Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1446

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1374 IN max. Sertlca.Section. BUBVEYOBS OF GUBTOIS-Cont’d. · BUBVEYOBS OF CUSTOMS-—Cont’d. in Louisiana, for collection district of New when§ee of merchandise not to be Orleans, at rts in States of Iowa, open without written consent of . . 2899 Illinois, IndPr:na, Kansas, Kentucky, use of warehouse hired by 2956 Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylva- at Louisville, to have custody, dw., of imnin, Tennessee, West Virginia, and ports for Jeffersonville .. 2967 Wiseorr in ____,,,,_,,,_,,,_,.__. 2568, 2569when to inspect merchandise notified for in Maine .,...,., 2518 exportation ... 3035 in Maryland ..,..,...,,.. 2549 when to search certain stores, dm . 3107 in Mamachusetts ...,. 2529 duties of, as to public money . 3639 in Michigan ,,__,,,,,.,.,..., 2600 to examine books, &c., of assistant treasurin New Hampshire ... 2523 ers, &c 3650 in New York .._. 2536 duties of, in measurement of vessels for regat Albany to act as collector .. 2536ister tonnage .. 4148 in Texas ______,,,,,...,.,. . .. 2579 for other tonnage .. 4154 in Vermont ., 2526 to countersign certificates of registry of vesin Virginia .. 2553 sels ... 4158 at Charleston, S. C., residence of .. 2558 - survey or measurement of vessels by .. 4181 at Philadelphia, Ps .. 2544 fees of, for measurement of vessels, &c . 4186 term of office of .. 2613 monthly retum by, to collector of certified bonds of .. 2619, 2620 · manifests or permits . . .. 4332 President may increase . 3639 may be authorized to enrolland license vestemporary, how s. pointed, &c 2624 sels 4344, 4345 when to perform dauties of collector 2625 fees for 4346 salaries, &c., of ... 2706-2718 penalty for delivering false measurement of fees ... · .2656, 2657 vessel, du: . 4373 limit of compensation when performing to post up conspicuously, table of fees, &c. - 4383 duties of collectors . 2688 powers, c., of, at port of delivery made compensation exclusive of expenses ... 2689 port of entry in case of insurreclimit of, st Portland, Me., Boston, New tion .,. 5314 York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, duties of, respecting vessels fitting out to Charleston, Savannah, and New Or- engage in piracy ... 4299 leans ... 2690, 2719 fees to be collected by, from veaels in eerat. non·enunrerat.ed ports . 2891, 2720 tain cases ... 4381-4384 general duties of, at Ports where there are distribution of same (act of 1877, ch. 69), collector, nava officer, and surveyor. 2627 j after 4381 where surveyors only are appointed . 2628 j table of, toxbegrsted in office of 4483 in case of disability or death o , who to per- ¢ `URVEYS BUBVEYOBS OF form duties of . 2629 PUBLIC LANID8, (See Lands-- may authorize officer, &c., to act in his public.) place as disbursing agent, &c 2631 rules of survey .., 2395 may rmt, by deputy ... 2632 districts . 2207 number and comp)ensation of clerks ot . 2634 but one surveyor-genera.! in each 2212 to keep posted ta le of fees, &c ... 2635 location of ofliee 2212, 2213 to keep account of fees, &c., and make an- permanent a propriation for surve of Vigil nual returns to Commissioner ... 2639 and gsint Vrsin snd Noian land personal attention, &<:., of; duties of ; in re- claims ... p. 728, 3689 spect to accounts ... 2640 SUSPENDED (public lends) , accounts of, how rendered 2641 entries and pre-emptions, how decided 2450 to tertify services of occasional inspectors. . 2642 when patents to issue upon, &e ... 2454 to render list of clerks, compensation, ac- reverting to public domain, may beordered count of stationery, odlee-rent, &c- - . 2643 into market ... 2455 acting as collector, to render accounts of extent of provisions relating to .,._,._, 2457 mongoollected for fines, rents, stor- BUSPENS ON, age, .; exeess of $2,000 in certain from otlioe by President under tenure-ob cases to be paid into Treasury ... 2647 office law ..,_,,,,,, , , , , 1768 in certain districts to keep blanks for sale- - 2648 no money to be paid as salary to otlloer suscollectors may provide small boats for . 2763 peuded, dw , .,_,,,, 1762 when to examine baggage, &c 2801 in Army by sentence of court-martia.l.p. 239, at certain ports to estimate duties on mer- art. 101, 1342 chandise, approve bond of importer, ~ in Navy by general court-martial p. 284, and notify collector, &c .,,, 2825 art. 48, 1624 when to enter amount of duties on import- { from duty by commander of vessel, as puner’s bond, &c .. 2826 ishment; .. p. 281, srt, 24, 1624 when to cause inspection of cargoes, &c., of collector of internal revenue by superpermit vemels to unload, and indorse visor, for; fraud, &e ,,...___ _ _,,_____ 3163 manifests .. 2830 SUTB0 TUNNEL, not to receive bond les than, dec.; when to right of way and other rights granted for, collect and pay over duties .. 2831 not im 'red ,,.,,,,..._,,,,_______ 2344 when to put inspectors on vessels .. 2875 8WAMP·LA1¥§S, to transmit inspector’s book to collector . . . 2876 grant: of, to certain States for construction when to supply absence of inspector to su- of leeves . - r ...,,,,,,,_,,,, 2479 perinteud delivery of cargoes, 2877 patents for, to issue in fee~simple, &c .. 2480 distilled spirits to be landed under mspec- what subdivisions deemed to be .. 2481 tion of, &c . 2884 indemnity to States for, heretofore located. 2482 to oountersign, vertify, and transmit ret.ums patents to purchasers and lomtors of .. 2483 of delivery of merchandise .. 2889 certain selections of, by States confirmed . . 2484