Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1169

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INDEX. 1129 WiZlett’s Poifth Willse, YV5H5am H., approprmtions for fort at . .· . . 377, 469 homestead application of, declared valid, 656 for engmoer depot ut . 546 Wince, Hcmjy L., " William F. Storer," the Ship, payment to, for live-stock . 715 name o£ to be changed to that of “Ham- Winchester, Wilaby,

 ilton Fish "  . . 19 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745

“ Wnlliam M. Tweed," the Pleasure Yewht, mlné, David,

Q8m0 giaxjégexl to “Julia. ” . 47   palyimegtgo, for live-stock . 715

a mms, av: ., me, acc ’ ., claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 757 paymém; to, for live-stock . 715 Williams, Hemjy Clay, Wine, James N., .

  pa,yme}1tZto, in settlemontof his accounts, 662 darriagos awarded to, by commissioners  

ziams.on cclaims .. claini of éstate of, allowed by commis· Wines. See Internal Revenue.

   sioxiorg   .. 757 or compounds known as winesi not

i iams, o n ., made from grapes, &c., interna. tax claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 757 upon .. . . . . 240, 241 Williams, Joseph L., special stamps to be ahixed . 241 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 763 penalty for counterfeiting 241 Williams, Martha B., absence of atom; from, &c., to bo

J>cnsi0££0 .   . 785 prima facie evi ence that the tax is  

i iams ert, r. not paid ... . . . . .. allowance to, iii settlement of his an- Winjiey, Solomon, counts ... 660 damages awarded to, by commissioners Williams, William, of claims . . . ... 698 payment to, for live-stock . 715 Winnebagoea, ` Willianzs, PV. J., appropriations for the . 185, 458'

 flaim @allowed by commissioners . . 750 fo1·Je111oval of, from Wi§o€sln t0

i {ams, ’ ulon, t sir reservation in c ras a., claim of} allowed by commissioners . . 749 &c. ... 190 Williamsoza, Daniel, allotment of luhd tp those lawfully resi- claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 763 dent in Missouri . . . . 18 > VVilliams0n, Leonora, minor children of Sophia Foyles . 185 ofyallowgd by commissioners . . 757 of ¥Visc0nsin, appropriation for removal  

i iamsou ames ., 0 t ie . . . .. .

J:laim tifiallowgd by commissioners . . 757 VW11n11a and Saigt Pe;er Railroqd Cognpany,    

` iam on obert ., time grrmto to, or cx ensmn o ITS ma ,

Q£B.yET1ei1§t0, fog property taken . . . 686 Winoraa and Sézint P<’P1`gR{l[[I`?d{ U0h;pd1g], 

i ug by ames . amount officertain umes 0 o re uu 0 may aluply for ezitensicn of patent . . 689 to the Gro Wills, Winslow, Joseph, . power of cousuls, &c., respecting, under homestead §pplic¤tion of, declared vauld, 007 the treaty with the AHSIfo·HHUgEfi3H Wnston, John ., monarchy .. 826 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 74u in treaty with the German Empire. 926 Wnstoq, W. O., Miner, M. W., claim of estate of, allowed by commas- claim of United States against, to be sioners . . . 74o compromised . . . . . . . . . 766 Wzrc Rope ang lVzre ééranclgr Chaéra, Wilson, Benjamin D., customs uty on, rom ugus , . - .. certain land in California to be recon- VWrtz, William,

 veéed to  .. 738 dangadeo awarded to, by commlssxoners  

°Zs0n,c0re. OC8lY!lS..·... L paygicntgtgyfzor patent .. 790 payment to, for live-stock . 715 W`! , n ., zsconsm

z e<;;ir r}aéf?call0»ved by commissioners . . 745 post—1:oadsostabIispo<i in . 27, 112387, 596

ilson, 0 n, represen a, 1on 0 ,1n ,ongress acco ng

 flair? oi Zllowed by commissioners, 745, 747   to ?¤€ {lilfélj ¤€?S51S 1 -   -  · · ·  

ison on . time crm mgecm ooursm claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 persons holding pre-emptnons on pubhfe W7ls0n, Josiah, lands m, &c., to have one your a.dd1- pension to ...,... 780 tional to make H13,] proof, . 89 Wilson Lewis, corgoranors of the emcnma our 0 cléim 01} allowed by commissioners . . 745 Fmancilfroni · · · ·1l: ‘.209 W”g*;·». R*’;¤"fi dl . . .,5., 1‘°i$i?3‘$·2mS%Er$2% 2’L1}’§‘¤}11¥h€”R€?rs"3& Wilsma-1I;1{0;;)e;[aGO`v€ ly commissioners l l those lJ\1I‘¤9d,:0 gave \1IltilJau1ua1‘y 1, 1 . ‘· 1873, to rebuid, u. .. 03 WH Pang0n $0];, ’'''' 726 such time to be included in the five $0**: ""U #·: * ~d residonice . . . _ _ _ g ms require

clain;;§i allowed by C0mmlSS10¤€1‘S · · 745 minemllgmds in, exclude¢;§1‘0m 0p€I`3·;  

i on i iam v { cu or 1872, cu. 1 pagrment t0,,for livestock . 715 lolglugazde entries may be patented . 465 Wilson, TV. W`. TV1`sm1~e7/ Barracks, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 building in Washington, D. C., known