Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1141

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Trrmc r.xx.—CRIl\iES.—Ch. 7. 1069 ingly neglects or refuses to perform any duty required by law, or violates any duty imposed by law, or does any act unauthorized by law relating to oraifccting such registration or election, or the result thereof, or any certificate, document, or evidence in relation thereto, or if any person aids, counsels, procures, or advises, any such voter, person, or officer to do any act hereby made a crime, or to omit any act the omission of which is hereby made a crime, every such person shall be punishable as prescribed ID the preceding section. Sue. 5513. `very registration made under the laws of any State or Wh¤¢_d¤6m€d¤ Territory, for any State or other election at which such Representative {°g’“"“?"’” ““‘l"" or Delegpte in Congress maybe chosen, shall be deemed to be a registra- EEE);--- tion wit in the meaning of the preceding section, notwithstanding such 28 F°b·» 1871, °· registration is also made for the purposes of any State, territorial, or agi; °' 1’ v` 16’ I" municipal election." S1·:c. 5514. Whenever the laws of any State or Territory require that _ Voting of Offerthe name of a candidate or person to be voted for as Re resentative or mg *0 V°t° “‘.°°"' Delegate in Congress shall be printed, written, or contained), on any ticket gm, giggaéuggligi or ba lot with the names of other candidates or persons to be voted for ——*——¥—: at the same election as State, territorial, municipal, or local officers, it uilgllgih ${2* °‘ shall be deemed sufficient prima-facie_ evidence to convict any person 145i'l` 'P` charged with voting, or offering to vote, unlawfully, under the provisions of this chapter, to prove that the person so charged cast or offered to cast such a ticket or ballot whereon the name of such Representative o1· Delegate might by law be printed, written, or contained, or that the person so charged connnitted any of the offenses denounced in this chapter with reference to such ticket or ballot. Sec. 5515. Every 0m(‘€1' of an election at which any Re resentative Violationofduty or Delegate in Con ress is voted for, whether such officer of) election be DY ¤m°°1`¤ 0* elw appointed or created by or under any law or authority of the United States, or by or underany State, territorial, district, or municipallaw or authority, Ibid., s. 22. who neglects or refuses to perform any duty in regard to such election 18 Fm, 1875, ¢· required of him by any law of the United States, or of any State or Terri- 80* "‘ 18*1* 32°· tory thereof; or who violates any duty so imposed; or who knowingly does U. S. u. Clayton, any acts thereby unauthorized, with intent to affect any such election, or 19*-m·L-R€P··3779 the result thereof; or who fraudulently makes any false certificate of the g'D€i1 "‘2g{“}§‘;';j result of such election in regard to such Representative or Delegate; or ,-mm if H,,,§1€,,., 2 who withholds, conceals, or destroys any certificate of record so required Dill., 229. ' by law respecting the election of any such Representative or Delegate; or who neglects or refuses to make and return such certificate as required by law; or who aids, counsels, procures, or advises any voter, person, or oflicer to do any act by this or any of the preceding sections madea crime, or to omit to do any duty the omission of which is by this or any of such sections made a crime, or attempts to do so, shall be punished as prescribed in section fifty-five hundred and [ten] [eleven.] [$¢¢S6·$1rl Sec. 5516. Every person who willfull · obstructs, hinders, or prevents Qbstructingexeany officer or other ierson charged with the execution of any warrant 9“**°*}_9f I{¤'<¤=¢=¤¤ or rocess issued under the provisions of sections nineteen hundred and 2;*88;%; "mh" eighty-four and nineteen hundred and eighty-tive, Title "Civu. R1o1rrs," 4 or any person lawfully assisting him, from arresting any person for whose ui:} 5*13% `l8'{g» 0- apprehension such warrant or process may have been issued; or rescues, Hzj ‘ ’ ‘ ’P‘ or attempts to rescue, such person from the custody of the officer or other rson lawfully assisting when so arrested, pursuant to the authority hdrein given; or aids, abets, or assists any person so arrested, directly or indirectly, to escape from the custody of the officcr or other person legal] authorized to arrest the party; or harbors or conceals any person for whose arrest a warrant or process has been issued, so as to prevent his discovery and arrest, after notice or knowledge of the fact thata warrant has been issued for the apprehension of such person, shall, for an of such offenses, be subject to a fine of not more t an one thousand dollars, or imprisonment not inore than six months, or both. _ Sec. 5517. Everv marshal and deputy marshal who refuses to receive ml‘g;;`c€?¤lr°f“¤¤8 - · . . · ve or exeany warrant or other process when tendered to him, issued ID pursuance cum PWM_