Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/193

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FORTYZSECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 195. 1872. 153 At the navy-yard, Mare Island, California: For draughtsman, one Civil establishthousand six hundred dollars; clerk to chief engineer and store-clerk, at mm;; ’** “*"Y‘ one thousand four hundred dollars each; and time-clerk, one thousand two ya;;,?; ;,;m,d_ hundred dollars; in all, five thousand six hundred dollars. Naval Academy.-- For pay of professors and others: One professor of Naval Madmathematics, two thousand five hundred dollars; four professors, namely, mY` of mathematics (assistant), of French, of chemistry, and of ethics and English studies, at two thousand two hundred dollars each; twelve as- Pay of professistant professors, namely, four of French, one of Spanish, three of ethics S°*§p”$SlSg;‘“{S» and English studies, one of mathematics, one of astronomy, and two of mm m’ C" drawing, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; sword-master, at one thousand two hundred dollars, and two assistants, at one thousand dollars each; boxing-master and gymnast, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant librarian, one thousand four hundred dollars; three clerks to superintendent, one at one thousand two hundred dollars, one at one thousand dollars, and one at eight hundred dollars; clerk to commandant of midshipmen and clerk to paymaster, at one thousand dollars each; apothecary, seven hundred and fifty dollars; commissary, two hundred and eighty-eight dollars; messenger to superintendent, six hundred dollars; cook, three hundred and twenty-five dollars and fifty cents; armorer, five hundred and twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents; quarter-gunner, four hundred and nine dollars and fifty cents ; gunner’s-mate, four hundred and sixty- nine dollars and fifty cents; cockswain, four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents ; three seamen, in departments of seamanship, at three hundred and forty-nine dollars and fifty cents each; band-master, five hundred and twenty-eight dollars; eighteen first-class musicians, at three hundred and forty-eight dollars each; seven second-class musicians, at three hundred dollars each; two drummers and one fifer (first-class), at three hundred and forty-eight dollars each; in all, fifty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-six dollars. For pay of watchmen and others, thirty thousand six hundred and fifty- watclimgn, nine dollars and fifty cents. lngchmucsi and For pay of mechanics and others, seventeen thousand four hundred and a Mm` sixty-two dollars and seventy-five cents. For pay of employees in the department of steam-enginery, for machinists, boiler-makers, and others, eight thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. For repairs and improvements of public buildings, and for repairing_ Public bulldthe wall inclosing the grounds of the academy, fourteen thousand mssdollars. For contingent expenses, sixty-four thousand dollars: Provided, That Graduates or graduates of the Naval Academy shall take rank according to their pro- E;‘;’v°l0**§,;l;;£h_ ficiency as shown by their order of merit at date of graduation. “ Jllarine Corps. -- For pay and subsistence of officers of the marine luarine corps. corps, and for pay of non-commissioned officers, musicians, privates, and SiSlg?;;‘“d s“b‘ others of the corps, six hundred and seventy-eight thousand one hundred ` and forty-five dollars. For provisions, one hundred and twenty-six thousand five hundred and Provisions. one dollars and seventy cents. For clothing, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred and Clothing. fifty dollars. For fuel, thirty thousand eight hundred and fifty-six dollars. Fuel. For military stores, namely: For pay of mechanics, repair of arms, Mggmy Store, purchase of accoutrements, ordnance stores, flags, drums, fifes, and other instruments, ten thousand dollars. For transportation of officers, and their servants, and troops,·and for '§1‘¤¤SP9lf¤*i<>¤ expenses of recruiting, twelve thousand dollars. an m°r°mng' For repairs of barracks, and rent of offices, where there are no public Barracks and buildings, ten thousand dollars. "°“° °f °m°°°‘