Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/874

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802 'l`rr1.r: X|.\`1l1.· —C()MMERCE AND NAVl(}A'l`1ON.——Ch. 1. month), in the year (specifying the number of the year, in words, at length). _ _ _ \'¤*i¤*i<>¤¤ *0111 S100. +156. \Vhen the muster of such vessel himself makes oath touch- "’"“· i_,_ ing his being at citizen, the wording of the certificate shall be varied so 3i D60-, U92, r. as to be conformable to the truth of the ease. W here n new certitieato °*‘· 9* "·l»P· 291- of registry is grunted in eonsequence of any transfer of n vessel, the words shall he so varied ns to refer to the former eertilieate of registry for her meusurenient. Blank certiri- Sm; 4157, It shell he the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to

  • ‘“{‘?’{ "f@*§§’ - muse to he provided hlnnk eertitieeites of registry, and such other papers

3 Mm-., 1813, e. ns may he necessary, executed in such manner and with such inurks ns W ”· l» V- 2,}*-818- he may direct. No certificate of registry shall he issued, except such as shall have been so provided and marked. ISSUWS _¢‘€¤‘¥lYi· Sec. 4158 The Secreterv of the '1`reasury shall cause to he transmit- "“i"i€°Kf,'l°g’Sl‘Zi , ted, from time to time, to `the collectors of the several districts, a sufii- 31 Dec., 1792, v. cient number of forms of the eertitieetes of registry, attested under the l· “· lO· "· l!1’·292- seal of the Treu.sury and the hand of the Register thereof, with { )l'U1)€l' blanks, to be filled by the collectors, respectively. hy whom also t ie certilicate shall he signed und sealed, before they are issued; and where there is at naval ottieer nt any port, they shall be countersicrned hy him; and where there is n surveyor, hut no naval officer, the? shall be countersigned hy him. .\ copy of each certiliezmte issued shal be transmitted to the Register, who shall cause a record to he kept of the Skt1I1B. R*’€l’**>‘ uP0n Sue. 4159. \Vl'lGll(‘\'€1` any citizen of the United States purchases or l’“r°lT°i°ffiY‘i’°`l‘ becomes owner of any vessel entitled to be registered, such vessel heiuw Ibid., s.11. within any district other than the one in which he usually resides, such vessel shall be entitled to be registered by the collector of the district where she nmy he, at the time of his becoming owner thereof, upon his complying with the provisions hereinbeforc prescribed, in order to the registry of vessels. And the oath which is required to he taken nm V, at the option of such owner, he taken either before the collector of the district comprehending the ort to which such vessel may belong, or before the collector of the district within which such vessel may be, either of whom is hereby empowered to administer such oath. _*¤”€¤d€*' <>f¢€*· Sec. 4160. Whenever any vessel, registered in pursuance of the pro

  • ·jjg;g;g;=*¤*~d to visions of the preceding section, shall arrive within the district eomprc

p ~»Tss-~»Z~isi- bending the ort to which she belongs, the certificate of registry, so lb"]- obtained, shall be delivered up to the collector of such district, who, upon the requisites of this 'l`itlc in order to the registry of vessels, being complied with, shall grant a new one in lieu of the first. The certificute so delivered up shall forthwith he returned by the collector who receives the same, to the collector who granted it. If the lirst-mentioned certificate of registry is not delivered up, as above directed, the owner and the master of such vessel, at the time of her arrival within the district comprehending the port to which she may belong, shall severally be liable to sa. penalty of one hundred dollars, and the certificate of registry shall he thenceforth void. Registry by Sec. 416]. Whenever any vessel entitled to be registered is iurehused 8g6m- by an agent or attorney for or on account of ll citizen of the ["nited n,;.i_, ,._ 1g_ States, such vessel being in at district of the United States more than fifty miles distant, taking the nearest usual route by land, from the one comprehending the port to which, by virtue of such purchase, und by force of this 'l itle, such vessel ought to he deemed to belong, it shall be lawful for the collector of the district where such vessel nmv be. and he is hereby required. upon the application of such agent oriattorncy, to proceed to the registering of the vessel, the agent or attornev first complying, on behalf und in the stead of the owner thereof, with the requisites prescnhed by this 'l`itle in order to the registry of vessels, except thut, Il] the oath taken by the agent or attornev. ihstead of swearing that he is owner or an owner of such vessel, hd shnll swear tlmt he is agent or attorney for the owner thereof, and that he has, in good faith purchased the vessel for the person whom he nmnes and describes as the owner thereof.