Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/786

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714 Trrms: xr..—THE PUBLIC MONEYS. 3 Mny. 1872. e- ury as miscellaneous receipts, on account of ‘_‘prooeeds of Government 1*g·3·5·"- {gg; proper-ty," and shall not be withdrawn or applied, except in consequence 348, vwj? pl 5:3;-4: of a subsequent appropriation made by law. 22Jum, 1874, c. 413, r. 8, p. 200. 27 Feb., l877', r. 69, v. 19, p. 249. Penalty for Sec. 3619. Every officer or agent who neglects or refuses to com ly “' *1* h h °1d ‘ 'lg with the provisions of section t irty-six hundred and seventeen shallpbe

 subject to be removed from office, and to forfeit to the United States

201, S_ 4({',,_ ,4;,,: my sha}; or part of the moneys withheld, to which he might otherwise 187. entit . _ Dug of disburs- S1·:c. 3620. It shall be the duty of every disbursing ofiicer_having any 1*180 ¢><=¤‘¤· public money intrusted to him for disbursement, to deposit the same

 with the Treasurer or some one of the assistant treasurers of the United

122,,, 1,,,_14’?_i;4_ States, and to drawfor the same only as it may be required for payments 27 Feb., 18 7, c. to be made by him in pursuance of law [and draw for the same only in 69. ”· 19. P- 2*19- favor of the persons to whom yment is made;] and all transfers from the Treasurer of the United States to a. disbursing· officer shall by draft or warrant on the Treasur or an assistant treasurer of the United States. In places, however, where there is no treasurer or assistant treasurer, the Secretary of the Treasury may, when he deems it essential to the public interest, specially authorize in writing the deposit of such public money in any other public depository, o1·, in writin , authorize the same to be kept in any other manner, and under such ruies and regulations il? he mlay deem most safe and effectual to facilitate the payments to ub ic cre itors. [See 5 5488·1 Penalty an- fail- _ 3621. Every person who shall have moneys of the United States ¥*i°~¥i·‘$?4”¥’é'éi·'¥`i€?1` I3.Féfjliiii.°T..*"§.?“..‘§’2S‘}§II‘i.i£“.f.".;‘.§£'.E§‘$y"‘i‘.’P‘ii$§ i¤‘?.#`§§“§{‘Jé‘iJ" 3 Mar., 1857, c. his receipt for the same, in duplicate, and forward one of them forthwith 114.s. $.1*-11.11-%*9- to the Secretary of the Treasury. [See 5 50*-] Accounts. Sec. 3622. Every officer or a ent of the United States who receives

 public money whic he is not augnorized to retain as salary, pay, or cmol-

199 ,,_ 1, {._ 12,*,,: ument, shal render his accounts monthly. Such accounts, with the 593. vouchers necessary to the correct and prompt settlement thereof, shall 4g11i;;. be sent by mail, or otherwise, to the Bureau to_wh1ch they P€l't&lD,W1tlllll is Ju,;,1870’ C. ten_ days after the expiration of each successive month, and, after ex 295, ,,_ 15, v_ 16, ,,_ amination there, shal be passed to the proper accountinqlofiicer of the 334. Treasurv for settlement. isbursm rofiicers of the Navy s all, however, 27 Feb-. 1877. v- render their accounts and vouchers direct to the proper accounting om 6°· "· 1°·1’·249· cer of the Treasury. In case of the non—receipt at the Treasury, or proper Bureau. of any accounts within a reasonable and proper time there after, the officer whose accounts are in default shall be required to furnish satisfactory evidence of having complied with the provisions of this section. The Secretary of the Treasury may, if in his opinion the circum stances of the case justify and require it, extend the time hereinbefore prescribed for the rendition of accounts. Nothing herein contained shall. owever, he construed to restmin the heads of any of the Departments from requiring such other returns or reports from the officer or agent, subjlecttobghe control of such heads of fbryyartmmt] [Departments], as the pu 10 in rest ma re uirc. [See l MM-] Distinctaccounts Sec. 3623. All dlflicecis, agents, or other persons, receiving public mon- ¤¤<1¤¤‘¢d· eys, shall render distinct accounts of the application thereof? according 283 L{,,,_,2;ggg_ Ep the appropriation under which the same may have been advanced to ,s. ,v. ,p. . em. Suits to recover Sec. 3624. Whenever any person accountable for public money, neg-

°Y flmT°d*>11r lects or refuses to pay into the Treasury the sum or balance reported to

..;L;_ be due to the United States, upon the adjustment of his account, the 2O3S11a;-.1 1;,9;.1;. $l}1o§mp(t5plle1·;>f hhs Treasngy ghtaclltinsfitute suit lfor the rpc$’cry ct

 _ ~_ , Hg Q e Sum s e e ue on suc accoun , 6 00m-

lgljvsiacaussen, missions of the delinquent, which shall be forfeited in every instance ¤ l-. 198- whe_re suit IS commenced and judgment obtained thereon, and an interesf arf 3;:1 pgr cent1ulr1_pprs&nnq_m, from the time of receiving the money until .· e repan an o c reasury.