Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/606

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566 FORTY-—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 234. 1873. water; Harlem river, near the East river, New York, for removal of rocks therefrom; of the piers and connecting bridges at Chester, Pennsylvania; the Penbsocot river, from Oldtown to Medway and vicinity, Maine; the Galena river, from its mouth to upper bridge in city of Galena, Illinois; the harbor at Fall River, Massachusetts, for removal of rocks therefrom; at Wood’s hole, in Buzzard’s bay, Massachusetts, for removal of rocks therefrom ; Old House channel to main channel of Pamlico sound, North Carolina; the harbor of Washington, North Carolina; at bayou Lafourche, Louisiana, from Lafourche crossing to the mouth; from mouth of Red river down Atchafalaya river to Brashear in Louisiana; at the entrance of Matagorda bay and the channel to Indianola, Texas; Pine river, Saint Clair county, Michigan; Monistique harbor, Lake Michigan ; Sehawaing river, Michigan; Yamhill river, Oregon; the mouth of the Coquille river, Oregon ; Red river, from Morehead to Pembina; at the mouth of Kewaunee river, Wisconsin ; at Elk river, Mary- land, below Elkton ; at Raritan river, New Jersey, below New Brunswick, including the shoals called the Middle Ground; the Youghiougheny river, Pennsylvania; Aroostook river, Maine, for improvement of the channel; at San Antonio creek, San Francisco bay, California; Santa Cruz, California; Estero bay, near Santa Barbara, California. And not to exceed _ five thousand dollars of the above appropriation may be expended in an Cggggggfsafd exploration of routes for the extension of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal Ohio canal. to the Ohio river, by the north and south branches of the Potomac river. Connecting For connecting the inland waters along the margin of the Gulf of i¤{1¤¤dtg¤*£rj,_ f Mexico, from Donaldsonville, in Louisiana, to the Rio Grande river, in hglgco *},0,; ° Texas, by cuts and canals, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars of tho Sec. i i amount herein appropriated for surveys of rivers and harbors; at Great Pee Dee river, from Pine Bluff to Cheraw, South Carolina; at Ashley river, South Carolina; at Cleveland, Ohio, for the construction of a harbor of refuge; at Forked Deer river, below Dyersburg, Tennessee; at harbor at WVils0n, on Lake Ontario, New York; at East Pascagoula harbor, Mississippi sound; at Portsmouth harbor, New Hampshire, for breakwater between Gerrish’s island and Wood island; in Ipswich bay, Massachusetts, at Hodgkins’ cove, to ascertain the practicability of a harbor of refuge by building a breakwater there. Im,,,;,,, and Sec. 3. Phat the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and required to report upon the detail from the engineer corps, one or more engineers whose duty it shall

 may °f be to inquire into and report upon the practicability of bridging, consischannel between tently with the interests of navigation. the channel between Lake Huron

L°k° H*§*°¤ and and Lake Erie, at such points as may be needful for the passing of rail- Lake Er1e· . . . . . . ’ road trams across said channel, and also its effect upon the navigation of amountofnav- the same; and further, to inquire into the number and character of the

  • §*;fi°¤i¤ ¤h¤¤· vessels navigating said channel, and the number of trips made by each,

n°€,;,e,,,0,— sP,,,s_ and, if said bridging be practicable, to report what extent of span or spans and elevation above the water will be required in the construction of such bridge lor bridges, so as not seriously to injure the navigation of said . channe . ,;,,,,,0,,,;,,30,, Sno, 4. That the appropriation for building the pier at Lewes, Dela- For DM M Lewes. ware, contained in the act approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and Delaware, ex- · ,, - · · · · Md8d_ seventy, an act entitled An act making appropriations for sundry civil 1870, ch.292,§12. expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen V°r X"- P- 310- hundred and seventy-one, and for other purposcs," be, and the same is hereby, extended until June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. Approved, March 3, 1873. March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCXXXIV. -4122. Act to range, consolidate, and amend the Laws relating to 8N3i0f1S. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Omcers and States of America, in Congress assembled, That if the ability of any officer