Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/850

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778 'Drrr.1: xLvr.—-THE POSTAL SERVICE.—C1l. 13. the of the person appointed to act in his place in such cases; and such acting officer shall, for the time being, be subject to all the liabilities and lpenalties prescribed by Lawlfor the official misconduct in like cases of the postmaster for whom e s all act. Amountoforders Sec. 4032. N o m0nev·0rder shall be issued for more than fifty dollars md fees- _ and the fees therefor shall be, for orders not exceeding ten dollars, five Ibid_, S_ 107, p_ cents; exceeding ten and not exceeding twenty dollars, ten cents; ex- 298. ceeding twenty and not exceeding thirty dollars, fifteen cents; exceeding mg —:[*;’g¤plgg» ”· ghppty spd met gxceedipg forty dollars, twenty cents; exceeding forty ""‘ oars wen*—vecen. ' Blank s plies.- $1:0.,4033. The POStIIT8St6T·GBDOIBl shall supply money-order offices tl°“¤ {0* °¤’°l)€'S· with blank forms of application for money-orders, which each applicant 8 June, 1872, c. shall fill up with his name, the name and address of the party to whom gg, s. 107. v. 17. p- the order is to be paid, the amount and the date of application; and all ' inch applications hshsill be preserégd by the postmaster receiving them or suc time as the ostmaster- neral may prescribe. r31g5g1g1g:.? 011 _S1:c. 4034. The Postmaster-General shall furnish money-order offices

 with printed or engraved forms for money·orders, and no order shall be

‘* ‘ ‘ valid unless It be drawn upon such form. d Notictzpéordim thSr·:c.f4l035. Tpe rgstmagtrir issuinlg a money-order shall send a. notice ¤W¤ NU - ereo y mai , wi out c ay, to the postmaster on wholn it is drawn. Ibid., s. 110. Sec. 4036. No mone -0rd r h ll b l`d d · bl I Ord be y B S8. BV8.l Ml 8. ODBC (Bd gm. ,,ngryt;,,_ good to the postmaster on whom it is drawn within Elie year afdgpitissgdlate;

 bpt the Postmaster-General, on the application of the remitter or payee

0 any such order, may cause a new 0 er to be lssued ln lieu thereof. Iudcmmmt of Sec. 4037. The payee of a money-order may, by his written indorse- Orders, ment thereon, direct it to [be] pa1d to any other person, and the post- -;*1,),,,. lug. master on whom it is drawn shall pay the same to the person thus 18 1,,;,). 1875 C. designated, proyided he shall furnish such proof as the Postmaster-Gem 80,% 18,1; 320. ’ eral may prescribe that the indorsement is genuine, and that he is the plprppn empowereg to recelrxée payment; but more than one indorsement s a ren er an or er inva 1 an not able d th h ld to hte` paymenthmust apply in writing to theyPost11i:ste1·-lgiehergxllfor( or er ID lieu thereof, returning theoriginal order, and making such proof of the genumeness of the in orsements as the Postmaster-General HBV re ulre. ‘ Cnangesandmod- Sec. 4038. After a money·order has been issued if the urchaser l6¢¤li0¤ °f<>*d°'¤- desires to have it modified or changed, the postmaster who issued the g Jung, 1872, c_ order shall take it back and issue another in lieu of it for which a new gg, s. 113, v. 17,p. fee shall be exacted. l iltepaynientofor- Sec. 4030. The postmaster issuing a money·order shall repay the gi;_____ amount of It upon the application of the person who obtained it, and the 1b1d.,_s. 114. 1eturn of the order; but the fee paidfor it shall not be, returned. d1¥;p1¤cmg1<>¤t<>¤‘- Ggmc. Wtlgenevepagmoney-opder has been lost, the Postmaster- _;_____ neraunea 1cao t 'tte· ..., .. ..5. ., c;.. ’i’.°.111.‘.1".i'E 2. b..".§.S.K’.é, .$3€t...5’€y.°.$.$§.““§S.$f.iiZ2 the party losing the original shall furnish a certificate from the postupster by whom 1t was payable that it has not been, and will not therez·ml1§1}Si;¢`?cs1?ld;tap<i1a slmtllpr certlfipatellfrom Lhe pcéstmaster by whom it a 1 as no ieen, an Wl nott erea ter be, re aid. e Sec. 4041. 1`he P0stmaster·General may, upon evidence mtisfactory

 0* lm   §‘¥ii"Z}..ZW.?.'L’ £’.?‘£.Z‘§.‘.§.1i‘.°¥‘.£*2“€1“.‘.i li- °€’“'S“§°“‘g F“" “`““d“`°'}” ’°“"’i

,,;.1... bggu ‘ . isriulonoln ,r pended.y B- or personal property, by lot, chance, or drawing of giiyykiiiifog ddd-

  • —·—Ibid_, s_ 300, p_ ducting any other scheme or device for obtaining money through the

3g3_ ma1ls_by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, forbid the dpayment, by any postmaster, to any such pcl‘S0¤ of 8:13* Hostal money-or er drawn to his orderor in his favor. and may p10- wl pl y iegulutions for the return, to the remitter, of the sums named in i|;1t<i€rH;;!;eg’dg;‘gsl t thisfshall not authorize any person to open 311)* ‘ ·s < lmscl .