Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/835

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w T R It A TI E S. Additional separate and secret Article to the Treaty of Amity and Oom- Feb. 6, 1778. merce and to that of eventual and defensive Alliance between the United States of America and France. Ocncludcd at Paris, February 6, 1778. ;h·5$`g· Acr SEPARATE AND SECRET. Ac1·E Sturmé ET Steam. Tm; most Christian King de· LE Roi tres Chretien déclare en The power of clares in consequence of the inti· consequence de l’union intime qui *‘°°€@l¤€*° *}*6 mate union which subsists between subsiste entre lui et le Roi d’Es- iaiaiiiitggtwecn him and the King of Spain, that in pagne, qu’en concluant avec les States and concluding with the United States Etats-Unis de l‘Amérique Septen- of America this treaty of amity and trionale le traité d’axnitié et de com- the King of commerce, and that of eventual and merce et celui d'alliance éventuelle SP¤l¤· defensive alliance, his Majesty hath et defiensive, Sa Majesté a entendu 6 if;!` vm' pp' intended and intends to reserve ex- I et entend iéserver expressement, i pressly, as he reseryes by this pres- ‘ comme elle reserve par le présent ent separate and secret act, to his acte séparé et secret a Sa dite Masaid Catholick Majesty, the power of jesté Catholique la faculté d’accé- acceding to the said treatys, and to der aux dits traités, et de participer participate in their stipulations at a leurs stipulations, dans quelque such time as he shall judge proper. tems qu’elle le juge a propos, bien It being well understood neverthe- entendu néanmoins que si quelques Stipulations less, that if any of the stipulations unes des stipulations des dits traiiés m“Y b° °h““g°d· of the said treatys are not agre[e]- ne convenoient point an Roi d’Esable to the King of Spain, his Cath- pagne, Sa Majesté Cathqique seroit olick Majesty may propose other maitresse de proposer d’autres conconditions analogous to the princi· ditions analogues au but principal pal aim of the alliance and con- de l’alliance, et conformer aux lois forinable to the rules of equality, de l’égalité, de la réciprocité et de reciprocity. and friendship. Varnitié. The Deputies of the United Les Députés des Etats—Unis au The deputies States, in the name of their constit- nom de leurs commeitans acceptent of "h° United , . tates assent. uents, accept the present Dcclara~ la présente Declaration dans toute tion in its full extent, and the Dt·p· son éiendue, et le Depoté des diis uty of the said States who is fully Eiats spécialement charge des pleinimpowerfejd to treat with Spain pouvoirs pour traiter avec la Coupromises to sign on the first requisi- ronne d’Espagne, promet de signer a. tion of his Catholic Mnjesty,the act Ia premiere requisition de Sa Maor acts necessary to communicate to jesté Catholique l’acte ou les actes him the stipulations of the treatiesnécessaires, pour lui rendre c0rn~ above written ; and the said Deputy munes les stipulations des traités cishall endeavor in good faith the ad- dessus relates, et le dit Député se justment of the points in which the pretera de bonne foi a Pajustement King of Spain may propose any des points auxquels le R01 d’Esalteration, conformable to the prin- pagne voudroit apporter quelques ciples of equality, reciprocity, and I changemens, ceontormément aux TWTQ first Your Treatlesi; this pa revio1isly published in the Statutes at Large, and are now printed to make the list as nearly complete as possible.