Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/642

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602 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 265-268. 1873. and a commission on all customs money collected and accounted for by him, such salary, fees, and commissions not to exceed the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; and said deputy collectors shall` each be allowed a compensation of one thousand dollars per annum. Apmzovmv, March 3, 1873. Mn"`}' 3· 1873· CHAP. CCLXV.—An Actstc provide/‘br theCPa_yment in Goh} of certain Wage; to eamen in oreign ounlries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Paymentsin States of America in Congress assembled, That moneys paid under the

g laws of the United States, by direction of consular officers or agents, at

as wgggg {0 seg., any foreign pOI°li OP pI2y0E, BS WHg€S, €Xl»I`21. or Ot»h€TWlS€, due Am€l°]C3H SGH,- mgm to be i¤ men, shall be paid in gold or its equivalent, without any deduction whatlm d' °r' &°‘ ever, any contract to the contrary notwithstanding. Apmzovmn, March 3, 1873. March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCLXVI. —- An Act toautherize Pre-emptors ar Setllcrs upon Homesteads on the "—`_"`_ pubhb Land to alienate Portions q" their Pre-emptions or Homeateads for certain public Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Preemptom States of America in Congress assembled, That any person who has "'d h°‘“°‘*“d already settled or hereafter may settle on the public lands of the United settlers upon S . _ . . f h h d I Dubin, hmdslmay tates, either by pre emptxon, or by wurtue 0 the omestea aw or any

:; P<;f2;>¤}¤ amendments thereto, shall haye the right to transfer by warranty, against

umm Jirgmgr his or her own acts, any portion of his or her Silld pre-cmption or homestead for church, cemetery, or school purposes, or for the right of way of railroads across such pre-emption or homestead, and the transfer for such public purposes shall in no way vitiate the right to complete and perfect the title to their pre—emptions or homesteads. APPROVED, March 3, 1873. March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCLXVII. — An Act io provide for the Care and Preservation of the Cemetery `T3" nezy the hC'1`($ qgllfcjggoé purchased in Accordance with the Act of September twenty-eighth, Vol. ix. p. 506, exgateen un re an y. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Cemetery ucar States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the the day °" M€>fi· United States is authorized to provide out of the ordinary annual appro-

 ,·2,€r°pcry priations for establishing and maintaining United States military cemeteries, for the roper care and preservation and maintenance of the

cemetery or budgl-ground near the city of Mexico, in which are interred the remains of officers and soldiers of the United States, and of citizens of the United States, who fell in battle or died in and around said city; subject to rules, and that this cemetery shall be subject to the rules and regulations affect- &°- ing United States national military cemeteries within the limits of the United States, so far as they may, in the opinion of the President, be applicable thereto. Ammovnv, March 3, 1873. March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCLXVIII.-An Act Io establish the Custom-house Value of the Sovereign or

 Pound sterling of Great Britain, and to fx the Par of Exc/range.

¥}§‘t§3‘gt;‘l% Be it cmzctedlbg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United money of uc- States of America zzz Congress assembled, That the value of foreign com °°$';fu;l;*%·&°· as expressed in the money of account of the United States shall be that standard comin of the pure metal of such coin of standard value; and the values of the cirqulation to be standard coins in circulation of the various nations of the world shall be "§f"“‘“°‘l "“““' estimated annually by the director of the mint and be proclaimed on the a y and pr0~ _ * claimed. nrst day of January by the Secretary of the Treasury.