Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/787

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FORTY—-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 339. 1873. 747 To Thomas Little, one hundred and fifty dollars. Payment of To Giles Lofton, one hundred and twenty-tive dollars. °l°l'¤$ ¤~U°'”€d To Sarah A. F. McAlister, administratrix of the estate of Peter L. F. g,::,`; Oountis, five hundred and sixty dollars. in To Christopher McCord, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. A"k“°”· To `William McCullough, one hundred and eighty dollars. To Mrs. Telith A. McGee. two hundred and eigl1ty-nine dollars. To Hugh McMurray, one hundred and four dollars. To Abner Martin, one hundred dollars. To Gallatin Martin, five hundred dollars. To Henry C. Martin, one hundred and ten dollars To Daniel B. Mason, one thousand three hundred and fifteen dollars. To John Mayes, one hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty cents To Babe Maxey, one hundred and twenty dollars. To Syrenah M. Miller, one hundred dollars. To William Mooney, two hundred and twenty-two and fifty cents. To Hannah Moore, two hundred dollars. To Hiram Morris, eight hundred and seventy-eight dollars. To Mary J. Moulden, one hundred dollars To Nancy H. Newland, three hundred and eighty-seven dollars. To Nancy Nioum, two hundred dollars. To Green B. Nolen, one hundred and fifty-six dollars. To Elizabeth Nordan, one hundred andfifty dollars. lo Arnold O’Broyn, one thousand three hundred and thirty live dollars. To Harriet.B. Outlaw, three hundred and thirty-five dollars. To Arrena Peters, one hundred and fifty dollars To Andrew J. Peters, seventy-five dollars. To Abijah F. Phelan, one thousand dollars. To Almriah Phelps, administratrix of the estate of Calvin Phelps, six hundred and sixty dollars. To Nancy A. Pope, fifty dollars. To William W. Reese, one hundred and six dollars. To Absalom Rice, six hundred and sixty-five dollars. To Asa Richmond, three hundred and forty dollars. To Elisha li. Robinson, nine hundred and ten dollars. To James Rose, eight hundred dollars. To lVesley W'. Ross, nine hundred and fifty dollars. To Williani M. Russell, two hundred and seve11ty—1'ive dollars. To Benjamin Scott, one hundred and forty dollars. To Michael Seagraves, one thousand and thirty dollars. To Humphrey Sewell, seven hundred dollars. To John A. Shefiield, three hundred and fifty-three dollars. To Sidney L. Skaggs, aministrator of the estate of William Skaggs, one thousand four hundred and thirty-five dollars. To Philip Smith, three hundred and twenty-five dollars. To Benjamin E. Snead, six hundred and fifty dollars. To Jacob Striekler, three hundred and forty-five dollars. To J ol1n Thurman, three hundred dollars. To Jane H. Turner, two hundred and sixty-five dollars. To Emma Wall, three hundred and seventy-seven dollars To lVilliam Warren, four hundred and four dollars. To Hannah M. Webber, administratrix of the estate of Ansel Webber, one hundred dollars. To Thomas M. West, one hundred and thirty dollars. To Dolphin Wells, three hundred dollars. To Thomas Wheeler, two hundred dollars. To John \Vilson, two hundred dollars To Catharine TVood, two hundred and forty dollars.