Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/401

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F ORTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 415. 187 2. 361 For care, support, and medical treatment of sixty transient paupers, Sixty transient medical and surgical patients, in some proper medical institution in the P*“P°"° ““d'°' city of Washington, under a. contract to be formed with such institution, °°m°°t' twelve thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, under the clirectiou of the Secretary of Wm. Smithsonian Institution.--For preservation of the collections of the Ssmlgsouian surveying and exploring expeditious of the government, fifteen thousand I”“°“““°“‘ dollars. For the completion of the hell required for the government collections, _ HKU {0* <><>U¢¤· ten thousand dollars. tw"' Oapitol Extension.-- For finishing and repairing the work on the Capi- Capital muntol extension, and for completing the flagging of the upper terraces, fifty ¤i°¤· thousand dollars. For annual .epa.irs of the old portion of the Capitol building, for _ Repairs of cappainting, glazing, keeping roofs in order, water-pipes, pavements, and lm b“im"'€· approaches to the building, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That a sum- Pmviso. cient portion of such appropriation shall be expended, under the direction of the architect of the Capitol extension, to keep in order the srcbways, door-ways, rotundas, and corridors of the Capitol. For finishing and repairing the work on the new dome of the Capitol, NSW d¤¤¤¤ of four thousand dollars. C“P‘°°1‘ And so much of the sum appropriated in the deficiency act approved UP€XP¤¤d€d May eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, for boiler, water- ggxltgsuv °'ppr°` m11k, and steam-pump in the south wing of the Capitol as mqy not be expended previous to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, may 1872, cu. 172. be expended during the iisca,1 year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hum- A"", Y" I3]" dred and seventy-three. FOF continuing the work of grading and ’d1Iing,a,nd for planting the Grading, Srcé, grounds around the Capitol, paving B street north, from Delawareto New g,_Q;`}§f;i;Q°lQQlc_ Jersey avenues, and the quadrant, thence to Pennsylvania avenue, and for i curbing and paving the foot-ways around the Capitol grounds, thirty-Eve thousand dollars, which shall be available immediately: Provided, That Gf¤d9$ of _ the grades of the streets and avenues in the vicinity of the Capitol be, §?°§;;;3){" and the same are hereby, established in conformity with the plan approved lished. by the mayor of the city of Washington, the offncer in charge of public buildings and grounds, and the architect of the Capitol extension, as euthorizcd by the joint resolution approved July fourteenth, eighteen Vol- xvi- p- 389- hundred end seventy; and for this purpose the plan made by William 1_ Pla;} IW gil- Forsyth, surveyor, dated January twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sev- slffxeygffy ' enty-one, on file in the office of the architect of the Capitol extension, shall be considered authentic. Botanical Garden.- For reconstructing the eastern parallelogmm of B¤¤wi¢¤\8¤1’— the conservatory in the botanical garden, to make it correspond with that de"' at the west of the rotunda, thirteen thousand dollars. For extending the propagating houses (including the use of the sash from the old portion of the conservatory), and for general repairs to buildings, four thousand five hundred dollars. For the construction of a, sewer and trap across Third street, to convey the drainage of the botanical garden to the main sewer, five hundred dollars. For continuing fence and erecting gateways on Third street, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Library of O0ngress.Z-— For additional heating apparatus in the library Library or of Congress to be expended under the direction of the architect of the C°¤S*¤¤¤· Capitol extension, two thousand dollars, or so much there0fas may be necessary. To enable the librarian to procure for the library of Congress the Eng- English county Hsh county histories, the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof h‘St°“°“' as may be necessary.