Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1253

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IN wlv D l*.\ . 1 1 8 1 BANKRUPTCY-Co r ”°'“""·.. distribution and diririd;?1dds—(‘•»11ti11ue4l i BANK3UPTcYj("°]`till“M' smm i in cam of preferences _ · . . I N · 5084meeting of crod1tors—('ontinued. g?·1rtn€rSh§1pd€btH 519.) E eirgapgetigi of; l\l8.!'Sll2ll`S return ui wm- · ’ "“ . 1 " · :· ········ - -·-···-----·-- 5***3 creditors m Sggrgiroegtzézzii; ----- l 1\tl]Oll¥'llll}€l\[ ot, and new notivo .,,, 5033 pdorigand Preferences pmhimiéd l 5 partuepships, proceedings in bankruptcy Eh? lehts egtitled to priority ,_________ mm A w,,,.,.,;,} `f,Q,Q.`,],;,C 'igédé `'’'``'``'‘`` . - 1 . . ’ . ‘ ·•·- —···--·-. ° 1);:; dizlggegét- ·i)é;l-i · . .. 5096 · ]o111t and separate estate to be taken . 51"l quant proof Of deb; ur iy subse- mq- creditoriilt of partnership and separate ’ _ ·•····'-..',,__ J ,[‘ . y ‘. °md;g’E¥?§é>§$i3\¤E2ily proving entitled ttsqiéni-e;,!li)viB1;iii,iinliiiid;£•·iie])t8 I - l - i _ _ - U l · ’ w_ _________________ _··1 (_, *·· ·`·]' `````'``' "' " BxI£g€;;¥i3::dg?%;n£O;v given - I l - _ U l I ~ decopggl gtppzzeandliiislix idual property Slol _ v YP ---—--------- · 5086* rroce Soi ther<e· ( d of mmesm ___________________ 5087 , 1 I, , 1 W ~ ¤*<·*·¤¤1 M11 ##1-- of ba,,kmp,·S wife ········ 508,, , wif, ‘°; · -. ·-------·- · ---·—--—----··— ml . . , °‘‘‘‘‘‘‘** · ······ · · · · 1i · °` 1 ii faggimpgisongi or (llS8b}€d bankrupt . 508909 lo; Sieiitiiiillix .t; ,). .g?I}t€d 51**1 to ;·;7B';?m;t;€§¥S;;*y*;£§§i ···--·-·---- i Wheii _ partners reside in iliffereiit dbs; ~ petitioner to deposit securityiior 5124 mlejdiiocridtdinl}i1rfsiiigiioii(mmm amt Vw when assets insufficient, petitioner t > penalties against Jbankrupt A A pay . T . 7124-t { { ·» · ·*~ execution ags1nst_petitioner for , 5124 petitidixj iiy drelllitiirg xilet i l l · tmveling incidental expenses of reg- 512, by creditors in case of involuntary bzink; y, ___________________________ . * ; ~ tev ________,,_,________ ’>D‘¥‘% marshal s feesas messenger . '12d i ·mii' i ·’ `'`` " i M

for 0 t12eé Servimsbhow pmscribedu . gun , prom u21§fto';p$$p11e·rf debtor dies after 5090

jus wes 0 `upreme ourt may change priority of debts &c 5101 fmudtuaggcit ieest: .. 5127 3 proof of debts. wlwt debts provahic. .i5067;5071 f ran: ets_ and other frauds, - set-offs, how allowed and regulated .. 5073 pre erences, assignments, &t·., void, , distinct liabilities, provisions concerning 5074 gud 8,•iS]gnQQ ]]\3y ]‘Q[‘()\’€]‘ I)f()pQft)’, J BB[X\]f‘Qd_ debts ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l ·c . , .. 5128 i by creditors r<·¤i<ii1¤¤i11 disiriitii 1: I _ _ _ _ _ 50”6 fraudulent sale, transfer, V01d, &c., as— by ereditors residing out of district . 50i6 signee inay_recover property, &c._.. . 5129 revision by register, wlwn .. 5076 presslxxnptpve €?\'l(dBll('•? ot fraud, what 1s. . 5130 i veritieation of claims, what to set forth. . 5077 ran en security o (‘l‘€(lltOI: ... .- . 5131 oath to, by whom to be made 5078 pr {mr receiving, {0- fgrfqgf, 5]);u·€ Of pgfgyg who]]] taken ________________ estate; other penalties ...,,.,.. 5131 , in foreign countries 5079 _ pena ties for certam fraudulent acts . 5132 court may reqmre additional evidence-5078—5080 1uv¤lv,i,ut,ary bankruptcy, who maybead- proof to be sent to register ,___,_____ _ _ , _ 5079 judged bankrupts and acts of ... 5021 register to send proof to assignee 5080 recovery of property by assignee 5021 examination of roof by assi ne . preferred creditor not al owed to p f d`tp to l i g Bd. I 5080 I · rove ~ names o cre 1 ora we registere .. 5080 l debt - .: ... 502i record of creditors and claiins, how kept , 5080 pr1or acts {ot balnkruptcy, effects of . ..1.. 5022 1 books to be open to inspection of all credpemwnio we hors ___________________ 5023 ‘ im,-S ______________________________ 50g;) proceedings npon petition .. 5024 examination by court into proof 5081 servtgdof petition _____,_,__,,... . ..,._. 5025 rejection of claims ...,.. . ...,_ , 5081 proc ings upon return-day. _. . . 502o withdrawal of notes and papers after prgcpgdmgg when (éietitiniung creditor proof ,,_,,__,_.,_..,,... . ..., , 5082 _ Hi S to appear, C . 5026 postponement of proof of claims _____ _ _ _ 5033 d1smissa1 of proceedings, when .. 5027 surrender of preferences required ... 5084 1:€SpO11<l&*rlt· to 1'e<v0\‘01’ Costs ... 5027 party preferred not to prove debt.-; ______ 5084 adpidgment, of bankruptcy upon hear allowance of debts proved ,_,,,,,,,,,,., 5085 ing ... 5028 list to be made and certified 5085 issue of warrant to take possession of es· re ister, a vointment and eneml duty of. 4993 tate 502*% gh t I pl I` `bl g r 4994 .,. · A woo>ee1g1eas .,,,___ a.ssignment·and dijstribution of property . 5029 bond and oath ,.,., 4995 order of ad]ud1cation to require what 5030 1 not to be of counsel, or executor, asschedule and inventory, how inade,&c-. 5030 signee. &¢·., in what cases ,. 4996 when debtor fails to appear, copy of adju- removal of ..,. 4997 _ dication, how served 2 . . 5031 powerspf .. 4998 1n absence of bankrupt, schedule and 111- l1n11tation>~upon powers of ...,,_ 4999 ventory, how made ,... 5031 to keep docket of dproceedings and formeetiugs of creditors, first meeting, for ward memoran um to clerk 5000 proof of debts and choice of ag} 3 attendance ofi when ._ _ . f .. 500 1 signee _,___,,,_,,,,,,,. 5 3-, 510 , summons am examination o witnesses second meeting . . - . 5092 1 by . . . 5002 third meeting .. 5093 may require production of books and pa- 110 further meetings except, &c . 5093 , pers . . ; ..---.·-·-------- 5002 general provisions; notices, how given . . 5094 inode_oi taking evidence before . _,: , , .5003 rigight of creditor to act by attorney .. 5095 depositions and acts of, to be in writing w icn second or third meetings not held and Bled .. , ... 5004 at proper time, court may order 5098 conipulsory attendance of parties and 4 effect and validity of meetings so held . . 5098 j witnesses before 5005, 5087