Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/308

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268 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 322. 1872. and settlement of all demands for wages between the parties thereto, on Certified copy account of wages, in respect of the past voyage or engagement; thirdly, gf *€l;=¤?€>b<= a copy of such release, cerufied under the hand and seal of such ship- “"‘“*.°. Y ‘ ‘hall be ivenb him to an t ls to ping-commissioner to be a. true copy, s g y' · ypar y ihlyldnsldsldhg thereto requiring the same, and such copy shall be receivable in evuience {)*;°'°l‘g· ml *·° upon any future question touching such claims as aforesaid, and shall have §Zl,g;l§;', all the effect of the original of which it purports to be a copy; fourthly, otherwise given in cases in which discharge and settlement before a shipping-commissioner t° b° "'d°“°° °f are hereby required no payment, receipt, settlement, or discharge other. settlement. _ ’ . . . wxse made, shall operate as evidence of the release or sat1sfaction of any Commissioner claim; fifthly, upon payment being made by a master before a shipping- ‘°_g“"’ ‘““‘" 3* commissioner, the shipping-commissioner shall, if required, sign and give statement and its . eflect. to such master a statement of the whole amount so paid, and such statement. shall, between the master and his employer, be received as evidence that he has made the payments therein mentioned. Cmmcm of Sec. 28. That upon every discharge effected before a shipping-commia d‘ ·- -' h h·ll k d` f ked"F"' hdl ischargae to sea S101'1GI‘ t 6 master S at ma E1 8.11 S1gn,m a. 01'DI1 mar 4, m sc e u 6 gjméglgfand thereto annexed, a report of the conduct, character, and qualifications of Sm, p_ 2é0_ the persons discharged, or may state on said form that he declines to give Reggmn any opinion upon such particulars, or upon any of them; and the commissioner shall keep a register of the same, and shall, if desired so to do by any seaman, give to him or indorse on his certificate of discharge a. copy of so much of such report as concerns him. Seamen, being Sec. 29. That every seaman, being a foreigner, who declares his in-

 tention of becoming a citizen of the United States in any competent

by d,,c;,u.;ng i,,_ court, and shall have served three years on board of a merchant ship or tpntnnd serying ships of the United States subsequent to the date of such declaration, g;_°° Y°‘““"‘· may, on his application to any competent court, and the production of his certificate of discharve and good conduct durin¤· that time tovether with the certificate of hi; declaration of intention tobbecome a citizen, be When robe admitted a citizen of the United States; and every seaman, being a ford°°‘”“d °"‘"“*i cggner, shall, after his declaration of intention to become a citizen of the uitcd btates, and shall have served said three years be deemed a citizen of the United States for the purpose of manning and serving on board any merchant ship of the United States, any thing to the contrary in an y· www to {,,0, previous act of Congress notwithstanding; but such seaman shall, for all tcction inmli ing purposes of protection as an American citizen, be deemed such, after the ?:;;:[f‘"°" °‘· filing of his declaration of intention to become such citizen. ssmen·s ngm Sec. 30. That a. seaman’s right to wages and provisions shall be taken

§;»   commence either at the time at which he commences work, or at the

mem, time spelcified ml agreiemept for his commencement of work or pres- _ _ ence on oar< , w uc ever rst appens. m_l&i';;'m;cg;P I Sec. 31. {Phat no seaman shall by any agreement other than is profm. wages not vided by this act forfeit his lien upon the ship, or be deprived of any formimd. Sw. remedy for the recovery of his wages to which he would otherwise have Gmail, mm- been entitled; and every stipulation in any agreement inconsistent with

gsm any provision of this act, and every stipulation by which any seaman

pconsents to abandon his right to his wages in the case of the loss of the ship, pr to alpsniprzou apyplrnght which he may have or obtain in the nature _ 0 SQ Vage, S ¤~ 6 w 0 y inoperative. W to d8_ $1co. 32. That .110 right to wages shall be dependent on the earning of ,,,.94 0,, mg freight by the ship, and every seaman and apprentice who would be engpiprptcarinxng t1t1ed to demand and receive any wages if the ship on which he has 5 seryed and earned freight shall, subject to all other rules of law and conditions applicable to the case, be entitled to claim and recover the same Xvhap shall of the master or owner in personam, notwithstanding that freight has Sztg grsu of not been earned; but in all cases of wreck or loss of ship, proof that wreck, &c_ he has not exerted himself to the utmost to save the ship, cargo, and stores shall bar his claim.