stock . 715 Pollard, Susan, iggozt esse, claim of allowed by commissioners . . 744 payment to, for livestock . 715 Pancus, ’ Pike, P. P., appropriations for the. . 178, 182, 451, 465 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 744 Pond, evi W., Pdlager Banyls of Inflians, letters-pu_1enc heretofore granted to, ex- EPPTOPYISJIDHS for the . . . 169, 170, 443 tended . 389, 390 provisions for settlement of Otter-Tail provision as to I‘1gl\fS11€1'€C0foI`€ sold and Band of] on White Earth reserve- machines erected 390 _ tion 189 Pond, Airs. Hvarrfet WY, I Pmdev·,·Peter, _ _ payment to, for injuries received, &c., 716, P_ elzuin of; allowed by commissioners . . 744 P d S h 717 mg ey,. ames . on , am , _ olaim of, allolved by commissioners . . 761 pension to ... 785 Pntkm, George, _Pontoon Boats, _ P_ claim oi, allowed by commissioners . . 761 P lapvnyropriation for . 260 Ltman, Benn 00 , i/fiam . to make ia. complete transcript of phono- claim oi, allowed by commissioners . . 752 graphic notes taken by him in the court Poor, Baxter M], eg ifiqugy iii the case of General Don 230 dengages awarded to, by commissioners ar os ucl ... . . 0 claims . . 696 appropriation therefor . . . · . . 367 Poor Cunvicts, Pizsenbevjqer, Granderson, under; sentence, by any court of the liomestead application oi} declared valid, 655 gniiéq SNES, l10W ¤¥¤)’ be di$¢>h3·1`§€d pmjgyuugfs W_ om imprisonment or non-payment claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 744 of EHS c‘;_s'iS I · t· b- - ; h· d1?8» 199 Pmsbmvhl Paw swear g ase y, 0 epums e or "*`l es of fc ct e t d d to . . 41 pemury ‘°‘‘‘‘‘·‘ 199 ggtlzaeg PON of r;i;yaandXd;;‘,;ry _ 47, 48 Poor Delirors. See Post-oj1`cedDc€az·1z2ze2zt. _ appropriations for office of depositary ut, 72, Prggglglfgcecggfernlllg ISC large Oféég 325

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site to be procured for public building P°°Te· Uianc-V J'> for courthouse, postmiice, and other P0pep°£;12;'t2’‘ ‘'•••'· 785 PmW§5 ";1§2;j“‘°“‘°“ ·····‘· 621 P0rci1»gm;f:g<a11¤wea by commissioners . . 747 V ._ pme ner, _ °°“d]‘El}m€}1 °Mm°n* tg'?" f¤i¤¤~*¤<¢d for 39, treaty provisions with Great Britain, S°, _"’” m°““m?‘{ a · _ ····· ° concerning the navigation of 872 P!¤M—€~~•5S· See M¤~~sr 6’?<¤~¤S- pming Lake and Luxe supmm- sup cm; which Include Veins or 1°d€S» P"°c€€d’ time for completion ot; extcuded . .14 627 ings to obtain patents for 94, 96 pom,.] ' Plwwd, dif-, Lf1Mb6h_ __ internal tax upon . I 245, 249 customs duty 0n, from August 1, 1812 . 23]. by whom to be paid . . ,,.. 245 Planets, New, Porter, Anna, discovered by American astronomers, claim of] allowed by commissioners . . 749 appropriation for preparing elements, Porter, John F., &c., thr . , .. . . . 146 pay1neutto,forlive·st0ck . 715