Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/612

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572 FORTY—·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 234. 1873. Pensiemsgmnt- Src. 15. That all pensions which have {lean, or which may lacrcafter gd °; ;‘;°°“*g· °*` be, granted in consequence of death occurring fr0m a. cause vvhu-1; omg- Bm m’ °" inated in the service since the fourth day of March, exghteen hundred and tr? Mmmm?nf ds or injuries received or disease om dqce o mx -0ne, or m consequence 0 wcun . ‘l°‘"h· lf °¥’¥’l’°“‘ conglactcd since said date shall commence from the death or discharge of DOH therefor as ’ . b h H h fl be filgdwi[l;i;;,&¤,;tl1€ person on whose account the Cl31m has cen or s rz area er granted, or from the termination of the rxglrc of party hnving p1-mr male to such pension: Provided, That, the applicagorm for snrch pension began, or shall hereafter be filed with the coxnmmsxoner 0 pensions w1t un V8 otherwise, years after the right; thereto shall have accrued; otherwise the pension Wh8¤*° °°m· shall commence from the dam of filing the last (?‘V1§lBllC6_ neccsrary to mgxg mmm aP_ establish the same: Provided further, 'llhut the limitation hermn preply toiussme pc:- scribed shall not apply to claims by or m behalf of insane persons or “°"s· &°· persons under sixteen years. Right of pm. Sec. 16. That in construing the preceding section, the Tghg of pgrsorns ¤°¤S*·°P°¤Si°¤¤ entitled to pensions shall be rc->co<mized as accruing at. he abc t arem

 m stated for the commencement ofnsuch pension, and that fha Tlgllb of a.

dependent father or dependent brother to pension shall not m any case be held to have ;cc1£1ed p;·ior go gw saxth {lay of .;unF:, e1gl1€ecr; hunclrgg a13d sixty-six; an the l'1¤'1D 0 z, other c asses 0 c mmv.11 s. 1 =zpp y1 g u account of the dcabhb of a person who was regularly mustered mso the service cr rcvularl employed in the navy, .01- upon the guuboats or wa.r— 1, ftbcU `ydSp y I ll tb 1 ldml vc r cdpriorto the vcssc s 0 0 mm mms s ra. no e xc 13 acc u fourteenth day of July, Glglllééll hundred zmcl sixty —two; if applying on 3,0- count. of a chaplain of the army, their right shall not bg held to hare accrued prior to the ninth day of April, eighteen hundred and sxxty-four; 1f applymg on account of an enlisted soldier who was uoc mustered, or a DOH-8Hl1Sl6d man in Fcmpsrgry S(; l'\jCf:, Ll1e;l1irigl1hihul;n0§be lgclelu; hisrve acixrued Fr10r to the ourt uy 0 uy cwntecn mn rc an SIX y- our; 1 app ymg on account of an acting usgistznt or contract surgeon, their right, shall not bc hcld to have accrued prior co the third day of l\Iarcll, enghmen hundred and sixty-five ; if applying on account of persons enlisted qs tcamshers, wugoncrs artificers l10spir.ul—s:cwards, or fm·z·1ers, their mghb shall not be held to have accruéd prior to the sixth day of June, mghtcen hundred aud sixty-six ; and the right of all classes of claimants, applying on account of 2, provosbmarslml, deputy provost-marshal, or enrolling offlcer, shall not be held to have accrued prior to the twenty-fifth day of July, Rights of wid- eighteen hundred and sixty-pix: fmvzdcd, ffhab the mglrt, of a w1dow or °‘$t:’*;_gBP*“d°““ dependent mother who marmed prwr, and dxd not apply ull subsequent to m ethe twem,y—sevcm.h day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-mglm, shall not be held to have accrued prior D0 that date. .A"’°*‘” °fP°“' Sec. 17. That it shall be the duty of the commissioner of pensions, upon mntobepmd` b l= · h `· b bhlf f ·iuar upon ,,pp;;c,mOn any application y utter 91 ot CFWISG y or 011 e fl 0 any peubo tp the cv¤¤¤¤iS- entitled to arrears of pcnswn under the hftcenth section of this uct, or, 1f "°“°" any such pensioner shall have died, upon u similar application by or ou behalf of any person entitled to receive the accrued pension due such pensioner at his or her death, to pay or cause to be paid to such pensioner, or other person all such arrears of pension as the pensioner may be entitled to or (if dead) would have been entitled to under the provisions No person en- > _ _ , umd to pay for of szud section had he or she survived; and no clmm-agent or other Rer- ?°"’Z°”i" “PPlYT sons shall be entitled to receive any compensation for services in makmg

§,;£;,meMs of application for arrears of pension.

Rates of qu- S20. 18. That the provisions of this act, in respect to the rates of

;’”d®i0 pension arc hereby extended be pensioners whose right, to pension accrued

eJsi¤»m·s under under cueral acts assed since the war of the Revolution ind rior to the v . 8 P . . P . Mts }>¤'*<>*` tgm fourth of March, €lghl.·€·€D hundred and sxxty-one, to take effect from and ggilulf glhcdm after the lweubyiifnh day of July, eighteen hundred aml §ixLy—six; and take gum. that the widows of I`BVOllllZ10Il5{l‘y sokuers and szulors rccexving a less sum \Y'°l°‘”’ °f"°"' shall be paid at the rata of eight, dollars per mouth from und after the clutxouury s0l· . . . diem. twenty-save-mth day of July, mghtcexx l1\11l(l1'€(l and suny-exglxt;.