Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/370

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330 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 335-337. 1872. List of acts the proviso in section 1, relating to the pay of female folders in v¤¤¤ <¤ 1>·=¤¤r the dead-Ictter omce. mP°J;d' Act of January 22, 1867, chapter 11, volume 14, page 378. February 18, 1867, chapter 41, volume 14, page 393, in part, namely section 3. Februar ,18, 1867, cha ter 43, volume 14, page 395, in part, ly ti 2 P namey sec on . March 9, ,1868, chapter 22, volume 15, page 40, in part, namely, so much as relates to the printing of postal conventions, and confers the franking privilege on the congressional printer. July 27 1868 chapter 246, volume 15 page 194. Resolution of lkpril 3, 1828, number 1, volunie 4, page 320. January 13, 1831, number 1, volume 4, page `495. October 12, 1837, number 1, volume 5, page 207. June 15, 1844, number 14, volume 5, page 718. February 20, 1845, number 4, volume 5, page 796. July 12, 1852, number 14, volume 10, page 174, in part, namely, section 1. August 6, 1852, number 16, volume 10, page 147. March 3, 1863, number 35, volume 12, page 830. June 6, 1866, number 45, volume 14, page 357. March 2, 1868, number 14, volume 15, page 248. Act of March 3, 1871, chapter 121, volume 16, page 572, in part, namely, section 4. Ame, p. 56. April 27, 1872, relating to proposals and contracts for transportation of the mails, and for other purposes. Approved, June 8, 1872. J¤¤0 8, 1872- CHAP. CCCXXXVI.—An éct to augztgize the élppaintment of Deputies of Clerks of zrcuit an istrict ourts. Be it enacted by the Senate and [muse of Representatives of the United lilipugig of d States of America in Congress assembled, That a deputy or deputies of §f,;m;‘;0ur'l;°° any clerk of any court of the United States may be appointed by such may be appoint- court upon the application of the clerk, and be removable at the pleasure gpcgégél *°;l“’° of the court; and the compensation of any such deputy shall be paid by gm ’ p y' the clerk; and in case of the death of the clerk, his deputy or deputies shall, unless removed by the judge, continue in office and perform the duties of the clerk, in his name, until his successor be duly appointed and _ Clerk respon- qualified; and for the defaults or misfeasances in office of any such deputy, gtbfcgtgf ““l°“ whether in the lifetime of the clerk or after his death, the clerk, and his estate, and the sureties in his official bond shall be liable; and his executor or administrator shall have such remedy for any such defaults or misfcasances committed after his death as the clerk would be entitled to if the same had occurred in his lifetime. Approved, June 8, 1872. __.mpg_8L1872. CHAP. CCCXXXVII. -—- An Act to provide for the Rederzption and Sale of Lands held p3AmcndQ,@_T"' by the United States under the several Acts levying direct axes, and jizr other Purposes- °‘°L’ P` GOO'] Be it enacted by the Senate and [muse of Representatives of the United Lands pow States of America in Congress assembled, That all the lands now owned

Stfm or hold by the United States, by virtue of proceedings under the act

ucquipgd umm- entitled "An act for the collection of direct taxes in insurrectionary distr10bS glzgdygt lg? within the United States, and for other purposes," approved June seventh, restgred {0mm,,. eighteen hundred and- sixty-two, and under acts supplementary therefb, legal owners upon or upon the same sub_]ect—matter, may be redeemed and restored to such g;;‘;§9fi°g.Q;feS, persons as shall make application therefor to the Secretary of the Treasury, ugtgrgst, md cx. through the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, within two years from the - D¢¤¤¤¤- passage of this act, and furnish satisfactory evidence to said department