Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/500

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460 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 138. 1873. E;<pcnses_or_ manent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to I"“‘““ °“"“*°° m be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars. Dakota Teyyi- Da/com Territory. — For the general incidental expenses of the Indian WY? service in Dakota Territory, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars. Idaho Tm,- [da/zo Territory.-- For the general incidental expenses of the Indian wry; service in Idaho Territory, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist the1n to locate in permanent ahodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars. Itfonmym Ter. llfmtana 7errit0ry.—-—For the general incidental expenses of the HWY? Indian service in Montana Territory, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and to sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty- five thousand dollars. Nevada, Nevadu.—I<`or the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Nevada, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent ahodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized lite, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand dollars. New Méxiw; Nctv 1l[cxic0.— For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in New Mexico, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assistthem to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, fifty thousand dollars. Oregon; Oregon.-- For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Oregon, including transportation of annuipy goods and presents, (where no special provision therefor is made by treaties,) and for paying the expenses of the removal and subsistence of Indians in Oregon, (not parties to any treaty,) and for pay for necessary employees, forty thousand dollars. Wasliiiigton Washivzgton Territory.-—For the general incidental expenses of the T°mmy’ Indian service in \Vasl1ington Territory, including transportation of annuity goods and presents, (where no special provision is made therefor by treaties,) and for defraying the expenses of removal and subsistence of Indians, and for pay of necessary employees, twenty-four thousand four hundred dollars. Umh Terri- Utah Zerriiory.~—For the general incidental expenses of the Indian °°'·Y l service in Utah Territory, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, including transportation and necessary expenses of delivering provisions to the Indians within the Utah superintendency, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, thirty-five thousand dollars. Wyoming Wyoming ]%rrit0ry.—-— For the general incidental expenses of the T°"‘”’“"Y· Indian service in \Vyoming Territory, presents of goods, agricultural impleznents, and other articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, five thou- {,9],,.,,, of sand dollars. 3llll}llll€§t>lN(}·, to For transportation, and the necessary expenses of the delivery of the

 annuities and provisions to the Indian tribes in Minnesota and Michigan,

gm, six thousand dollars.