Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/809

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'I`m·r.1·: xLm.—Pl'BLlC CONTRACTS. 737 shall bind the Government to pay a larger sum of money than the amount 25 July, 1868, <·. in the Treasury appropriated for the specific purpose. [See s 5503-1 233·“·3·V·]5·P· 177- Sec. 373-L Before any new buildings for t.he use of the United Staten Restrictions on are commenced, the plans and full estimates therefor shall be prepared °°"l"'°I’°*2'“°"* °f and nyiproved by the Secretary of the Treasury, the Postmaster-General. {l°`°.b?F'. and the Secretary of the Interior; and the cost of each building shall not ]5 July, 1870» C- cxceed the amount of such estimate. [Sec s 206::.] 29; "· 1** P· 296- Sec. 3735. It shall not be lawful for any of the Executive Departments Cmnrmctsliinitetl to make contracts for stationery or other supplies for a longer term than “’ "“*’ Y€*"· one year from the time the contract is made. _ {71Jan 1868 He; No. 8, v. 15, p. 246. 24 Mar., 1874, IM:. X0. 6, r.·l8, p., Sec. 3736. No land shall be purchased on account of the United States, Restriction on except under a law authorizing such purchase. 1‘i‘T'?h*%°¤°* l*“d· 1 May, 1820, c. 52, s. 7, v. 3, p. 568.—Neilso11 1-. Lagow, 12 How., 98, Sec. 3737. No contract or order, or any interest therein, shall be tians- No transfer of ferred by the party to whom such contract or order is given to any other “°““`“"*· party, and any such transfer shall cause the annulment of the contract 171,,,. 1862 c or order transferred, so far as the United States are concerned. All rights gen, ,,_ ii,',-, 12, 1,: of action, however, for any breach of such contract by the contracting 596. parties, are reserved to the ['nited States. "@8§,Q,§_S__ 5 C'. Cls., 504; McC0rrl’s Case, 9 C. Cls., 155; Francis’s Case, ll C. Cls., G3>. Sec. 3738. Eight hours shall constitute a day`s work for all laborers. Ei8]¤th0¤¤‘¤t<>l·¤ workmen, and mechanics who may be employed by or on behalf of the *‘ day S “'°*E__ Government of the United States. {SM s 3689-I QS _T,m(,, 1g0S_ ,._ 72, v. 15, p. 77.—-I`. r. Martin, 94 Y. S., 400; )I3I'tlD,H Case, 10 C. Cls., 276. Sync. 3739. No member of or Delegate to Congress shall directly or M€¤¤•l>¢¤W>fCQ¤¤- indirectly, himself, or by any other person in trust for him, or for his use §'"F’Yt"‘f” ite be ’"` 0r benefit, or on his account, undertake, execute, hold, or enjoy, in whole ,:35 I CO u` or in part. any contract er agreement made or entered into in behalf of —y———-— the United States, by any officcr or person authorized to make contracts hy; ’}}Q'j‘*,,1862k;‘ on behalf of the United States. Every person who violates this section §g`_,},,,Q.,"§E§4, ,.f shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined three thou- {ssh, I-. 18, p. 177. sand dollars. All contracts or agreements made in violation of this section shall be void; and whenever any sum of money is advanced on the part of the United States, in consideration of any such contract or agreement, it shall be forthwith repaid; and in case of refusal or delay to repay the same, when demanded, by the pioper officer of the De Jartment under whose authority such contract or agreement shall have hneen made or entered into, ever · person so refusing or delaying, together with . his surety or sureties, shall be forthwith prosecuted at law for the rec0v— ery of any such sum of money so advanced. , _ Src. 3740. Nothing contained in the preceding section shall extend, or ,,,2;,,*;,:,; g,??,';?? be construed to extend, to any contract or agreement, made or entered gms mg, h,,,-é_ into, or accepted, by any incorporated company. where such contract or —mj1§68—-,_ agreement is made for the general benefit of such incorporation or com- 48 s_ 2x1,}; ,,_ {8,;; pany; nor to the purchase or sale of bills of exchange or other property Q7 fw, 3877, ,-_ by any member of [or delegate to] Congress. where the same are ready 69, T. 19, p. 249. for delivery, and payment therefor is made, at the time of making or entering into the contract or agreement. _ _ SE1:. 3741. In every such contract OI` agreement to be made or entered ,,£2g’:,l,:g_°; into, or accepted by or on behalf of the United States, there shall he gms h,,, an i,,,,.,, inserted an express condition that no member of [or delegate to] Con- est. gress shall he admitted to any share or part of such contract or agree C ment. or to any benefit to arise thereupon. 43, S, 3, v_ Q, ,,_ 4};;: 27 Feb., 1877, ¢·. 69, r. 19, p. 249. Sm. 3742. Every officer who, on behalf of the United States, directly Penalty against or indirectly makes or enters into any contract, bargain, or agreement °m°" f°" “}**k“‘g . . . _. _ contract with a ID writing or otherwise, other than such as are heiembefore excepted, member of com with any member of [or delegate to] Conyress, shall be deemed guilty of gl-u8_ a misdemeanor, and shall be lined three t iousand dollars. 48, s-. 4, v. 2, p. 484. 27 I·?·b., 1877, <·. 69, r. lg, p. 249.