Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/355

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FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 335. 1872. 315 and enter upon the performance of the service to the satisfaction of the Postmaste1·-Gciieral, such bidder shall forfeit. the amount so deposited to the United States, and the same shall forthwith be paid into the treasury for the use of the Post-office Department; but if such contract shall be Check to be reduly executed and the service entered upon as aforesaid, such draft or *¤¤¤¢d»i€ &<=- check so deposited shall be returned to the bidder. Sec. 254. That any person or pcrsons bidding for the transportation Biddersreof the mails upon any route which may be advertised to be let, and re- fjl"“'~‘.f ”“t”"’§"‘l cgiving an award of the contract for such service, who shall wrongfully wrggghiig, refuse or fail to enter into contract with the Postmaste1·-Gcnei·al in due fu>=i¤¤z to enter form, and perform the service described in his or their bid or proposal, {)‘;"°gf1‘Q{l*";f.*_§;’c shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof; be Y ’ ` punished by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars and by imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months. Sec. 255. That the Postmaster-General, whenever he may deem it. Nw ¤“’°ll€¤ consistent with the public interest, may accept new surety upon any con- gg ggggggamy tract existing or hereafter made for carrying the mails, in substitution for and release of any existing surety. V Sec. 256. That no contract for carrying the mail shall be made for a cag;Q;;‘f;;§;' longer term than four years, and no contract for carrying the mail on the me to bg mma sea shall be made for a. longer term than two years. fvr l°¤£¢¥ *****6 Sec. 257. That whenever, by reason of any error, omission, or other th°f?’muQ is not cause, an y route which should properly be advertised for the regular let- advertised for ting is omitted, it shall be the duty of the Postmaster-General to adver- ;`;§;2j;l§;t;'h%:· tise the same as soon as the error or omission shall be discovered, and the véuwd, gw_ proposals for such route shall be opened as soon as possible after the other proposals in the same contract section ; and the contract made under such supplementary advertisement shall run, as nearly as possible, from the beginning to the end of the regular contract term, and, during the time necessarily lost by reason of such error, omission, or other cause, the Postmaster—Gcnera.l shall provide for the carrying of the mail on such route at as low rate as possible, without advertising. Sec. 258. That whenever it becomes necessary to change the terms of Notice of an existing contract for carrying the mail otherwise than as provided in f;}:;§;i‘§g*:;;” sections two hundred and sixty and two hundred and sixty-one, notice tracts_ thereof shall be given and proceedings had thereon the same as at the letting of original contracts. Sicc. 259. That no person whose bid for carrying the mail is accepted no pay-for egrshall receive any pay until he has executed his contract according to law ggm and the regulations of the department. wud_ Sec. 260. That compensation for additional service in carrying the _1’ay for uddimail shall not be in excess of the exact proportion which the original “°““1““"‘“°' compensation bears to the original service; and when any such additional service is ordered, the sum to be allowed therefor shall be expressed in the order, and entered upon the books of the department; and no compensation shall be paid for any additional regular service rendered before the issuing of such order. Sec. 261. That no extra allowance shall be made for any increase of EX:”*_°u°Y'· 6 expedition in carrying the mail unless thereby the employment of addi- tional stock and carriers is made necessary, and in such case the addi- mail not to bc tional compensatiomshall bear no greater proportion to the additional féL°W“d· ““l“’· stock and carriers necessarily employed than the compensation in the ` original contract bears tc the stock and carriers necessarily employed in its execution. Sec. 262. That the Postmaster—General shall deliver to the auditor D¤Pli€=*f$¤¢$ Of for the Post-ofnce Department, within sixty days after the making of any 3'fg;°‘°m °T w` contract for carrying the mail, a duplicate copy thereof Sec. 263. That. the Postmaster-General, after advertising for proposals, caggflggfaifkfm. may enter into contracts or make suitable arrangements thr transporting throng]; rmggu