Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/76

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4 Trrmc 11.-—-THE CONGRESS.—Ch. 2. CHAPTER TWO. APPORTIONHENT AND ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES. Sec. Sec. 20. Number and apportionment of Repre— , 23. Elections by districts. __ _ _ sentatives. l 24. Representative from Caluorma in 21. Representatives assigned to new Forty-fourth Congress. States. 25. Time of elecnon. 22. Reduction of representation under 26. Vacancies. amendment 14. 27. Votes by ballot. Number and ap- Sec. 20. After the third day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy- %<>F¥l0¤m?¤* Of three, the House of Representatives shall be composed of two hundred .3°E and ninety-two members, to be apportioned among the several States as 2I*`eb.,1872,c.ll, followsz s. 1, v. 17, p. 28. V Maine . - - ..~..»-V»-»---~------ 0 New Hampshire T. . e~----.. 3 Vermont .. . . ...- - .»...»-.- - - ~ 3 Massachusetts .. - v- . ..-- » ~---- U Rhode Island T .. . . - . .--... 2 Connecticut ... - . - »..A - »... -1 New York - .. . ... . .. N - ...-. 33 New Jersey - .. . - .. - . . I Pennsylvania T . .. . .. . - 27 Delaware T T .,,..., . .. . .. - -. .. 1 l\Iaryland ..,. T T T ..,. T ..._.. - . 6 Virginia ., T . .. -T-- TT- -.- T 9 North Carolina T. .. . ...r.. T 8 South Carolina .. T r.. .. . . ... 5 Georgia .. . T . T . T .. 9 Alabama T ., T ,.,., 8 Mississippi .. T .. T T .,.,r 6 Louisiana ...v . ., . T T T T T 6 Ohio ...v..,.., - . T ... . ...r. 20 Kentucky ..._. T . - T ,r.. T T ...,. 10 Tennessee ..,. T . .. T T T ... 10 Indiana . . ... . T T T T ..._ 13 Illinois ..,. T - T T . r. 19 Missouri . · . . ._,_ ; T T 13 Arkansas T T T .. T ._r..__ T ____ T ._,_. 1 Michigan T ... T .. T T T T .__,__________ 9 Florida ., T T .,_r.,_____ T _______ _ _ _ 2 Texas . T .. . ..,... T _ T T , ___________ 6 Iowa .,.r... .- T T .,,,__.. T _,____________ _ _ _ 9 Wisconsin ,_r... T ..._..._____,____________ _ _ _ _ 3 California ...,_.., T .,______ T T TT _ _ T ____________ _ 4 Minnesota ..._,._,__.______,___ _ ___________ 3 Oregon ...,.. . T T_ ...TTT T T...T._____TT____,T_ _ _ _______________ 1 Kansas .__T._T T ..._T_______T__ _ _T ________________ 3 VVest Virginia. .T.. T .T.. T T TTT_ T TTTTT_T_T_____T___________ __ 3 Nevada . TTTTT T TTTT T TTTT, .T TTTTTTTT T TTTTT_T_T___ _ ____ _ ________ 1 Nebraska TTTTTTTTTTTTTT T TTTTTTTTT_TT__T_______ _ _ T, ________ _ _ __ 1 R£.p,€Se,,mm·€,-, Sec. 21. Whenever a new State is admitted to the Union, the Re reassigned to new sentatives assigned to it shall be in addition to the number two hundred

_(,,_ _A and ninety-two.

23 May, 1850, c. ll, s. 25, v. 9, p. 432. Conway r. United States, 1 Penn & H., 68. Reduction of Sec. 22. Should any State deny or abridge the right of any of the male representation un- inhabitants thereof, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the ‘l*ff_'“}f"{Gf€§lj; United States, to vote at any election named in the amendment to the 2Feb.,1872,e.11, Constitution, article fourteen, section two, except for participation in the s. 6, v. 17, p- 29 rebellion or other crime, the number of representatives apportioned to such State shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall have to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.