Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/869

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Trrun XLVIH.—(,`OMMERUE AND NAV1GA'I`ION.—Ch. 1. 797 Sue. 4142. In order to the registry of any vessel, an oath shall be taken O¤l=hf<>P¤‘!i¤¤‘Y» und subscribed by the owner, or by one of the owners thereof, before the by °‘”"“"· officer authorized to make such registry, declaring, according to the best 3l Dec., 1792, c. of the knowledge and belief of the person so swearing, the name of such 1»¤·*»"- LP- 289- vessel, her burden, the place where she was built, 1f built within the .,723 ‘g“lY;,185gg,f‘ United States, and the year in which she was built; or that she has been captured in war, specifying the time. by a citizen of the United States, Tlw S¤h<>0¤€¤' and lawfully condemned as prize, producing a copy of the sentence of {§Ft‘;;’·OlF°j$*28(ii condemnation, authenticated in the usual forms; or that she has been ms; yn1Jés_ l` adjudged to be forfeited for a breach of the laws of the United States, l l producing a like copy of the adjudication of forfeiture; and declaring is name and place of abode, and if he be the sole owner of the vessel, that such is the case; or if there be another owner, that there is such other owner, specif *ing his name and place of abode, and that he is a citizen of the [ nitecl States, and specifying the proportion belonging to each owner: and where an owner resides in a foreign country. in the capacity of a consul of the United States, or as an agent for and a partner in a house or copartnership consisting of citizens of the United States, actually carrying on trade within the United States, that such is the case. that the person so swearing is a citizen of the United States, and that there is no subject or citizen of any foreign prince or state, directly or indirectly, by way of trust, confidence, or otherwise. interested in such vessel, or in the profits or issues thereof: and that the master thereof is a citizen, naming the master. and stating the means whereby or manner in which he is a citizen. Sec. 4143. If any of the inatters of fact alleged in the oath taken by Forfeiture for an owner to obtain the registry of any vessel, which within the knowl- @°.°“'°“’l’}€· _ edge of the party so swearing are not true, there shall be a forfeiture of 1 31 l'??- *'- the vessel. together with her tackle. apparel, and furniture, in respect 2ggS'2,;3_ "' ’Pp‘ to which the oath shall have been ma e. or of the value thereof, to be recovered. with the costs of suit. of the person by whom the oath was 3Cr.,3:i8; 'l`heV`ei made. nus. 8 Cr., 253. Sec. 4144. If the master of a kyessel is within theddistrict .where a Oath by master. re istr thereof is to be made, w en a lication is ma e for registerin "`"7*f_ . the same, he shall, himself, instead ofpthe owner, or of the agent og 1,:;i.ri?ii’, attorney, as hereinafter mentioned. make oath touching his being a pp·289,293. citizen, and the means whereby or manner in which he is a citizen; in which case, if the master shall knowingly swear to anything untrue. no forfeiture of the Vessel, on account of such false oath. shall l·e incurred, but the master shall be liable to a penalty of one thousand dollars. Size. 4145. Previous to the registry of any vessel. the husband or Bondforregistry. acting and managing oa ner, together with the master thereof. and one ‘3@j};,,;>ic or more sureties. to the satisfaction of the collector of the district whose 1,,,7, ,·_ j; 1, 2§()_ ' duty it is to make such registry, shall give bond to the United States, U—§§— if such vessel be of burden not exceeding fifty tons, in the sum of four Tang`, jjj ‘ °"°ll* hundred dollars; if of burden above fifty tons, and not exceeding " ` one lmndred, in the sum of eight hundred dollars: if of burden above one lmndred tons. and not exceeding two hundred. in the sum of twelve hundred dollars; if of burden above two hundred tons. and not exceeding three hundred. in the sum of sixteen hundred dollars; and if gf burden exceeding three hundred tons, in the sum of two thousand ollars. Sm:. 4140. 'l`he conditions of the bond given to obtain the registry of Condition of a vessel shall in each case be that the certificate of such registry shall Eff ____ be solely used for the vessel for which it is granted, and shall not be sold, Ibid. lent. or otherwise disposed of. to any person whomsoever; and that, in case such vessel shall be lost, or taken by an enemy. burned, or broken up. or shall be otherwise prevented from returning to the port to which she may belong, the certificate. if preserved. s all be delivered u , within eight days after the arrival of the master or person having this charge or command of such vessel, within any district of the United States, to the collector of such district: and that if any foreigner, or any person for the use and benefit of such foreigner, shall purchase o1·