Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/516

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444 Trr1.1·: xxxrr.—THE PYBLIC LANDS.——Ch. 10. shall issue to the wife, child, or children, if there be any, and if none, to the father, and if no father, to the mother of such soldier. Militia mul vpi- Sec. 2420. \Vhere the militia, or volunteers, or State troops of any ‘l"“`°" T “°"“`° State or Territory, subsequent to the eighteenth day of June, eighteen ETS$.l2]" 2. hundred and twelve, and prior to March twenty-second, eighteen hundred 22 MRF-- 1852-** and fifty-two, were called into service, the officers and soldiers thereof wi S" 4* *10* p' 4' shall be entitled to all the benefits of section two thousand fonr hundred and eighteen upon proof of length of service as therein rcqu1red._ Persons not en- Sec. 2421. l\o person shall take any benefit under the provisions of

    • ]*70 ““d€*' P’°‘ the three preceding sections, if he has received, or is entitled to receive,
 sich;;? , any military land-bounty under any act of Congress passed prior to the

85 S_`]€ll_g3 ,,_ 5%: twenty-second March, eighteen hundred and fifty-two. __ _ _ l?eriodofcaptiv- Sec. 2422. The period during which any officer or soldier remained in ityvfid¤·i fe =wi¤¤i captivity with the enemy shall be estimated and added to the lperiod of

 __ his actual service, and the person so retained in captivity sha receive

28 Sept., 1850, c. land under the provisions of sections twenty-four hundred and eighteen 85. F- 2. V- 9- 11520- and twentv-four hundred and twcnt ·, in the same manner that he would be entitled in case he had entered the service for the whole term made up py the addition of the time of his captivity. and had served during suc tern1. \\'»m·anmndpat- Sec. 2-123. Every person for whom provision is made by sections twenty- ¤¤¢¢0i¤S¤€-Wh<‘¤· four hundred and eighteen and twenty-four hundred and twenty shall -j;§`§,.,Q$Sf=f);Q._ receive a warrant from the Department of the Interior for the quantity 85, s. 3, v. 9, p. 520. of land to which he is entitled; and, u on the return of such warrant, with evidence of the location thereof iiavin been legally made to the Geneml Land-Oilice, a patent shall be issuecg therefor. Widows of per- Sec. 242-L. In the event of the death of any person, for whom provision 80*** •¢*j§§l§__ is made by sections twenty-four hundred and eighteen and twenty-four 28 Sept.,1a50,e. hundred and twenty, and who did not receive bounty-land for his services. 85-1*- 3.\‘·”. p· 520- a like warrant shall issue in favor of his widow, who shall be entitled to one hundred and sixty acres of land in case her husband was killed in battle; nor shall a subsequent marria e impair the right of any widow to such warrant, if she be a widow at the time of making her a plication. Atlditioimllmnn- Sec. 2425. Each of the survivin persons specified in the classes enuty-lands, M- merated in the following section, wgho has served for a period of not less f;, M,,,,, than fourteen days, in any of the wars in which the United States have 207, ss. 1,3, v. 10, been engaged since the year seventeen hundred and ninet ’, and prior to PP- 701- 702- the third day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, shall be entitled to receive a warrant from the Department of the Interior, for one hundred and sixty acres of land; and. where any person so entitled has, rior to the third day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty~five, received) a warrant for any number of acres less than one hundred and sixty, he shall be allowed a warrant for such quantity of land only as will make, in the whple, with what he may have received prior to that date, one hundred an sixtv acres. Classesunderlast Sec. 2420. The classes of persons embraced as beneficiaries under the ¤•3<‘ii<¤¤ S1>¤¤i¥i¢<l- preceding section, arc as follows, namely: jj`[,,,._, 1,,55, _._ First. Commissioned and nomcommissioned ofiieers, musicians, and 207, ss;], s, 10, v. privates, whether of the regulars, volunteers. rangers, or militia, who 10,}**0}- 1856 _ were regularly mustered into the service of the United States. 26 SSj_,"g*`,_1, Second. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers, seamen, ordi- 8, ’o_ ’’ nary seamen, fiotilla-men, marines, clerks, and landsmen in the Navy. Third. Militia, volunteers, and State troops of any State or Territory, called into military service, and regularly mustered therein, and whose services have been paid by the United States. Fourth. Wagon-masters and teamsters who have been employed under the direction of competent authority, in time of war. in the transporta— tion of military stores and supplies. Fifth. Officers and soldiers of the revolutionary war, and marines, sleamenharyd other persons in the naval service of the llnited States uring ia war. Sixth. Chaplains who served with the Army.