Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/399

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Trru: xxm.——THE TERRITORIES.—Ch. 1. 327 year, to the President. He shall re re the acts passed b the le 'slative assembly for publication, andpfuiiiiish a co y thereof tlc the piiblic printer of the Territory, within ten da s after Sie passage of each act. Sec. 1845. From an after the first allay of July, eighteen hundred and $¤l¤¤’i•• ¤f SOV- seventy-three, the annual salaries of the governors of the several Terri- °T"°"“ md “°°”°“" tones shall be three thousand five hundred dollars, and the salaries of the secretaries shall be two thousand five hundred dollars each. 48.,,_3?:'iy,,,_,{1gQ 1 May, 1876, c. 88, v. 19, p. 43. Sm. 1846. The legislative power in each Territory shall be vested in L¤¤i¤l¤*lV¤P°W¢¤· the governor and a egislative assembly. The legislative assembly shall Q3 M,,,._ 1869 ,,_ consist of a council and house of re resentatives. The members of both 121 ,s1,v.,16, .500. branches of the legislative assembly shall have the ualifications of 20 ·’"”¢» 13;% <>· voters as herein prescribed. They shall be chosen for (fhe term of two 38% Qktg ?’,,£5·t years, and the sessions of the respective legislative assemblies shall be c_,,9",,_6 3 g' iennial. Each legislative assemb y shall iix by law the day of the com- .448. i ’ i mencement of its regular sessions. The members of the council and of Ymh.9 $¤P*-J850. the house of representatives shall reside in the district or county for °·§},:“·‘,t*v·g·li;,454· which they are respectively elected. M v2,' p. 173- Colo., 28 Feb., 1861, c. 59, a. 4, v. 12, p. 173. Dak., 2 Mar., 186l, cl 86, d. 4,,v. 12: p. 240. Ariz., 24 Feb., 1863, c. 56, s. 2, v. 12, 665. Idaho, 3 Mar., 1863, c. ll7,a. 4,v. 12, p58g9i7§\iont., 26 May, 1864, c. 95, s. 4, v. 1 , p. 87. Wyo., 25 July, 1868, c. 235, s. 4,v. Sec. 1847. Previous to the first election for members of the le 'slative _ C€¤¤¤¤¤¤d elecassembly of a Territory in which Con ress may hereafter rovkhel a. tem- 29;.; porary government, the governor shail cause a census of the inhabitants wg, 1g‘f,’§‘*;i§°fg* and qua. iiied voters of the several counties and districts of the Territory _44§_` ’’’ to be taken by such persons and in such mode as he may designate and lltah,9 Sept.,l850, appoint, and the persons so appointed shall receive a reasonable com- °·5l·¤-‘i·V·9· pensation for their services. And the first election shall be held at such ,8§g°zh§02S 4 y time and places, and be conducted in such manner, both as to the persons 10, {73]' ' who superintend such election and the returns thereof, as the governor Colo., 28 Feb., may directi and he shall, at the same time, declare the number of mem- BGL ¤- 59, S- L V. bers of the council and house of representatives to which each of the 128;},72* 2 Mu counties or districts is entitled under the act providing such temporary ]86]I c_"86, S_ 4, gf government for the particular Territory. The persons aving the highest 12, p, 240. number of legal votes in each of the districts for members of the council AM-- 2* {Pb-. shall be declared by the governor to be dulv elected to the council; and {36* 3,,556- "’· ‘· '· the persons having the highest number of legal votes for the house of j§,,h,,_'·3 M,,,.__ representatives shall be declared by the governor to be duly elected 1863, c. 117,s. 4, v. members of that house; but in case two or more persons voted for have WMM 809- an equal number of votes, and in case a vacancy otherwise occurs in ,864°';*·{,52i; L1'}`? either branch of the legislative assembly, the governor shall order a new 13, ’_ gy ’’ ' election; and the persons thus elected to the legislative assembly shall Vgyo., 25 July, meet at such place and on such day as the governor appoints. {gilt ¤-4· V- Ssc. 1848. After such first election, however, the time, place, and man~ 'iiine andplaceof ner of holdin elections b the people in any newly-created Territory, as h<>ld¤¤8 ¢l¤¤¢i0¤¤· well as of hohiing all such elections in Territories now organized, shall Ibid. be prescribed b the laws of each Territory. bac. 1849. The a portionment of representation, which the governor Appqrti m¤<·¤t is authorized to mage by section eighteen hundred and forty-seven, in the Ibid. case of a Territory hereafter erected by Con(gress, shall be as nearly exiual @15 ·{¤¤°é 18*:53- as practicable among the several districts an counties for such first e ec- *°° · "‘ * p' ‘ tion of the council and house of representatives, giving to each section of the Territory representation in the ratio of its population, except Indians not taxed; and thereafter in such new Terr1tory, as well as in allTerritories now organized, the legislative assemblies, respectively, may re-adjust and apportion the representation to the two houses thareo , among the several counties and districts, in such manner, from time to time, as they deem just and proper; but the number of either house, as aughorized by Asfwi shall notdbebinpaeafsed. hm bl d hwg to be b- 1::0. 1850. l laws e e e 's ve assem y an governor _ ¤¤ of any Territory exceplzuisns any Territoxiles of Colorado, Dakota, Idaho, an-03-28