Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/984

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912 Trru: Lv11.—PENS1ONS. T I T L E L V I I . PENSIONS. Sec. BW- 4692. Who may have pensions. 4737. Pensions to be at what rate, ntc. 4693. Classes enumerated. 4738. Pensions to surviving widows of oth- 4694. Pension for wounds received or dis- cers, &c., of war 0 1812. eases contracted only in line of 4739. Proof required; names may be duty, &c. stricken from pension-rolls. 4695. Rates of pension for total disability. 4740. Loss of certificate of discharge, dsc. 4696. Pension accordingto rank. 4741. Pension to officers and seamen of 4697. Pensions for permanent specific dis- revenue-cutters. ability prior to June 4, 1872. 4742. Certain claims_ for revolutionary 4698. After June 4, 1872. Wpensions prohibited. 4698}. Increase of nsions. 4743. at evidence sufficient to entitle 4699. Pension for deisability not otherwise widow of revolutionary soldier to provided for. get pension. 4700. Absentees. 4744. Special service in investigating sus- 4701. Period of service, how construed. pected attempts at frsu . 4702. Pensions to widows, or to children 4745. Any (pledge or transfer of pension under sixteen years, &c. voi . 4703. Increased pension to widows, &c. 4746. Penalty for false affidavit and post- 4704. What children deemed legitimate. dating vouchers. 4705. Widows of colored and Indian sol- 4747. Pen ions not liable to attachment. diers, &c. I 4748. Commissioner to furnish printed in- 4706. Abandonment, &c., by widow. structions free of charge. 4707. Succession of dependent relatives. 4749. Certain soldiers and sailors not to 4708. Remarriage. be deemed deserters from Army or 4709. Commencement of pensions after Navy, &c. March 4, 1861. 4750. Secretary of Navy trustee of Navy 4710. When pension deemed to have ac- pension-fund. crued. I 4751. Penalties, how to be sued for, &c. 4711. Arrears of pension. 4752. Prize-money accruin to United 4712. Provisions of pension·laws extended. l States to remain a fund for pen- 4713. Commencement of pensions for prior sions. wars. , 4758. Naval pension-fund, how to be in- 4714. Declaration of claimants. vested. 4715. Only one pension ata time. I 4754. Rate of interest on naval pension- 4716. Loyalty. · fund. 4717. Claims to be prosecuted within what 4755. Naval pensions payable from fund. time. 4756. Half·rating to disabled enlistecigier- 4718. Accrued pensions. sons servin twenty years in avy 4719. Unclaimed pensions. g or Marine 4720. Pensions under special acts of Con- I 4757. Serving not lem than ten years, may giress. , receive what aid. 4721. In ian claims. 4758. Secretary of Navy trustee of priva- 4722. Provisions extended to Missouri . teer pension-fund. State militia. { 4759. Privateer nsion-fund,howderived. 4723. Colored soldiers enrolled as slaves. — 4760. To be 'dtinto Treasury, etc. 4724. Both pension and pay not allowed, 4761. Wound)e·d, &c., privateersmen to be unless, &c. placed on pension-list. 4725. Half-pay to widows under laws prior 4762. Commanding omeers of privateers to to une 3, 1858. enter names, dsc., in a joumal. 4726. To widow for life and to children 4768. Transcript of journals to be transunder sixteen, &c. mitted to Secretary of the Navy. 4727. Half-monthly pay nottoexceed that ~ 4764. Pension-agents to send quarterly of lieutenant-colonel. voucher to each pensioner. 4728. Navy pensions. 4765. Check to be drawn to order of each 4729. Naval pensions to widows and chil- pensioner. dren. 4766. Pensions to be paid only to persons 4730. Pensions to soldiers of Mexican war. entitled, &c. 4731. Widows and children of Mexican 4767. Blanks for vouchers; notice. war pensioners. i 4768. Certificate of pension; fee of attor- 4732. Widows and children of pensioners ney. of war of 1812, and Indian wars. 4769. Pension-agent to deduct attorney’s 4733. Continuance of pensions. fee. 4734. Pensions not to be withheld. _ 4770. Duplicatesforlostchecks,howissued. 4735. Time for which awidow shall not 4771. Biennial examinations, dmc. receive a pension. 4772. More frequent examinations. 4736. Pensions to certain soldiers of the 4773. Biennial examination by unspwsr of 1812. pointed civil surgeons.