Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1351

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INDEX. 1 279 _ Sertlcm. _ geeumh JUSTICE! OF THE PEACE-Continued. LA.B0BEBS·——Cont1nued. limit to jurhdiction of .., 1926, 1927 dn ’s work of, to be eight; hours .. 3738 may administer oath to assistant marshals LAJEB BEER (sec Frrmented Liquma) 3339 _for takingcensus ... 2181 , LAKES, may issue search-warrant to customs of5— revenue cutters on northern and northwest- _ _ cer¤.._ . 3066 , em, specially charged to aid vessels yunsdiction in postal cases ___,,___,__,____ 3833 l in distress .._.,,_._,.._ 2759 in suits against seamen for breach of ar- vessels on, exempt from certain provhions HCl0B .. 4522 ‘ respecting shipping articles _________ 4513 may summon master of vessel to show cause , certain pienheads on, to be marked bv in cases of seamen’s wages ,_,.., 4546 l Light-House Board ,,__,__ `_ 4677 on complaint of unvesworthiness of vesmls J vemels on the great lakes are subject to navito, shall direct survey .., 4556, 4557 , tion laws, rules, and regulations . . . 4401 may punish seamen for refusal to sail, &c. . 4558 f Lake §mmp1sin, merchandise from Canmay punish seamen deserters . 4598 ada in stesmboats on, in what dispexscus for unauthorized boarding wes- tricts may be |gnded,&e ____________ 3128 scls ... 4606 delivery of manifests, and clearance of for District of Columbia to report deaf and l steamboats on, when going into dumb persons in District ... 4866Province of Quebec ...,._,,,,____ _ _ ~l·2t)8

 OFFENDEBS, I Lake Michigan, Secretary of Treasurv to

provisions for confinement. of .. 55-48-5550 make regulations to enable vessels in K coasting-trade on, to unlade without . previous permits . . ..,__ 3120 KANSAS, Lake Ponchsrtrain, drawback on im- United States courts in .. 531, 572, 658 ports exported from .,__ 3055 transcript of new books of records of district LAKEPOBT, courts in ...1.. 897 vessels for, mav unlade after making report Indian agents for tribes in 2052 at New Orleans ...,,... 2572 surve or-general of public lands in 2207 from, to foreign ports to clear at New Orland <listricts in .. 2256 leans .. 2573 exempted from provisions granting LAND AND NAVAL FORCES, sgamp lands to certain States ... 2479 how eniployed to execute judicial process, KENTU KY,·c . 1984-19241 judicial district of 531 to enforce neutrality laws .., 5287 district court in, terms of .,... 572 . to comfel departure of foreign vessels fordumtion of, at one place not limited by bi den to remain, &c .. 5288 intervening term elsewhere . 577 ~ in cases of insurrection against State- 5297 udjnurnments of .. 577, 579, 580, 584, 585 l against United States . 5298 clerks of ,,,..,,,,,,,..,.. 1 ...,. 557 I in case of domestic violence, &c., where circuit court in, terms of .. 358 . protection of law is denied .. 52$»9 special sessions of ,,,.,..,..,... 665 I in aid of collection of duties . 5316 what businem may be transacted at . 670 to protect discoverer of guano island 5577 clerks of ___,,__,___,,,.,,.__,, ·. 620 LAND DISTRICTS, (See, also, binds, process to be returned and cause tried in registers and receivers of .. 2234-‘ 7 court neorestdefendant .. - . . 745 to be discontinued, when .. 2248, 2249 petit and rand juries in .. 815 boundaries of, changed by President 2253, 2254 where is given for appearance, calling when, may be discontinued or annexed 2250 of party, my _______,_,___,,_,___,,, 946 President may establish additional 2343 ports of entry in, belonging to collection boundstiés of .. 2256 district of New Orleans, and their 111 Lllbimh . -..p. 396, 2256 0$cgrg ____________________ 2568, 2569, 2606 · Mobile, Huntsville, and Montgomery. merchandise imported at Louisville for Jef- iD AI-lZ011¤· .-...--·---.-·.-. P- 414, 2256 fersonville, Ind., may be entered at , _ Gila., Prescott. hqel- place ___________ _ ____________ M7 I in Arkansas. .: . p. 397, 2256 KEY;) i Dardauelle, Little Rock, (`anden, Harof distillery-locks to be in charge of col- 5 _ rison. _ lector of internal revenue or such I 1D Cahfcrmp .. : $0400, 2256 geugeruhe mg designate ,,____.,. 3267 i San Fra¤c1sco,_Mgrysvllle, Hum ldt, to gates and doors oty distillery to be fur- $l¢0Gl<l#0¤, " 1S¤·l!¤, S801‘§·m€¤@0. LOB nished by distiller to collector of in- l _ Allgeles, Shasta, Sllsinvllle- _ ternal revenue ________________ _ ____ 3275 ; m Colorado ... : . ,_ .. p. 412, 2250 stealin , unlawfully making, and other of-PH€blO,.D€DV9f City, Fair Play, Cenianses respecting mail-lock keys . 5477 _ ]:·l‘¢£°(€;l)‘. 411 2256 y q., · my _ _ . 1...: . _ . , with mwmm sell or hold person in slzv- _ Ycrrmll¤<>¤,Sp¤¤z¤¢·ld.Pemb¤¤¤.Il’¤¤k- ery (see Slave Trade) . .. v525 l _ ds 398 2256 m .. . , L_ l Tallahassee, Gainesville or East lgloridga. 2256 1,nB l in Idaho ... p. 41 , fm- galgrig ____________ _ _________ 52 Boise City, Lewiston. D * , u • • for House of Representatives, salaries .. 5§ | in Iu;\¤°“ ·-·--·-----------·-—-· P- 395. 2256 in departments, psy of ... 16¤ _ Sf;¤{gfl¢l<l· in Army, designation of (repealed, and P¥‘0· In {hmm -, ---·-···----—······· P- 3Q5v 2256 visions added for nergeants, mrporals, _ I¤d¤¤1¤P0l1¤- { gnd private;) ___,__, . .,. . . . ...- U62 ‘ lu Iowa · ·--· ·_ ···· · ······ ; ······ p· $98» 2256 detail of working parties of soldiers as . 1235 · Fort DGH M0me¤,_ Council Bluffs, Fort selection of, in navy-yards -----· - ---·- 1544 D°d8°· S‘°“" C‘*‘Y·