Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/432

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392 FORTY·-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 436. 1872. separated and essary, a portion of their reservation in the State of Nebraska, not ¤¤¤Y¤y¢d wd ¤P· exceeding fifty thousand acres, to be taken from that part of said resepmused' vation lying south of Loup Fork. The said l&1'ldS S0 surveyed shall be appraised by three competent commissioners, one of whom shall be selected by the said Pawnee tribe of Indians in open council, and the other two Proposals for shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. After the survey and p¤F§h¤¤¤ W be appraisement of said lands, as herein provided, the Secretary of the Intem`"°°d' rior shall be, and hereby is, authorized to offer the same for sale, for eas}; in hand, in the same manner and with the same restrictions as provided in the first section of this act relating to the Omaha lands; and the pro- Pwceeds <>f' ceeds of such sale shall be placed to the credit of said Indians on the books ggjggégow *° b° of the treasury of the United States, and bear interest at the rate of Eve ` per oentum per annum, payable semi-annually, except such portion thereof as the Secretary of the Interior, with the approval of the President of the United States, may deem necessary to be expended for their immediate use, as directed in the said first section of this act. Pm9F the Sec. 3. That with the consent and concurrence of the Otoe and Misf)°€’§;‘;‘;l°Q{°}§[?;_th° souria. tribe of Indians, expressed in open council in the usual manner, the souria Indians Secretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized to cause to be sur-

  • ° bf S°§*‘“‘*gd» veyed, if necessary, a portion of their reservation lying in the States of
£Q_m Nebraska and Kansas, not exceeding eighty thousand acres, to be taken

from the western part thereof; lying west of the Big Blue river, part of said tract lying in the State of Nebraska, and part lying in the State of Kansas. The said lands so surveyed shall be appraised by three competent commissioners, one of whom shall be selected by said Otoe and Missouria tribe of Indians in open council, and the other two shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. After the survey and appraisement of said lands, as herein provided, the Secretary of the Interior shall be, and Proposals for hereb is, authorized to offer the same for sale, for cash in hand, in the &“{g‘f;$i;gf1 "Sh same hianner and with the same restrictions as provided in the first see- Pmeceds dr tion of this act relating to the Omaha lands; and the proceeds of such sale

      • 0% h°W W b¤ shall be placed to the credit of said Indians on the books of the treasury

“pPh°d’ of the United States, and bear interest at the rate of live per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, except such portion thereof as the Secretary of the Interior, with the approval of the President of the United States, may deem necessary to be expended for their immediate use, as directed in the said first section of this act. Part of me Sec. 4. That with the consent and concurrence of the Snc and Fox of

 the Missouri tribe of Indians, expressed in open council in the usual manner,

the Missouri mba the Secretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized to cause to be Gf Indiws f<> be surveyed, if necessary, 2. portion or the whole of their reservation in the Qigtgtgidsggj State of Nebraska, containing about sixteen thousand acres. The said praised. lands so surveyed shall be appraised by three competent commissioners, one of whom shall be selected by said Sac and Fox of the Missouri tribe of Indians in open council, and the other two shall be appointed by the Proposals for Secretary of the Interior. After the survey and appraisement of said §;'§h';°b*;"{¤_ lands, as herein provided, the Secretary of the Interior shall be, and hereby vited. is, authorized to offer the same for sale, for cash in hand, in the same manner and with the same restrictions as provided in the Erst section of this act relating to the Omaha lands; and the proceeds of such sale shall Proceeds of he placed to the credit of the said Indians ou the books of the treasury of Sales g°"‘°b° the United States; and bear interest at the rate of five per centum per app l°annum, payable semi-annually, except such portion thereof as the Secretary of the Interior, with the approval of the President of the United States, may deem necessary to be expended for their immediate use, as directed in the saidliirsthsection of this act, or for their removal to the Indian Territory or e sew ere, in case the desire to remove. Patents for Sec. 5. That in all plltents of lands sold under authority of this act, l“¤d° Wd “¤d°' there shall be inserted a clause forever prohibiting the sale of intoxicating