Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/678

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638 FOR.TY·-SECOND CONGRESS. Sues. III. Rss. 4-6. Gcvemors of Sec. 2. That the governors of the several States, be, and_they are g“;;°_j>';‘;;€;§;*d hereby, requested to invite the patriotic people of their respective States gm, p y' D0 assist in the proper representation of the handiwork of our artisans, and the prolific sources of material wealth with which our land is blessed; and to take such further measures as may be necessary to diifnse a knowledge of the proposed exhibition, and to secure to their respective States the advantages which it promises. Sammy 0; Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to transmit $*=¤*¤ Q repm to Congress a detailed statement of the expenditures which may have been °xp°°d‘°“"°‘ incurred under the provisions of this resolution. APPROVED, February 14, 1873. Feb. 24, 1873. [No. 4.] Joint Resolution granting Medals to Captain Jared S. Crandall, and Others. Resolved lgy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress, assembled, That the President of the United Mega}, granted States is hereby authorized and requested to cause to be made and pre- §>(é¤p¤g¤iT¤f%d sented to each of the following persons, such suitable and appropriate ,,{h8:;° °‘] °" medals as in his judgment shall express the high estimation in which Congress hold the respective merits and services of Captain Jared S. Crandall, Albert Crandall, Daniel F. Larkin, Frank Larkin, Byron Green, John D. Harvey, Courtland Gavitt, Eugene Nash, Edwin Nash, and William Nash, of the town of Westerly, State of Rhode Island, who so gallantly volunteered to man the life-boat and a tishing-boat, and saved the lives of thirty-two persons from the wreck of the steamer “Metis," on the waters of Long Island sound, on the thirty-first day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. Approved, February 24, 1873. _Mnrch 3, 1873. [No. 5.] Joint Resolution tendering the Oon_qratuZatz`ons of the American People to the People of Spain Rcsalveal by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Dhtited States Cm, mM_ of America, in Congress assembled, That in the name and behalf of the tions olrthe American people, the congratulations of Congress are hereby tendered to £;;;;;3“t§i;gl° the people of Spain upon their recent eftorts to consolidate the principles people of Spain, of universal liberty in a republican form of government. That the President of the United States be, and hereby is, requested to transmit this resolution to the American minister at Madrid, with instructions to present it to the Spanish government. APPROVED, March 3, 1873. March8, 1873. [N0. 6.] A Resolution authorizing the President to invite the International Statistical 'U-`-`-""' Congress L0 hold its next Session in the United States. Preamble. `Whercas the governments of Belgium, Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia Italy, Holland and Russia have heretofore extended invitations to the International Statistical Congress to hold sessions of the said congress at their respective capitals, and eight different sessions of the said congress have been held in accordance with said onicial invitations to the great advancement of the science of national and international statistics in its various departments, and to the uniformity of coinage, weights, and measures, and commercial regulations and statistical publications between the different nations; and whereas the United States of America are favorable to all measures for promoting the advancement of statistical science, and to all eilorts for the social advancement and friendly intercourse of the people of all countries; and whereas, also, the President of the United States, in his recent annual message to Congress, has submitted Ito this Congress the consideration of the propriety of extending an invitation to the International Statistical Congress to hold its next (ninth) meeting in the United States; Therefore,