Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/344

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272 Turns xv. —-THE NAVY.——Ch. 8—9. Officers retired Sec. 1593. Officers placed on the retired list, on furlough pay. shall °“ f“"l°“8h P“Y· receive only one—half of the pay to which they would have been entitled `;,_`i,,"_, ,835, c_ if on leave of absence on the active list. 27. s. 1, v. 4, pp. 756,757. 28 Feb., 1855, e. 127, s. 2, v. 10,p. 616. 16 Jan., 1857, c. 12, s. 1, v. 11, p. 154. 3 Aug., 1861, c. 42, s. 23, v. 12, p. 291. 28 July, 1866, c. 312, s. 2, v. 14, p. 345. 30 Jan., 1875, c. 30, v. 18, p. 304. T¤¤¤f¤¤‘ ffpm Sec. 159-1. The President, by and with the adyice and consent of the f“’l°“gh t° '°m”‘l Senate, may transfer any officer on the retired list from the furlough to {Ty` the retired-pay list. $6 Jan., 1857, c. 12, s. 3, v. 11, p. 154. 16 July, 1862, c. 183, s. 20, v. 12, p. 587. 30 Jan., 18 5, c. 30, v. 18, p. 304. R¤¤i<>¤¤· Sec. 1595. Rations shall not be allowed to officers on the retired list. 16 July, 1862, c. 183, s. 20, v. 12, p. 587.

CHAPTER NINE. THE MARINE CORPS. see. see. 1596. Number of. 1611. Companies and detachments. 1597. What commissions and promotions 1612. Pay of Marine Corps. not affected by number fixed. 1613. Marine band. 1598. Staff, _ 1614. Deduction for httgpitals. 1599. Qualifications for appointment. 1615. Rations of enlis men. 1600. Credit for volunteer service. 1616. Service on armed vessels.

 gaufk of pommandant. 1617. Mari1foiHe·ersn{>ttocommand navy-

. ta ran . yar vesse . 1603. Relative rank with the Army. 1618. Marinezghbstitused for landsmen. 1604. Brevets. 1619. Duty on shore. 1605. Advancement in number. 1620. Regulations.

 11;-romotion yvhen grade is full. 1621. Subject to laivs governing the Navy,

. omotion or ga an ry. except w en serving with the 1608. Enlistments. Arm .

 gath. f 1622. getfrerlientud

1 . xemption rom arrest.1623. et ring-boa , how composed. Number of. Sec. 1596. The Marine Cor s of the United States shall consist of one comman an wi e ran o r1 ner- enera , one co one . two leu- 25 July, 1861,u_ d t, th th _ k fpb `gad' g l l l l` 19, s. 7, v. 12, p. tenanbcolonels, four ma]0rs, one adjutant and inspector, one paymaster, 275. one tluartermaster, two assistant quartermasters, twenty captains, thirty wi Lg“},`·•\}8fg· °· first ieutenants, thirty second iieutenants, one sergeant-ma]or, one quar- 5,-lf’’ p' termaster-sergeant, one drum—ma]or, one principal musician, two hundred sergeants, two hundred and twenty corporals, thirty musicians for a band, _ sixty drummers, sixty nfers, and twenty-five hundred rivates. _ Whatdcommm- Sec. 1597. The provisions of the preceding section shall not recludc $3:;: *:3, al&‘;’c";:_,‘ the advancement of any officer to a igher grade for distinguished e-on— bv uumbu,. umd_ duct in conflict with the enemy, or for extraordinary heroism in the line ?—jl;i3,—igb;—g— of his piofegsion, ag authorized by sections sixteen hundred and five and

  • • ‘teen un red an seven.

19, s. 2,v. 12 p.21s. "‘X 16 July, 1862, c. 183, s. 9, v. 12, p. 584. 24 Jan., 1865, c. 19, s. 2, v. 13, p. 424. SMF- 1_ Sec. 1598. The staff of the Marine Corps shall be separate from the s0.nme,1a24,e. *¤¢· 132, s. 6, v. 4, p. 713. 2 Mar., 1847, c. 40, s. 3, v. 9, p. 154. Q¤%ll*i¤‘¤¤i¤¤¤f¤f Sec. 1599. No rson under twentv or over twenty-five years of ·we EPEBPL shall be appointedpfrom civil life as a commissioned officer of the Marihe 1925 gul%.2186;, c. Corps, nor shall any person be so appointed until his qualmcations for ·”· »"- »P· 75- such_service have been examined and approved, under the directions of · the becretary of the Navy.

forvolun- Sec. 1600. All marine officers shall be credited with the length of time
 they may have been employed as officers or enlisted men in the volunteer

,,4 8 3 vu, p gig- service of the United btates.