Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/229

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FCRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 233. 1872. 189 For the purchase of goods and supplies for the Indian service in lieu _Purchases in of such as may be lost or destroyed in transportation by water, and only E;} ‘;;§°°d*» to be used to`the extent of such loss, twenty thousand dollars. " ` For fulfilling treaty obligations of the United States with Wyandotte P¤ym¢¤¤¤ tv Indians, as provided in the thirteenth article of the treaty concluded Feb- gQ;?d°°m IH` ruary twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, the following Vol. xv. p. 516. amounts ascertained to be due by the board of commissioners appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, as per their report dated March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, viz.: taxes unjustly collected by the territorial government of Kansas in eighteen hundred and fifty-nine and eighteen hundred and sixty, to be refunded, eleven thousand seven hundred and three dollars and fifty-six cents; to enable the Wyandottes to establish themselves in their new homes in in the Indian Territory, five thousand dollars; in all, sixteen thousand seven hundred and three dollars and fifty-six cents, to be paid under the direction of the President of the United States. For this amount, to assist the Peoria, Kaskaskia, Wea, and Pianke- To place the shaw Indians to establish themselves in their new homes, the said amount §;‘;"”,§;e;iail;”g‘ to be taken from the invested fund of said confederated tribe in accord- piagkeshayts in ance with the stipulations contained in the twenty-fourth article of the their new h<>m¢¤· treaty with these and other tribes of Indians, of February twenty-third, V°l‘ Xl" P' mg' eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, twenty thousand dollars. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and Secretary of required to prepare and submit to Congress a plan for equitably extin- £;:°;‘°Qa*Q for guishing, as far as possible, the separate claims upon the government of cquimbiygxtgnthe United States for annuities and allowances of diminished Indian guishiris certain tribes, and also for providing, on a uniform basis, for all Indians who are Qlgémggér °‘“"‘”` collected at the same agency: Provided, That no annuity, either of money blotliing to be or goods, provided for in this act, shall be paid to tribes which are at war Q4? *0 h°“il° with the United States. H es' Sec. 3. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, author- Rsmvval of the ized to expend, for the removal of the Chippewa Indians to to the White §g;Rg°§::,Q° Earth Lake reservation, in Minnesota, for their subsistence for six months Lake reservation. after their removal, and for improvements on the said reservation, the unexpended balance of appropriations heretofore made for such removal, subsistence, and so forth, and now on the books of the Treasury Department, amounting, in the aggregate, to fifty-seven thousand and seventy- nine dollars and forty-four cents. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to enable Civilization of the Secretary of the Interior to carry on the work of aiding and instruct- g'a°g;":B°;l;r:l;ij‘°° ing the Indians on the White Earth reservation, in Minnesota, in the tion. arts of civilization, with a view to their self-support, conditioned upon the Ohippewas to assent of the Mississippi band of Chippewas, first expressed in open coun- 9I$’*??‘i;‘* §’ $$*5;* cil in the usual manner, to the settlement of the Otter-Tail band of Pil- laigersiglttgugi ` lagers upon the White Earth reservation, with equal rights in respect to thereon. the lands within its boundaries, twenty-five thousand dollars. Sec. 4. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, author- Balance of ized, in his discretion, to apply the balance on hand of the appropriation ¤"9r¤i¤i¤rrr<>i>ri¤~ of one hundred thousand dollars, made by the act of July fifteenth, eigh- €(;r§;;‘;Q1s* teen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act for the support of industrial plied, &c. and other schools among the Indian tribes not otherwise provided for," Vl1870• 9h- and so forth, at such times, in such sums, and for such tribes and bands as, OXv1`p` O ` in his opinion, may be required. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the EXD¢¤¤<>S Of expenses of holding a general council of the Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, and Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, in the Indian Territory, as pro- Indians. i vided by the treaties with said tribes in eighteen hundred and sixty-six, gig; gl8é758» for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy- ’ ’ ' three, fourteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-