Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/524

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452 TITLE xxxr1.——THE PUBLIC LANDS.—Ch. 11. 3 Mar., 1843, e. officers signing and countersigning the same had been fully inserted in 95, s. 1, v. 5, p. 627. Such 1.€c0I.d_ Thetalsemaking, Sno, 2471. Every person who falsely makes, alters, forges, or counter- °·l*°'l”!» &°-» 9* feits, or causes or procures to be falsely made, altered, forged, or counter- ';g',Q;,‘Blr;?,’;‘°°;0;,Il feited; or willingly aids and assists in the false making, altering, forging, ceminilcndii, arc., or counterfeitinganypetrtromcertrficate, order, report, decreemoncession, in California, pen- denouncement, eed, patent, conl1rmation,d1seno, map, expedrente or lpait

  • ]*5* __ g of an expediente, or any t1tle—paper, or evidence of right, title, or c arm

mms, c. to lands, mines, or minerals in California, or_any rnstrumerit of writing 40. S- L V- U- P- whatever in relation to lands or mines or minerals rn the State of;Cal1- 290- fornia, for the purpose of setting up or establishing against the lfmted States any claim, right, or title to ands, mines, or minerals with1n the State of California, or for the purpose of enablrngpnny person to set up or establish any such claim:. and every person, w 0, for such purpose, utters or publishes as true and genuine any such false, forged, altered. or counterfeited petition, certificate, order, report, decree, concession, denouncement, deed, patent, confirmation, d1seno, map, expedrente or rt of an expediente, title-paper, evidence of right, title, or claim to lgids or mines or minerals in the State of California, or anyinstrument of writing whatever in relation to lands or mines or minerals rn the State of California, shall be punishable by imprisonment at hard labor not less than three years and not more than ten years, and by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars. [Sw ss 5411. 5412-] Falsel · datin Sec. 2-L7 2. Everv erson who makes or causes or procures to be made, WY €"id€¤°° Qgi or willingly aids mi) assists in makirfg any falsely dated (petition, cer- "°l" “3ld‘;€,M§;" tificate, order, report, decree, concession, denouncement, eed, patent, gif,,g',`:i,,§,C§iig0}I confirmation, diseno, map, expediente or part of an expedrente, or any nia, penalty. t1tle—paper, or written evidence of right, title, pr célarm, prgi<pfNleg<1ca!1

 authority, to any lands,_m1nes, or minerals in thet tate o ia 1I01h1f:., or

40,S_2’v_]_]yp_291_ any instrument of writing in relation to lands or mines or mmera s rn the State of California, paving a falie date, or falcsegl purporgngdto be; made b * an · Mexican officer or authority rior o e seven_ ay o July, eighteian hundred and forty-six, for fire purpose of setting up or establishing any claim against the United States to lands or mines or minerals within the State of California, or of enabling any person to set up or· establish any such claim; and every person who signs his name as governor, secretary, or other public officer acting under Mexican authority, to any instrument of writing falsely purporting to be a grant, concession, or denouncement under Mexican authorrty, and during .1DS existence in California, of lands, mines, or minerals, or falsely purporting to be an_informe, report, l'€COl`(`l, confirmation, or other proceeding on an application for a grant, concession, or denouncement under 1_ex1can authority, dur·ing 1ts existence 1D California, of lands, mines, or minerals, shall be punishable as prescribed in the preceding section. [See 65 5411. M12-I Presenting false Sec. 24:73. Every person who, for the purpose of setting up or estab- 0f_ ¤0¤¤¥°1‘f<’>i*°d lishing any claim against the United States to lands, mines, or minerals ‘Q;‘l°‘:§°“l:I£dgtlfr; within the State of California, presents, or causes or procures to be pref;,,,'f,;0,.,,i,,_ and sented, before any court, judge, commission, or commissioner, or other prosecuting suits officer of the United States, any false, forged, altered, or counterfeited ¢h¢¤#><>¤· P6¤¤lW· petition, certificate, order, report, deeree,concession, denouncement, deed, ` `1§ jg5g,]; patent, diseno, map, exlpecliente or part of an expediente, title—paper, or ·fo,s.3,v.11,p.291. written evidence of rig t, title, or c aim to lands, minerals, or mines in the State of California, knowing the same to be false, forged altered, o1· counterfeited, or any falsely dated etition, certificate, order, report, decree, concession, denouncement, died, patent, confirmation, diseno, map, expediente or part of an expediente, title-paper, or written evidence of right, title, or claim to lands, mines, or minerals in California, knowing the same to be falsely dated; and every erson who prosecutes in any court of the United States, by appeal or otllierwise, any claim against the United States for lands, mines, or minerals in California, which claim is founded upon, or evidenced by, any petition, certificate, order, report, decree, concession, denouncement, deed, patent, confirmation, diseno, map, exped1ente or part of an expediente, title-paper, or written evidence