Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/658

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618 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 305, 306. 1873. Nebraska, for which, under order of his commanding officer, Major _ Credit w Me- William Myers, paid the sum of eight thousand dollars ; and the account- L‘;:ll;1'g;‘;$1lIf"t ing ofncers are directed to credit him in settlement of his accounts with gf },_c,,0,,m_,_m'n the sum of eight thousand dollars, upon the filing of satisfactory vouchers shgwing the payment of that sum to have been made by him under such 0 er. Approved, March 3, 1873. M¤¥¢l1 3i 1873- CHAP. CCCV`.—— An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to convey to the City qf —_`__—·—— Chelsea, Massachusetts, certain Land for the Use of a Shoe!. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Secretary or States of `Amerrfca, in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy ll? N"? *3**5* is hereby authorized to convey to the city of Chelsea, in the State of gigs? Cl;,,,;,, Massachusetts, for the purpose of laying out and maintaining a street from l¤¤<l Fvrsstreet- Chelsea bridge to Chestnut street in said city, the following described D¢¤°¤'iP*l0¤ ¤¢` land, to wit: That the portion of the tract of land belonging to the United uw hud' States, situated in the city of Chelsea, in the county of Suffolk and State of Massachusetts, commencing on Broadway in said city, at the southwesterly corner of John H. Osgood’s land and running northerly by land of said Osgood three hundred and twenty-six and fifty-one hundredths feet to land of the United States marine hospital; thence running westerly on the northerly line of Chestnut street, extending fifteen and fifty- one hundredths feet; thence running southwesterly by land of the United States marine and naval hospitals seven hundred and thirty-one feet to the northerly line of said Broadway; thence easterly by the northerly line of said Broadway, two hundred and seventy-two and thirty-three one hundredths feet; thence northerly by land of owners unknown, one hundred and thirty and seventy-five one hundredths feet; thence easterly by land of owners unknown., two hundred and fifty-eight and seventy-five one hundredths feet; thence southerly by land of owners unknown one hundred and thirty and seventy-five one hundredths feet to the line of said Broadway; thence easterly by the line of said Broadway Quantity. forty-five feet, to the point of beginning; said portion of land containing about fifty thousand seven hundred and nine square feet: Prewided, That before such conveyance shall be made, the Secretary of the Navy shall Commission to appoint a commission, consisting of one linerofficer not below the rank of Np¢>r\‘·_Wh¤*Lif oommodore, one surgeon, and one civil engineer, who shall report what §2§}§`%g,°,§;l amount, if anything, should be paid for such land, taking inte account the land. advantages and the disadvantages of the proposed street to the property of Sums paidmbe the United States ; and the sum so reported shall be paid, or secured to be mmm '·°· &·°· paid, to the United States, and credited to the naval marine hospital funds. Approved, March 3, 1873. March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCCVI. -——An Act tu authorize the President to ascertain the Value of certain """t""" Lands in the State of Iowa, north qt the Raccoon Fork of the Des Moines River held by Settlers under the Preemption and Homestead Laws of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Commissioners States of America, in Congress assembled, That the President of the United

dm° States shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint three commisvalue of certain sioners, who shall ascertain the number of acres, and by appraisement or

}l¤¤;g¤b¤j I¤W¤» ._ otherwise the value thereof exclusive of improvements, of all such lands nin ugdplfglizp lying north of Raccoon Fork of the Des Moines river, in the State of stead settlers. Iowa, as may now be held by the Des Moines Navigation and Railroad Company, or persons claiming title under it adversely to persons holding said lands, either by entry or under the pre-eruption or homestead laws of the United States, and on what terms the adverse holders thereof will RWM to Cm,. relinquish the same to the United States ; and that they report the facts gr¢¤¤· at the commencement of the next session of Congress; but nothing herein