Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/611

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Trru: xxx1v.—COLLEC'l`lON OF DUTIES.-»(‘u. 4. 539 silty, shown as prescribed in section twenty-seven lmndred and sex enty— t iee. Sec. :4778. T ne collector receiving any bond conditioned lor the pay— ;,,m.U“,Ou__,,M ment of duties upon merchandise reported as destined for a foreign port, 33 m Aw}, 1,.,,,; in case the same shall be landed within the United States, or an y other ., \[_l ji,,, _ bonds taken upon the exportation of merchandise entitled to drawback. 2;;`,_‘3Q til {{55; shall immediately after tue time when by the conditions of the same they he Jane, ism, 4·. ought to be canceled. put the same in suit. provided the proof of the 1***% *`· 19,1*-**- occurrence of such a necessity as excuses a landing of such goods within the United States has noi been produced, or further time granted therefor by tue Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 2779. Any vessel in which any merchandise is brought into the \’esse1smaypm- United States from any foreign port. and which is specified in the mani- °Q°‘l t" °*h*" di*'· fest verilied before the collector of the port in which such vessel tirst i'-“`t*‘ arrives. to be destined for other districts, may proceed with the same 2 Mar., 1799, c. from district to district within the United States. in order to the landinv 22-“-3“·"- l·P·**2· or delivery thereof; and the duties on such of the merchandise only as shall be landed in any district shall be paid within such district. Sec. 2780. Before any vessel departs from the district in which she Copy of report shalt lirst arrive for another d strict, provided such departure is not ¤¤¤l*¤¤¤¤if<¢r¥·witl¤ within forty-eight hours after her arrival within such district, with mer- ‘?‘{l°"“’"*. _£'"‘“‘ chandise brought in such vessel from a foreign port on which the duties ia e’ regu]! ` have not been paid. the master shall obtain from the collector of the dis- _? EM-. 17****; v- trict from which she is about to depart. who is hereby required to grant 22·""'H*"‘1*}"°52‘ the same, a copy of the report and manifest made by such master. certified by the collector. to which copy shall be annexed a certificate of the quantity and particulars of the merchandise which appears to him to have been landed within his district. or of tnc n uantity and particulars of the merchandise which remains on board and upon which the duties are to be paid in some other district. Sec. 2781. \Vithln twenty-four hours after the arrival of such vessel Report or entry within any other di—trict, the master shall make report or entry to or in other districts with the collector of such other district, producing and showing the cer- Ij’€§"_’ll{‘}i__ _ tilied copy of his first report. together with a certificate from each col— 2 Mar., 1799, e. leetor of any other district within which any of the merchandise, brought 22.¤·34,v·l.1>·653. in such vessel, has been landed, of the quantity and particulars of such merchandi e as has been landed in each district respectively. Sec. 2782. The master shall, however. first give bond. with one or Bondupm, Pm_ more sureties, to the satisfaction of the collector of the district wi-hin needing to another which the vessel iirst arrive , in a sum equal to the amount of the <liS’<ri<‘f- duties on the residue of the merchandise, according to such estimate as `”§]f,]§_i];9g, ci the collector shall form thereof, with condition that the residue of such 22, s. 3-l,v.1,p. 653. merchandise shall be duly entered and delivered in another district for which the same has been reported to be destined. Sec. 2783. The bond shall be canceled or discharged within six calendar Cancellation ,,; mont··s from the date thereof, by the production of certificates from the bend. collectors of the districts for which the merchandise has been reported, ",`ET;;q`j,` showing the due entry and delivery of the merchmndise in such districts, g·f,_`34,{¥,1,p,`é54: or upon due proof to the satisfaction of the collector by whom the bond was taken and to the naval officer of the ort, if any, that such entry and delivery were prevented by some unavoidable accident or casualty, and if the whole or any part of the merchandise has not been lost, that it has been duly entered and delivered within the United States. Sec. 2784. If the master of any such vessel fails by his neglect or fault Penalty for to obtain the copy of his report from the collec or of the istrict from emitting to prewhich he is about to de art, or any certificate which he ought to obtain, °“"’ "°"‘6*'“*°·__ or neglects to exhibit the same to the collector of any other district to 2 Mar., mm, c. which the vessel afterward proceeds. within the time for that purpose 22,5-34N-l·1>·¢$54· allowed, he shall be liable to a penalty, for every such neglect or omission, of five hundred dollars. Sec. 2785. The owner or consignee of any merchandise on board of Requisites man any such vessel, or, in case of his absence or sickness. his known agent entryofgocdsgerv or`fa4·tor in his name, shall, within fifteen days after the report of the *¥§'“V- __v __