Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1130

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1090 INDEX. President zjthe United States, President of the United States, (continued.) salary of, established from March 4, apaymaster-general of the army . 219 1873 486 supervisors of internal revenue . . 241 appropriations for .. 65, 491 to reduce the internal revenue districts to nominate R. H. Lamson as lieutenant to not over eighty in number . . . 257 in the United States navy 3 to appoint, &c., the Postmaster-General to appoint a board of three commission- and three assistantpostmasters-general 284 ers to examine and report upon the auditor of treasury for post-office Sutro tunnel in Nevada . 3 department 287 to appoint George A. Stevens to the to fill certain vacancies in the office of active list of the navy with the rank postmaster .. 288 of lieutenant-commander . 5 to appoint, &c., certain postmasters . . 292 concerning rules and regulations for the to advise and consent to the negotiation civil service . 7 of postal conventions . . 304 to do whatever he may deem necessary to the transportation of the mails of to suppress such violence as obstructs Canada or other adjoining counthe due execution of the laws . . . 14 try over territory of the United may, during a rebellion against the gov- States, if, &c . . . . 817 ernmentof the United States, suspend to direct the collection of postages on the writ of habeas corpus . 15 mail matter in foreign vessels . . . 317 iirst to make proclamation 15 to appoint Nelson H. Davis to a place in to appoint a commissioner to an inter- the inspector·general’s department . 338 national congress on penitentiary and one or more agents to represent the reformatory discipline .. 21 United States at the International to approve of the expenditure by the Exposition of Agriculture, &c., at Secretary of State of the appropria- Vienna, in 1873 .. 389 tions for the British claims commis- to approve the decision of the Secretary sion and the tribtmal of arbitration at of the Interior as to amount proper for Geneva ... 24 the use of the Omaha and other Indito appoint register and receiver at Elko ans, &c. . 391, 392 land district in Nevada .. 38 to' appoint commissioners to inquire into to establish location, and a point regis- depredations committed by Indians, ter and receiver for additional land &c., upon the frontiers of Texas . . 396 district in Minnesota .. 38 authorized to appoint Frederick E. Upto appoint chief medical purveyor of the ton a master in the navy . 420 army 40 to appoint the director and certain other may re-establish the Monroe land district officers of the mint and assay-oflices in Louisiana . . . . . 40 of the United States . . . . 424, 433 to co-operate with the British govern- assay commissioners .. 432 ment in the appointment of a joint to decide whether certain officers in the commission to determine the boun- mint, found to be in error, shall be disdary between the United States and qualified ... 432 the British possessions .. 43 to appoint a commissioner to settle the may reappoint Gilbert Morton an ensign boundary line between the United in the navy .. 46 States and the possessions of Great George Plunkett a paymaster in the Britain ... 437 navy .. 47 to dispense with the services of Indian to appoint register and receiver in two agents and superintendents where new land districts in Nebraska . . . 54 practicable .. 438 in the Linkton land district in Ore- to appoint Indian inspectors . 463 gon . . . . . . . 55 to assign remaining Indian superintendmay change location of office in, 55 ents to such agencies as he may in the Dakota land district in Da.- deem proper . . . . .. . . . . 463 kota Territory . . . . . . . 138 may dispense with all the Indian superappropriation to enable him to put .in intendents and theirclerks 463 torce rules regulating the civil service, 82 to appoint register and receiver in Gila to Hx location and appoint register and land district, Arizona .. 466 receiver of additional land district in acollector of customs to reside at Minnesota .. 138 San Diego . . . . 586 to direct the expenditures of the appro- at Coos Bay, Oregon 601 printion for expenses under the neu- to appoint L. R. Chester to the retired trality act . . 144 list of the navy 468 to appoint register and receiver in the Absalom Kirby as second assistant northwestern land district in Kansas . 157 engineer . 581 torestore certain officers of the navy, 163, Howard F. Moffatt master on re- 164, 280, 878 tired list of the navy . 608 to dispense with the services of Indian to issue his proclamation in certain cases agents and superintendents when arising under the treaty with Great practicable . . . . . . 165 Britain of May 8, 1871 . . . 482, 483 to negotiate with the Shoshone and to appoint Frank M. Ashton second as· Bannock Indians for surrender of sistant engineer in the navy 484 part of their reservation . 214 deputy commissioner of pensions . 575 to appoint certain officers in the quarter- may appoint one assistant adjutanbgenmasters department of the army . . 214 eral . . . . . . . . 578