Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/78

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6 Trrmc rr.-THE CONGRESS.——Cx·x. 3—4. Rciloggepmum. Sec. 31. Before the first meeting of each Congress the Clerk of the atives-elect. next preceding House of Representatives shall make a roll of the Rep- ”jFQf§g§'; resentatives-e ect, and place thereon the names of those persons, and of 56,s.1,v,1X, p.3b7. such rsons only, w ose credentials show that they were regularly Og Mag, lm, rc- electedxin accordance with the laws of their States respectively, or the l ·"·1 ·P· · laws of the United States. when mu mms Sec. 32. In case of a vacancy in the office of Clerk of the House of by Sergeant-av Representatives, or of the absence or inability of the Clerk to discharge f\jf'];___ the duties imposed on him by law or C\1St0m_1'8l?.(Zl\’8 to the {preparation 21 Feb., 1867, e. of the roll of Representatives or the organization of the ouse, those 5%:2. V·14,1>- 397- duties shall devo ve on the Sergeant-at-Arms of the next preceding House of Representatives. When by Door- Sec. 33. In case of vacancies in the offices of both the Clerk and the k¢¢P€f- Sergeant-at-Arms, or of the absence or inability of both to act, the duties "'21 yeh_ 186-,-, c_ of the Clerk relative to the preparation of the roll of the House of Ralp- 56, s. 2,v. 14, p. 397. resentatives or the organization of the House shall be performed by the Door-keeper of the next preceding House of Representatives. President may Sec. 34. Whenever Congress is about to convene, and from the prev- °h¤¤$€ Place 0* alence of contagious sickness, or the existence of other circumstances, m°°°"g• wm"' it would, in the opinion of the President, be hazardous to the lives or _3 April, 1794, c. health of the members to meet at the seat of Government, the President 1*- V- LP- 353- is authorized, by proclamation, to convene Congress at such other place as he may judge proper. CHAPTER FOUR. COMPENSATION OF IEHBEBS Sec. Sec, 35. Salaries of members of Congress. 44. Postage. 36. Cosugpetnesation of the President of the 45. Salary in lieu of all allowances except na . t. 37. Salary of the Speaker of the House. 46. Moldldgglpgyment. 38. Sagary paysable monthly t¢rRepresenta- gegtificxpe of salary and accounts. ivesan elegaeselec . ‘ . t · ffi· t. 39. Salaiéyl payable monthly after taking . 49. Payzcofoinbihbeiadeiring after the com- 0* - · t faC . 40. Deductions for absence. { 50. Lirdiitiscdmhre ride. (mgmss

   :3: mpelmwal from seat. = 51. Pay of members elected to till vacan-

. S. . Q _ 43. Newspapers. Q ms $*1***3 °im‘*m‘ Sno 35 Each Senator Re rese taf d D l' be {Con _ · ~ , P · H WG, an e egate is entitled to a _ I;:?;/I‘f__;g863;°°”_ salary (except as to the Speaker) of seven thousand five hundred dollars 1 ar., , C. it l'. 226, s. l, v. 17, p. yea 486_ The act of January 20, 1874, c. 11, v. 18, p. 4, reduced the pay of Sena- 20 Jan,, 1874, C, ¢¤¤‘S, Rspr¤¤<->¤t¤t¤v¢s,¤¤d Delegates to hre thousand dollars each, 11, .-_ 18, p_ 4_ md tre pormrglnsutnopi of the Speaker of the House of Representaes 0e1g thousand ollars. Cqmpensntionof Sec. 36. Whenever there is no Vice—President the President of the ft;f¤*d°¤* °f S"“‘lSenate {lor me time bsing is entitled to the compensation provided bv ___.?. aw or c ICC- resident. ' 16 Aug., 1856, c. 123, s. 2, v. 11, p. 48. 20 Jan., 1874, c. 11, v. 18, p. 4. Salaryofspeaker. Sec. 37. The Speaker of the House of Representatives is entitled to 223 M", ,873, cl rgeeiixéeglp; fngltlg; a l his sen v1ces, compensation at the rate of ten thou- 6,s.l,.l7,.S S · 486. 20 Jdn., 18974. c. 11, v. 18, p. 4.