Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/297

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rms xw.-Tun ARMY.-on. 2.-4. 225 Sec. 1305. Any enlisted man of the Army may deposit his savings, in _D<>p0¤itp of wlsums not_less than five dollars, with any Army paymaster, who shall ‘f}fH_““““€“· furnish him a deposit-boolg, in which shall be entered the name of the 15 May, 1872, c. paymaster and of the soldier, and the amount, date, and place of such 16% S- 1» V- Hi P- eposit. The money_ so deposited shall be accounted for in the same H7' manner as other public funds, and shall pass to the credit of the appropriation for the pay of the Army, and s all not be subject to forfeiture ylsentence of court—mart1al, but shall be forfeited by desertion, and s ll not be permitted be paid until final payment on discharge, or to the -he1rs or representatives of a deceased so dier, and that such deposit be exempt from liability for such soldier’s debts: Provided, That the Government shall be liable for the amount deposited to the person so depositing the same. Sec. 1303. For any sums not less than fifty dollars so deposited for the Interest on deriod of six months or longer, the soldier on his final dischar e shall P99‘*§;_._ Kg id interest at the rate of four er centum er annum g , 15 M“Y• *873 °· pa P P ° 161,s.2,v.17,p.117. Sec. 1307. The system of deposits herein established shall be carried R<>g¤l¤ti<>¤¤ for into execution under such regu ations as may be established by the Sec- ‘E .mT . a , , c. "°t*“`Y °f W“‘· 161, s.4,»¥17,p.117. Sec. 1308. The amounts of deposits and clothing-balances accumulat- D°_P0¤lt¤ wd ing to the soldier’s credit under sections thirteen hundred and two and f}gfvh‘"g`at{$;‘“°°‘- th1l’iS08D hundred and five, shall, when payable to him upon his discharge, _.iE_;__ be paid out of the appropriations for " pay of the Army" for the then 6115gI“>{7187€»l$— current fiscal year. ’°‘ ’v‘ ’p‘ ‘ CHAPTER FOUR. THB IILITABY ACADEMY. Sec. Sec-. 1309. Officers, professors, and instructors. 1325. Found deficient. 1310. Local rank of superintendent and 1326. Courts·martial for trial of cadets. commandant. q 1327. Board of visitors. 1311. Superintendent. g 1328. Duties of visitors. 1312. Commandanf of cadets. 1329. Compensation. 1313. Appointment of-officers and profess- 1330. Leaves_of absence. ors. 1331. Supervision of Academy. 1314. Selection of officers. 1332. Confgressional documents to library. 1315. Cadets, number and appointment of. 1333. Pro essors of Military Academy, re- 1316. Persons who have been in rebel serv- tirement. ice. 1334. Superintendent and commandant at 1317. Appointment in advance. _ ilitary Academy, pay of. 1318. Age of appointees. _ 1335. Adjutant, pay of. 1319. Examination and qualifications. 1336. Pay of professors. _ 1320. Oath. 1337. Assistant professors and instructors. 1321. Exagement for service. 1338. lldaster of sword. 1322. C ct battalion. 1339. (Jadets: _ 1323. Where to do duty. 1340. Librarian and assistant. 1324. No studies on Sunday. _ 1341. Non-commissioned officer, &c. Sec. 1309. The United States Military Academy at West Point, in_the OH—lcers,_profess- State of New York, shall be constituted as follows: There shall be one 2;*; md m¤*’¤°*r superintendent; one commandant of cadets; one senlor instructor m the - tactics of artillery; one senior instructor in the tactics of cavalry; one 9, s_28_v:g,p_1g-,2 senior instructor in the tactics of infantry; one professor and one assistant 29 April, 1812, c. professor of civil and military engineering; one professor and one assist- 721:} vj-12ipig20. ant professor of natural and experimental phllosolphy; one professor and 61 S- 2P::; pl 4%: one assistant rofessor of mathematws; one chap am, who shall also be g JJ1y, {838, c_ professor of history, geography, and ethics, Ml OBB 8·BSl8i}8·Ilii pl'0f6S80l' 162,g,19fv,5,p,259, of the same; one professor and one assistant professor of chemistry, min. 5020 .1J,u y5184gbg. eralogy,and geology; oneprofessorandone asslstantprofessorofdrawing; és2m;;; @,6, C- one professor and one assistant professor of the French language; one 96, _3, v_ 9, p_ 7L