Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/416

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34-1 Trrms xxm.———THE TERRITORIES.-Ch. 3. extended over the Territory, and to keep and deliver the same to_the marshal of some one of suc courts; and such courts_sl1all have original jurisdiction, and may take cogmzance of all cases arising under this act and the several laws hereby extended over the Territory, aud shall proceed therein in the .same manner and with the like effect as if such cases had arisen within the district or Territory where the proceedings are brou ht. Remission of 1958. In all cases of fine, penalty, or forfeiture, embraced in the BMS. &¤· act approved March 3, 1797, ch. 13, or mentioned in any act in addition _§;`18§8'c_ to or amendatory of such act, that have occurred or may occur in the 273, s. 8, M 15,, p. collection district of Alaska, the Secretary of the_Treasury is authorized, 242- if in his opinion the fine, penalty, or forfeiture was incurred without w1llful negligence or intention of fraud, to ascertain the facts in such manner and under such re ulatious as he may deem proper without regard to the provisions of Sie act above referred to, and upon the facts so to be ascertained, he may exercise all the lpower of remission conferred upon him by that act, as fully as he might ave done had such facts been ascertained under and according to the tprovisions of that act. [Bw SS SM. Bm-] Saint Paul and Sec. 1959. The islands o Saint Paul and Saint George, in Alaska, 8**** G°°"8° ISL are declared a s cial reservation for Government purposes; and until

l;'hg§;_l:;$£;§° otherwise providlid bv law it shall be unlawful for any person to land or

- V-! remain on either of those islands, except by the authority of the Secre- N3¥;’··}g°9·§_f§· tary of the Treasury; and any person found on either of those islands °' 'v' ’p'contrary to the provisions hereof shall be summarily removed; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to carry this section into effect. Killing of seal Sec. 1960. It shall be unlawful to kill any fur-seal upon the islands of 11};,911 them l>Y9· Saint Paul and Saint George, or in the waters adjacent thereto, except h‘,_:*?d Bxcigt m during the months of June, July, September, and October in each year; °j and it shall be unlawful to kill such seals at any time hy the use of fire- I July. l870· ¤- arms, or by other means tending to drive the seals away from those {gg “· r V· 16* P‘ islands; but the natives of the islands shall have the privilege of killing 2.] MM, 1874, c_ such young seals as may be necessary for their own food and clothing 64, v. 18, p. 24. durin other months, and also such old seals as may be required for their own clothing, and for the manufacture of boats for their own use; and the killing in such cases shall be limited and controlled by such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Killinglofcertain Sec. 1961. It shall be unlawful to kill any female seal, or any seal less ml Pm 1W6d- than one year old, at any season of the year, except as above rovided; 1 July, 1870, c_ and it shall also be unlawful to kill any seal in the waters adiacent to 189, s. 2, v. 16, p. the islands of Saint Paul and Saint George, or on the beaches, cliffs. or 180- rocks where they haul up from the sea to remain; and every person who violates the provisions of this or the recedin section shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not less tgan twodiundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not more than six mouths, or by both such fine and imprisonment;'and all vessels, their tackle, apparel, and furniture, whose crews are found engaged in the violation gf either this or the preceding section, shall be forfeited to the United tates. Limit to number Sec. 1962. For the period of twenty years from the first of Jul , OE ¤¤¤l¤ to be eighteen hundred and seventy, the number of fur—seals which may lie

 __ killed for their skins upon the island of Saint Paul is limited to seventy-

1 July, 1870, c. five thousand per annum; and the number-of fur-seals which may be {gg S- ·V- 16» P- killed for their skins upon the island of Saint Geor e is limited to twenty- 2;, _Va,,_, 1874, c_ five thousand per annum; but the Secretary of tiG Treasury may limit 64, ,._ lg, ],_ A the right of ki ling, if it becomes necessary for the preservation of such seals, with such proportionate reduction_ of the rents reserved to the Government as may be proper; and every rson who knowingly violates either of the provisions of this section shfll be punished as provided in the preceding section. Right to take Sec. 1963. When the lease heretofore made by the Secretary of the

  • j<i”Q}B*Q’f?,l?_;‘l; Treasury to “The Alaska Commercial Compauy," of the right to engage

1.luly,lSTO, r-. in taking fur-seals on the islands of Saint Paul and Saint George, pur-